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IPEDS ID: 159009
OPE ID: 00200600
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Grambling State University
403 Main Street, Grambling, Louisiana 71245
General information:  (318) 247-3811
Type:  4-year, Public
Awards offered:  Less than one year certificate
Bachelor's degree
Postbaccalaureate certificate
Master's degree
Post-master's certificate
Doctor's degree - research/scholarship
Campus setting:  Town: Distant
Campus housing:  Yes
Student population:  5,114 (4,279 undergraduate)
Student-to-faculty ratio:  25 to 1
Net Price
Athletic Graduation Graduation Rates.pdf
Mission Statement
  Mission Statement: Grambling State University is a comprehensive, historically-black, public institution that offers a broad spectrum of undergraduate and graduate programs of study. Through its undergraduate major courses of study, which are under girded by a traditional liberal arts program, and through its graduate school, which has a decidedly professional focus, the University embraces its founding principle of educational opportunity. With a commitment to the education of minorities in American society, the University seeks to reflect in all of its programs the diversity present in the world. The university advances the study and preservation of African American history, art and culture. Grambling State University is a community of learners who strive for excellence in their pursuit of knowledge and who seek to contribute to their respective major academic disciplines. The University prepares its graduates to compete and succeed in careers related to its programs of study, to contribute to the advancement of knowledge, and to lead productive lives as informed citizens in a democratic society. The University provides its students a living and learning environment which nurtures their development for leadership in academics, athletics, campus governance, and in their future pursuits. The University affords each student the opportunity to pursue any program of study provided that the student makes reasonable progress and demonstrates that progress in standard ways. Grambling fosters, in its students, a commitment to service and to the improvement in the quality of life for all persons. The University expects that all persons who matriculate and who are employed at Grambling will reflect through their study and work that the University is indeed a place where all persons are valued, “where everybody is somebody.
Special Learning Opportunities
Distance education – undergraduate programs offered
Distance education – graduate programs offered
ROTC (Army)
Teacher certification (below the postsecondary level)
Student Services
Academic/career counseling service
Employment services for students
Placement services for completers
Undergraduate students enrolled who are formally registered with office of disability services, Fall 2022
High school students enrolled in college courses for credit, 2022-2023
Carnegie Classification
Master's Colleges & Universities: Larger Programs
Religious Affiliation
Not applicable
Other Characteristics
Historically Black College or University
Federal Aid
Eligible students may receive Pell Grants and other federal aid (e.g. Direct Loans).
For-credit instruction programs offered
Noncredit education offered
Institution does not offer noncredit education
Credit Accepted
Advanced placement (AP) credits
Faculty and graduate assistants by primary function, Fall 2023Full timePart time
Total faculty15542
Research and public service00
Total graduate assistants-0
Estimated Expenses for Full-time Beginning Undergraduate Students
  • Beginning students are those who are entering postsecondary education for the first time.
Estimated expenses for academic year2020-20212021-20222022-20232023-2024% change 2022-2023 to 2023-2024
Tuition and fees
Books and supplies$1,800$1,800$1,800$1,8000.0%
Living arrangement
On Campus
Food and Housing$10,990$10,990$10,990$10,9900.0%
Other expenses$4,230$4,230$5,190$5,1900.0%
Off Campus
Food and Housing$9,656$9,656$9,932$9,9320.0%
Other expenses$5,130$5,130$5,190$5,1900.0%
Off Campus with Family
Other expenses$5,130$5,130$5,130$5,1300.0%
Total Expenses2020-20212021-20222022-20232023-2024% change 2022-2023 to 2023-2024
On Campus$24,655$24,703$25,663$25,6630.0%
Off Campus$24,221$24,269$24,605$24,6050.0%
Off Campus with Family$14,565$14,613$14,613$14,6130.0%
On Campus$24,655$24,703$25,663$25,6610.0%
Off Campus$24,221$24,269$24,605$24,6030.0%
Off Campus with Family$14,565$14,613$14,613$14,6110.0%
On Campus$33,678$33,726$34,686$34,6860.0%
Off Campus$33,244$33,292$33,628$33,6280.0%
Off Campus with Family$23,588$23,636$23,636$23,6360.0%
This calculator uses estimated student expenses data to estimate the total tuition and fees charged over the duration of a typical 4-year program at this school.
