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Table 8. Title I allocations and Title I expenditures per pupil for public elementary and secondary education, by state or jurisdiction: FY 2021
Current expenditures3 [in thousands of dollars] |
State or jurisdiction | Title I grants for the disadvantaged, FY 201 [in thousands of dollars] |
School year 2020–21 student membership2 |
Total | Title I expenditures6 |
Title I carryover expenditures7 |
Current expenditures per pupil4 |
Title I expenditures per pupil5 |
United States8 | $16,144,967 | 49,211,213 | $703,472,4779, 10 | $13,721,745 | $2,564,780 | $14,2959 | $331 | ||||||
Alabama | 269,357 | 734,559 | 7,880,052 | 231,246 | 33,210 | 10,728 | 360 | ||||||
Alaska | 67,989 | 129,872 | 2,537,694 | 78,484 | 0 | 19,540 | 604 | ||||||
Arizona | 357,288 | 1,098,017 | 10,508,680 | 261,651 | 0 | 9,571 | 238 | ||||||
Arkansas | 172,382 | 486,305 | 5,465,366 | 157,324 | 0 | 11,239 | 324 | ||||||
California | 2,113,451 | 6,002,392 | 88,216,7839 | 1,402,927 | 533,493 | 14,6979 | 323 | ||||||
Colorado | 161,309 | 883,199 | 10,803,824 | 158,858 | 961 | 12,233 | 181 | ||||||
Connecticut | 145,401 | 509,058 | 11,309,002 | 93,001 | 33,453 | 22,216 | 248 | ||||||
Delaware | 55,300 | 138,092 | 2,290,819 | 29,568 | 20,725 | 16,589 | 364 | ||||||
District of Columbia | 50,549 | 89,883 | 2,257,263 | 41,025 | 2,349 | 25,113 | 483 | ||||||
Florida | 943,482 | 2,791,707 | 30,214,859 | 850,974 | 15,195 | 10,823 | 310 | ||||||
Georgia | 568,371 | 1,730,015 | 20,946,669 | 460,209 | 86,001 | 12,108 | 316 | ||||||
Hawaii | 56,766 | 176,441 | 2,920,092 | 18,123 | 38,180 | 16,550 | 319 | ||||||
Idaho | 64,631 | 307,581 | 2,784,793 | 58,793 | 0 | 9,054 | 191 | ||||||
Illinois | 670,745 | 1,881,437 | 34,857,171 | 434,832 | 188,755 | 18,527 | 331 | ||||||
Indiana | 266,798 | 1,033,964 | 11,798,848 | 242,633 | 0 | 11,411 | 235 | ||||||
Iowa | 105,420 | 506,656 | 6,441,809 | 89,185 | 9,627 | 12,714 | 195 | ||||||
Kansas | 115,996 | 481,750 | 6,160,469 | 89,197 | 7,923 | 12,788 | 202 | ||||||
Kentucky | 281,490 | 658,809 | 7,916,275 | 191,975 | 56,540 | 12,016 | 377 | ||||||
Louisiana | 348,593 | 693,150 | 9,137,829 | 162,940 | 105,463 | 13,183 | 387 | ||||||
Maine | 56,117 | 172,455 | 3,170,667 | 26,583 | 22,237 | 18,385 | 283 | ||||||
Maryland | 255,752 | 882,527 | 14,890,629 | 193,342 | 53,297 | 16,873 | 279 | ||||||
Massachusetts | 244,876 | 921,712 | 19,843,547 | 179,235 | 47,633 | 21,529 | 246 | ||||||
Michigan | 500,042 | 1,434,137 | 19,146,700 | 437,256 | 0 | 13,351 | 305 | ||||||
Minnesota | 177,023 | 872,083 | 12,394,806 | 164,147 | 0 | 14,213 | 188 | ||||||
Mississippi | 216,693 | 442,627 | 4,452,945 | 223,875 | 0 | 10,060 | 506 | ||||||
Missouri | 262,474 | 882,477 | 10,588,953 | 259,842 | 39,535 | 11,999 | 339 | ||||||
Montana | 52,564 | 146,252 | 1,939,578 | 68,209 | 4,203 | 13,262 | 495 | ||||||
Nebraska | 81,825 | 324,697 | 4,455,663 | 82,125 | 0 | 13,723 | 253 | ||||||
Nevada | 140,158 | 482,348 | 4,858,509 | 126,684 | 13,751 | 10,073 | 291 | ||||||
New Hampshire | 46,629 | 164,491 | 3,190,438 | 40,134 | 0 | 19,396 | 244 | ||||||
New Jersey | 372,641 | 1,373,960 | 31,304,354 | 368,678 | 0 | 22,784 | 268 | ||||||
New Mexico | 132,134 | 316,840 | 3,774,331 | 141,143 | 0 | 11,912 | 445 | ||||||
New York | 1,207,361 | 2,545,847 | 66,439,455 | 1,842,007 | 383,530 | 26,097 | 874 | ||||||
North Carolina | 483,118 | 1,513,677 | 15,921,684 | 456,797 | 0 | 10,519 | 302 | ||||||
North Dakota | 41,116 | 114,955 | 1,740,353 | 44,460 | 0 | 15,139 | 387 | ||||||
Ohio | 596,307 | 1,645,412 | 23,675,934 | 556,056 | 15,888 | 14,389 | 348 | ||||||
Oklahoma | 201,198 | 694,113 | 6,999,259 | 205,427 | 40,704 | 10,084 | 355 | ||||||
Oregon | 178,581 | 560,917 | 7,751,946 | 153,219 | 9,588 | 13,820 | 290 | ||||||
Pennsylvania | 674,282 | 1,704,396 | 30,375,252 | 575,162 | 46,191 | 17,822 | 365 | ||||||
Rhode Island | 55,466 | 139,184 | 2,617,982 | 50,654 | 7,647 | 18,810 | 419 | ||||||
South Carolina | 279,106 | 766,819 | 9,308,454 | 261,172 | 0 | 12,139 | 341 | ||||||
South Dakota | 51,377 | 139,566 | 1,548,522 | 32,578 | 22,030 | 11,095 | 391 | ||||||
Tennessee | 330,397 | 985,207 | 10,414,835 | 221,232 | 66,964 | 10,571 | 293 | ||||||
Texas | 1,654,461 | 5,372,806 | 59,364,375 | 1,206,554 | 430,415 | 11,049 | 305 | ||||||
Utah | 83,961 | 680,659 | 6,135,506 | 48,240 | 35,271 | 9,014 | 123 | ||||||
Vermont | 38,374 | 82,401 | 1,981,766 | 19,381 | 5,220 | 24,050 | 299 | ||||||
Virginia | 278,955 | 1,251,639 | 17,342,413 | 252,394 | 0 | 13,856 | 202 | ||||||
Washington | 286,485 | 1,087,354 | 16,978,93610 | 138,029 | 117,434 | 15,615 | 235 | ||||||
