Table 4. Total revenues, enrollment, and revenues per pupil, in public elementary and secondary schools: 1969–70 to 2007–08
[In 2008 constant dollars]
School year ending Total revenues (thousands) Fall enrollment (millions) Revenues per pupil
1970  217,628,908 45.6 4,773
1971  232,237,531 45.9 5,060
1972  250,789,165 46.1 5,440
1973  239,993,985 45.7 5,252
1974  241,391,962 45.4 5,317
1975  249,493,181 45.1 5,532
1976  260,477,473 44.8 5,814
1977  258,232,795 44.3 5,829
1978  255,267,831 43.6 5,855
1979  243,354,534 42.6 5,713
1980  240,119,898 41.7 5,758
1981  241,714,509 40.9 5,910
1982  241,039,866 40.0 6,026
1983  247,848,007 39.6 6,259
1984  255,884,147 39.3 6,511
1985  270,887,521 39.2 6,910
1986  287,843,842 39.4 7,306
1987  293,805,674 39.8 7,382
1988  300,390,751 40.0 7,510
1989  324,677,420 40.2 8,077
1990  334,350,112 40.5 8,256
1991  346,949,622 41.2 8,421
1992  353,373,957 42.0 8,414
1993  363,605,725 42.8 8,495
1994  371,364,806 43.5 8,537
1995  379,580,497 44.1 8,607
1996  388,714,228 44.8 8,677
1997  404,950,456 45.6 8,880
1998  425,278,953 46.1 9,225
1999  440,552,744 46.5 9,474
2000  457,308,353 46.9 9,751
2001  483,585,055 47.2 10,245
2002  494,580,547 47.7 10,369
2003  507,822,863 48.2 10,536
2004  517,469,317 48.5 10,669
2005  526,255,738 48.8 10,784
2006  547,581,817 49.1 11,152
2007 563,207,270 49.2 11,447
2008 584,728,896 49.2 11,885
NOTE: Public revenue is measured by total revenue received by school districts providing public elementary and secondary education.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, NIPA Tables, Table 1.1.5 GDP (Last revised May 2010); U.S. Department of Education, NCES, Common Core of Data (CCD), "National Public Education Financial Survey" (NPEFS), 2007–08.

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