1. Select starting academic year
2. Select tuition inflation rate

% (0-100 allowed)
  • The output is only an estimate and not a guarantee of the actual amount the student may be charged; it is not binding on the Secretary, the institution of higher education, or the State; and it may change, subject to the availability of financial assistance, State appropriations, and other factors. The student must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to be eligible for, and receive, an actual financial aid award that includes federal grant, loan, or work-study assistance.
  • The estimated price does not include Food and Housing, books and supplies, etc. (where applicable) and is based on previous years' tuition and fees data. Tuition and fees may vary by program. Please contact this institution for detailed price information.
  • Estimated yearly tuition and fees may not sum to totals because of rounding.
Estimate the total tuition and fee costs over the duration of a typical program.
 Multiyear Tuition Calculator
Average graduate student tuition and fees for academic year2023-2024
In-state tuition$5,110
In-state fees$2,306
Out-of-state tuition$5,110
Out-of-state fees$11,329
Alternative Tuition Plans and Promise Program
Type of PlanOffered
Tuition guarantee plan
Prepaid tuition plan
Tuition payment planX
Other alternative tuition plan
  • Does not participate in Promise program
Undergraduate Student Financial Aid, 2022-2023
Full-time Beginning Undergraduate Students
  • Beginning students are those who are entering postsecondary education for the first time.
Type of AidNumber awarded aidPercent awarded aidTotal amount of aid awardedAverage amount of aid awarded
Any student financial aid177895%————
Grant or scholarship aid76393%$6,686,153$8,763
Federal grants73389%$5,571,091$7,600
Pell grants67683%$4,210,961$6,229
Other federal grants73389%$1,360,130$1,856
State/local government grant or scholarships26632%$394,756$1,484
Institutional grants or scholarships26632%$720,306$2,708
Student loan aid67582%$3,918,009$5,804
Federal student loans67582%$3,918,009$5,804
Other student loans00%$0
  • 1 Includes students awarded Federal work study aid and aid from other sources not listed above.
All Undergraduate Students
Type of AidNumber awarded aidPercent awarded aidTotal amount of aid awardedAverage amount of aid awarded
Grant or scholarship aid13,54484%$14,599,863$4,120
Pell grants3,04072%$8,935,308$2,939
Federal student loans3,24777%$18,450,244$5,682
  • 1 Grant or scholarship aid includes aid awarded, from the federal government, state or local government, the institution, and other sources known by the institution.
  • Institution did not report non-degree/non-certificate-seeking undergraduate students in 2022-2023.

  • For more information on Student Financial Assistance Programs or to apply for financial aid via the web, visit Federal Student Aid.
Average Net Price for Full-Time Beginning Students
Full-time beginning undergraduate students who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate and were awarded grant or scholarship aid from federal, state or local governments, or the institution.
Average net price$16,988$15,796$19,092
Full-time beginning undergraduate students who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate and were awarded Title IV aid by income.
Average net price by Income2020-20212021-20222022-2023
$0 – $30,000$16,094$12,501$16,447
$30,001 – $48,000$17,274$16,375$19,923
$48,001 – $75,000$20,312$21,427$23,591
$75,001 – $110,000$22,556$22,130$24,096
$110,001 and more$20,559$22,408$24,356
  • Average net price is generated by subtracting the average amount of federal, state/local government, or institutional grant or scholarship aid from the total cost of attendance. Total cost of attendance is the sum of published tuition and required fees (lower of in-district or in-state), books and supplies, and the weighted average for Food and Housing and other expenses.
  • Beginning students are those who are entering postsecondary education for the first time.
