Current Projects
The Forum convenes working groups to produce resources that are:
- related to education data standards, quality, collection, use, reporting, or management;
- useful to a large audience within the education data community (often staff in schools, school districts, and state education agencies);
- consistent with the Forum mission; and
- not currently available from other organizations.
Working groups are comprised of Forum members, representatives of collaborating organizations (when, for example, a topic overlaps with another organization's area of expertise), Federal staff, and other experts. To ensure that working group products meet the high quality standards of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) and the National Forum on Education Statistics, working groups are expected to share progress reports and review drafts throughout the development process so that Forum members have an opportunity to review, offer feedback and, ultimately, approve all Forum resources prior to publication. Upon final publication of a document, the working group is disbanded and assigned status as a "completed project."
Working Groups
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Education Working Group: The working group is developing a new resource that will help education agencies understand how AI works, recognize current and potential uses of AI in education, and consider key issues for its application. This new resource will provide a foundational introduction to AI in education, with the goal of helping education agency staff develop the capacity to use AI responsibly.
College and Career Readiness (CCR) Data Working Group: The working group is developing a new resource that will help education agencies effectively collect, integrate, report, and use CCR data. The new guide will reflect developments in CCR data systems, requirements, and uses, and provide real-world examples from districts and states that have implemented successful CCR data practices.
Educator Workforce Data Working Group: The working group is developing a new resource that will help education agencies identify the types of workforce data that are most useful for understanding immediate teacher shortages and monitoring educator supply and demand, as well as best practices for using these data. This new resource will describe how state and local education agencies (SEAs and LEAs) communicate about educator shortages, discuss lessons learned in addressing workforce data-related challenges, and provide case studies from districts and states that have implemented successful data practices.
School Courses for the Exchange of Data (SCED) Working Group: The working group is developing SCED Version 12, which will include new and updated courses based on recommendations from SCED users. The group also is updating SCED tools and resources, including the SCED Finder and the Master List.
Student Mobility Data Working Group: The working group is developing a new resource to provide best practices that will help SEAs and LEAs manage data related to students who frequently change schools, with a focus on ensuring that data are transferred in a timely manner to minimize student learning disruptions and enable the provision of supports.