West Virginia | 102,365 | 253,930 | 3,372,050 | 74,610 | 23,692 | 13,279 | 387 | ||||||
Wisconsin | 206,683 | 830,066 | 11,361,441 | 193,023 | 34,979 | 13,687 | 275 | ||||||
Wyoming | 41,130 | 92,772 | 1,682,896 | 26,552 | 12,696 | 18,140 | 423 | ||||||
Other jurisdictions | |||||||||||||
American Samoa | 20,008 | 10,246 | 77,342 | 20,008 | 0 | 7,548 | 1,953 | ||||||
Guam | 21,679 | 27,497 | 348,421 | 0 | 0 | 12,671 | 0 | ||||||
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands |
12,094 | — | 93,376 | 0 | 0 | — | — | ||||||
Puerto Rico | 391,656 | 276,413 | 2,103,412 | 242,144 | 42,063 | 7,610 | 1,028 | ||||||
U.S. Virgin Islands | 10,438 | 10,993 | 180,024 | 0 | 0 | 16,376 | 0 | ||||||
— Not available. Data are missing for the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands because the jurisdiction did not report student membership. | |||||||||||||
1 FY 20 U.S. Department of Education funds are available for spending by school districts beginning with the 2020–21 school year. Title I grants for the disadvantaged include allocations for Grants to Local Education Agencies (Basic, Concentration, Targeted, and Education Finance Incentive Grants); Migrant Education Grants; and Neglected and Delinquent Children Grants. | |||||||||||||
2 The student membership variable is derived from the State Nonfiscal Public Elementary/Secondary Education Survey. In FY 21, Arizona, New York, and Oregon indicated that the state fiscal data reported in the National Public Education Financial Survey (NPEFS) did not include finance data for prekindergarten programs. In these states, the NPEFS total student membership variable excludes prekindergarten membership. Illinois and New Hampshire indicated that the state fiscal data reported in NPEFS did not include independent charter school districts, and students in those independent charter school districts are excluded from the NPEFS total student membership. California did not report prekindergarten membership in the State Nonfiscal Public Elementary/Secondary Education Survey. In FY 21, the prekindergarten membership reported in the State Nonfiscal Public Elementary/Secondary Education Survey public release file was imputed based on the number of preschool students with disabilities, as reported for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Prekindergarten membership is likely much higher; therefore, the NPEFS total student membership variable excludes all prekindergarten membership counts reported in the State Nonfiscal Public Elementary/Secondary Education Survey for California in FY 21. | |||||||||||||
3 Current expenditures include instruction, instruction-related, support services, and other elementary/secondary current expenditures, but exclude expenditures on capital outlay, other programs, and interest on long-term debt. | |||||||||||||
4 Current expenditures per pupil are calculated by dividing current expenditures by membership. | |||||||||||||
5 Title I expenditures per pupil are calculated as current and carryover expenditures divided by total membership, which includes both Title I eligible students and noneligible students. Title I expenditures per pupil are included in current expenditures per pupil. | |||||||||||||
6 Title I expenditures are expenditures from the original Title I grant under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. | |||||||||||||
7 Title I carryover expenditures are expenditures made against the original Title I grant of the prior fiscal year. | |||||||||||||
8 United States totals include the 50 states and the District of Columbia. | |||||||||||||
9 California did not report prekindergarten membership in the State Nonfiscal Public Elementary/Secondary Education Survey. California reported prekindergarten expenditures separately, and these expenditures were excluded from the amounts reported in this table. This table does include expenditures for special education preschool programs along with K–12 expenditures in California. | |||||||||||||
10 Value affected by redistribution of reported values to correct for missing data items and/or to distribute state direct support expenditures. | |||||||||||||
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data (CCD), "National Public Education Financial Survey (NPEFS)," FY 21, Provisional Version 1a; "State Nonfiscal Public Elementary/Secondary Education Survey," school year 2020–21, Provisional Version 1a; and Digest of Education Statistics 2021, table 401.60. Retrieved March 9, 2023, from |
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