  • Title IV aid to students includes grant aid, work study aid, and loan aid. These include: Federal Pell Grants, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG), Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grants, Federal Work-Study, Subsidized Direct Loans, and Unsubsidized Direct Loans. For those Title IV recipients, net price is reported by income category and includes students awarded federal aid even if none of that aid was provided in the form of grants. While Title IV status defines the cohort of student for which the data are reported, the definition of net price remains the same – total cost of attendance minus grant aid.
Net Price Calculator
An institution’s net price calculator allows current and prospective students, families, and other consumers to estimate the net price of attending that institution for a particular student.
Visit this institution's net price calculator
Fall 2023
Total enrollment5,114
Undergraduate enrollment4,279
Undergraduate transfer-in enrollment158
Graduate enrollment835
Undergraduate Attendance StatusUndergraduate Student Gender
Undergraduate Attendance Status:
Full-time: 87%
Part-time: 13%Undergraduate Student Gender:
Male: 35%
Female: 65%
Undergraduate Race/ethnicity
Undergraduate Race/ethnicity:
American Indian or Alaska Native: 0%
Asian: 0%
Black or African American: 93%
Hispanic/Latino: 2%
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander: 0%
White: 1%
Two or more races: 3%
Race/ethnicity unknown: 0%
U.S. Nonresident: 2%
Undergraduate Student AgeUndergraduate Student Residence
Undergraduate Student Age:
24 and under: 88%
25 and over: 12%
Age unknown: 0%Undergraduate Student Residence:
In-state: 60%
Out-of-state: 39%
Foreign countries: 0%
Unknown: 1%
  • Residence data are reported for first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates, Fall 2022.
Undergraduate Distance Education Status
Undergraduate Enrollment by Distance Education Status:
Enrolled exclusively in distance education courses: 17%
Enrolled in some, but not all, distance education courses: 74%
Not enrolled in any distance education courses: 9%
Graduate Attendance Status
Graduate Attendance Status:
Full-time: 26%
Part-time: 74%
Graduate Distance Education Status
Graduate Enrollment by Distance Education Status:
Enrolled exclusively in distance education courses: 80%
Enrolled in some, but not all, distance education courses: 15%
Not enrolled in any distance education courses: 5%
Undergraduate application fee (2023-2024): $20
Undergraduate Admissions Fall 2023
Number of applicants24,5218,60715,914
Percent admitted24%20%26%
Percent admitted who enrolled16%19%15%
Admissions ConsiderationsRequired to be consideredNot required, but consideredNot considered
Secondary school GPAX
Secondary school rankX
Secondary school recordX
Completion of college-preparatory programX
Formal demonstration of competenciesX
Work experienceX
Personal statement or essayX
Legacy statusNot applicableX
Admission test scoresRequired to be consideredNot required, but considered (Test Optional)Not considered (Test Blind)
Other Test (Wonderlic,WISC-III,etc)X
English Proficiency TestX
Test Scores: Fall 2023 (enrolled first-time students)
Students submitting scoresNumberPercent
Test Scores25th Percentile*50th Percentile** (median)75th Percentile***
*   25% of students scored at or below
**  50% of students scored above and 50% scored below (i.e., midpoint of the test score distribution)
*** 25% of students scored above
SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing450500590
SAT Math410470560
ACT Composite151719
ACT English141619
ACT Math151617
  • Data apply to first-time degree/certificate-seeking students.
  • Institutions are asked to report test scores only if they are required for admission. If an institution reports less than 5 students for any of the test scores, percentiles are not reported.
First-to-Second Year Retention Rates

Retention rates measure the percentage of first-time students who are seeking bachelor's degrees who return to the institution to continue their studies the following fall.

Retention Rates for First-Time Students Pursuing Bachelor's Degrees
Student retention:
Full-time students: 76%
Part-time students: 67%
Percentage of Students Who Began Their Studies in Fall 2022 and Returned in Fall 2023
Overall Graduation Rate and Transfer-Out Rate

The overall graduation rate is also known as the "Student Right to Know" or IPEDS graduation rate. It tracks the progress of students who began their studies as full-time, first-time degree- or certificate-seeking students to see if they complete a degree or other award such as a certificate within 150% of "normal time" for completing the program in which they are enrolled.

Some institutions also report a transfer-out rate, which is the percentage of the full-time, first-time students who transferred to another institution without completing at the current institution.

Note that not all students at the institution are tracked for these rates. Students who have already attended another postsecondary institution, or who began their studies on a part-time basis, are not tracked for this rate. At this institution, 75 percent of entering students were counted as "full-time, first-time" in 2023.

Overall Graduation and Transfer-Out Rates for Students Who Began Their Studies in Fall 2017
Overall graduation rate:
Overall graduation rate: 32%
(*) Transfer-out rate:
Percentage of Full-time, First-Time Students Who Graduated or Transferred Out Within 150% of "Normal Time" to Completion for Their Program
  • (*) Not all institutions report transfer-out rates.
Bachelor's Degree Graduation Rates

Bachelor’s degree graduation rates measure the percentage of entering students beginning their studies full-time and are planning to get a bachelor’s degree and who complete their degree program within a specified amount of time.

Graduation Rates for Students Pursuing Bachelor's Degrees
Bachelor's degree rate:
[Began in Fall 2015]
4-year: 12%
6-year: 29%
8-year: 32%
[Began in Fall 2017]
4-year: 9%
6-year: 32%
Percentage of Full-time, First-time Students Who Graduated in the Specified Amount of Time and Began in Fall 2015 or Fall 2017
6-Year Graduation Rate by Gender for Students Pursuing Bachelor's Degrees
6-Year Graduation Rate by Gender for Students Pursuing Bachelor's Degrees:
Male: 24%
Female: 39%
Percentage of Full-time, First-time Students Who Began Their Studies in Fall 2017 and Received a Degree or Award Within 150% of "Normal Time" to Completion for Their Program
6-Year Graduation Rate by Race/Ethnicity for Students Pursuing Bachelor's Degrees
6-Year Graduation Rate by Race/Ethnicity for Students Pursuing Bachelor's Degrees:
American Indian or Alaska Native: 0%
Asian: 0%
Black or African American: 32%
Hispanic/Latino: 45%
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander: 0%
White: 27%
Two or more races: 46%
Race/ethnicity unknown: 33%
U.S. Nonresident: 40%
Percentage of Full-time, First-time Students Who Began Their Studies in Fall 2017 and Received a Degree or Award Within 150% of "Normal Time" to Completion for Their Program
  • Alternative measures of student success are reported by degree-granting institutions to describe the outcomes of degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students who are not only first-time, full-time students, but also part-time attending and non-first-time (transfer-in) students. These measures are also reported for students receiving Pell grants and those students that do not receive Pell grants. These measures provide the 8-year award-completion rates by award level (certificates, associate's and bachelor degrees) after entering an institution. For students who did not earn any undergraduate award after 8-years of entry, the enrollment statuses are reported as either still enrolled at the institution, or subsequently transferred out of the institution. Unlike the Graduation Rates data, all reporting institutions must report on their transfer outs regardless if the institution has a mission that provides substantial transfer preparation.
Award and enrollment rate:
[All students]
Received a Bachelor's degree: 32%
Enrolled at same institution: 2%
Enrolled at different institution: 27%
Received a Bachelor's degree: 29%
Enrolled at same institution: 3%
Enrolled at different institution: 27%
Received a Bachelor's degree: 48%
Enrolled at same institution: 0%
Enrolled at different institution: 25%
Award and enrollment rate:
[All students]
Received a Bachelor's degree: 12%
Enrolled at same institution: 0%
Enrolled at different institution: 21%
Received a Bachelor's degree: 14%
Enrolled at same institution: 0%
Enrolled at different institution: 18%
Received a Bachelor's degree: 0%
Enrolled at same institution: 0%
Enrolled at different institution: 40%
Award and enrollment rate:
[All students]
Received a Bachelor's degree: 42%
Enrolled at same institution: 1%
Enrolled at different institution: 15%
Received a Bachelor's degree: 40%
Enrolled at same institution: 2%
Enrolled at different institution: 17%
Received a Bachelor's degree: 50%
Enrolled at same institution: 1%
Enrolled at different institution: 11%
Award and enrollment rate:
[All students]
Received a Bachelor's degree: 21%
Enrolled at same institution: 3%
Enrolled at different institution: 15%
Received a Bachelor's degree: 24%
Enrolled at same institution: 4%
Enrolled at different institution: 22%
Received a Bachelor's degree: 19%
Enrolled at same institution: 2%
Enrolled at different institution: 9%
Completions (Number of awards conferred) 2022-2023
Completions are the number of awards conferred by program and award level.
sort byProgramUndergraduate
  • Data shown are for first majors.
  • (-) Program is not offered at this award level.
  • d identifies programs and award levels that are offered as a distance education program. For program category totals, d is shown if one or more programs in the category are offered as a distance education program.
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Biology/Biological Sciences, General--78--
Category total--78--
Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services
Business Administration and Management, General--47--
Business/Managerial Economics--0--
Marketing/Marketing Management, General--27--
Category total--109--
Communication, Journalism, and Related Programs
Mass Communication/Media Studies--404-
Category total--404-
Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services
Cloud Computing--0--
Computer and Information Systems Security/Auditing/Information Assurance--9--
Computer Science--10--
Information Science/Studies--33--
Category total--52--
Curriculum and Instruction---0-
Education, Other-0d-4d2d
Educational Leadership and Administration, General---1-
Elementary Education and Teaching--104d-
Physical Education Teaching and Coaching--30d--
Secondary Education and Teaching--10-
Special Education and Teaching, General--00-
Category total-0d41d9d2d
Engineering/Engineering-related Technologies/Technicians
Drafting and Design Technology/Technician, General--0--
Electrical, Electronic, and Communications Engineering Technology/Technician--1--
Engineering Technologies/Technicians, General--24--
Category total--25--
English Language and Literature/Letters
English Language and Literature, General--8--
Category total--8--
Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences
Human Development, Family Studies, and Related Services, Other--25--
Category total--25--
Health Professions and Related Programs
Family Practice Nurse/Nursing-1-0-
Nursing Education---0-
Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse--115-
Category total-1115-
History, General--14d--
Category total--14d--
Homeland Security, Law Enforcement, Firefighting and Related Protective Services
Criminal Justice/Safety Studies--10917d-
Category total--10917d-
Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities
General Studies--33d--
Category total--33d--
Mathematics and Statistics
Mathematics, Other--2--
Category total--2--
Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies
Data Analytics, General0----
Category total0----
Parks, Recreation, Leisure, Fitness, and Kinesiology
Parks, Recreation, and Leisure Studies--23--
Sport and Fitness Administration/Management---42-
Category total--2342-
Physical Sciences
Chemistry, General--4--
Category total--4--
Psychology, General--27--
Category total--27--
Public Administration and Social Service Professions
Public Administration---13-
Social Work--3315d-
Social Work, Other-12---
Category total-123328d-
Social Sciences
Political Science and Government, General--0--
Social Sciences, General---9-
Sociology, General--12--
Category total--1290
Visual and Performing Arts
Music, General--5--
Visual and Performing Arts, Other--8--
Category total--13--
Grand total0136591142
Services and Programs for Servicemembers and Veterans
Credit for military training
Dedicated point of contact for support services for veterans, military servicemembers, and their families
Member of Department of Defense Voluntary Educational Partnership Memorandum of Understanding
Educational Benefits, 2022-2023
Number of students receiving benefits/assistance
Number of students receiving benefits/assistance:
Post-9/11 GI Bill Benefits - undergraduates: 54
Post-9/11 GI Bill Benefits - graduates: 11
DoD Tuition Assistance Program - undergraduates: 10
DoD Tuition Assistance Program - graduates: 4
Average amount of benefits/assistance disbursed through the institution (*)
Average amount of benefits/assistance disbursed through the institution:
Post-9/11 GI Bill Benefits - undergraduates: $2,443
Post-9/11 GI Bill Benefits - graduates: $1,652
DoD Tuition Assistance Program - undergraduates: $3,875
  • (*) One or more average amounts of benefits/assistance are withheld to preserve the privacy of individuals.
Full-time students: 100%
Retention rate is the percentage of undergraduate students who began their studies in academic year 2013-14 and returned in academic year 2014-15
Athletics Participation
  • Sanction Body: NCAA Division I-FCS
Varsity Men's and Women's TeamsMenWomen
All Track Combined6257
Institutional Accreditation
AccreditorStatusNext Review Date
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on CollegesAccredited since (01/01/1949)12/06/2030
Programmatic Accreditation
Accreditor / ProgramStatusNext Review Date
Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing, Inc. – May 6, 2013 Formerly: National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission
Nursing (MNUR) - Master's programAccredited since (03/01/2000)06/30/2030
Nursing (NUR) - Baccalaureate programAccredited (10/01/1991 - 12/31/2015)
Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education
Nursing (CNURED) - Nursing education programs at the baccalaureate degree levelsAccredited since (01/25/2021)12/31/2026
 No Longer Recognized  National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education
Teacher Education (TED) - Baccalaureate and graduate programs for the preparation of teachers and other professional personnel for elementary and secondary schoolsAccredited since (01/01/1969)12/31/2016
  • For more detailed information on accreditation for this institution, including all actions and justification for actions, visit OPE's Database of Accredited Postsecondary Institutions and Programs:
Criminal Offenses201920202021
a. Murder/Non-negligent manslaughter002
b. Negligent manslaughter000
c. Rape023
d. Fondling005
e. Incest000
f. Statutory Rape000
g. Robbery100
h. Aggravated assault341
i. Burglary33512
j. Motor vehicle theft000
k. Arson000
VAWA Offenses201920202021
a. Domestic violence200
b. Dating violence1410
c. Stalking241
a. Weapons: carrying, possessing, etc.111024
b. Drug abuse violations8610
c. Liquor law violations000
Disciplinary Actions201920202021
a. Weapons: carrying, possessing, etc.2212
b. Drug abuse violations8415
c. Liquor law violations110
On-Campus Student Housing Facilities
  • On-campus Student Housing Facilities statistics are a subset of On-Campus statistics.
Criminal Offenses201920202021
a. Murder/Non-negligent manslaughter000
b. Negligent manslaughter000
c. Rape013
d. Fondling004
e. Incest000
f. Statutory Rape000
g. Robbery000
h. Aggravated assault041
i. Burglary3347
j. Motor vehicle theft000
k. Arson000
VAWA Offenses201920202021
a. Domestic violence200
b. Dating violence118
c. Stalking231
a. Weapons: carrying, possessing, etc.11217
b. Drug abuse violations8510
c. Liquor law violations000
Disciplinary Actions201920202021
a. Weapons: carrying, possessing, etc.228
b. Drug abuse violations8114
c. Liquor law violations010
  • There were more student activities once campus housing resume after COVID
  • The crime data reported by the institutions have not been subjected to independent verification by the U.S. Department of Education. Therefore, the Department cannot vouch for the accuracy of the data reported here.
  • The crime statistics displayed only includes On-Campus data associated with the main campus as listed on College Navigator. For statistics associated with each campus location, off campus data, and for additional information covering Hate Crimes, and Fire statistics see
  • The On-Campus data do not include incidents that: (a) took place on public property, including thoroughfares, streets, sidewalks, and parking facilities, that is within the campus, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus; (b) took place on any building or property owned or controlled by a student organization that is officially recognized by the institution; or (c) took place on any building or property owned or controlled by an institution that is used in direct support of, or in relation to, the institution's educational purposes, is frequently used by students, and is not within the same reasonably contiguous geographic area of the institution.
Three-year Official Cohort Default Rates
Fiscal Year202120202019
Default rate0.0%0.0%7.3%
Number in default00129
Number in repayment1,7121,6671,764
Aid Programs
  • Federal Direct Loan (Direct Loan)