Directory Information (2023-2024 school year)
School Name: Ellsworth Elementary-middle School
NCES School ID: 230550023117
State School ID: ME-1663-1463
District Name: Ellsworth Public Schools
NCES District ID: 2305500
State District ID: ME-1663
Mailing Address:20 Forrest AvenueEllsworth ME, 04605
Phone: (207)667-6241
Type: Regular school
Status: Open
Charter: No
Supervisory Union #: N/A
Grade Span: KG - 8
School Details (2023-2024 school year)
County: Hancock County
Locale: Rural, Distant (42)
Total Students: 744
Classroom Teachers (FTE): 68.10
Student/Teacher Ratio: 10.93
Note: Starting SY 2022-23, Magnet and Title I status data are no longer included in the CCD release. For Magnet status, refer to the Civil Rights Data Collection; for ESSA Title I status, refer to ED Data Express.
Enrollment Characteristics (2023-2024 school year)
Enrollment by Grade:
  KG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
 Students  57 81 72 81 86 97 88 88 94
Enrollment by Gender:
  Male Female
 Students  400 344
Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity:
  American Indian/
Alaska Native
Asian Black Hispanic White Native Hawaiian/
Pacific Islander
Two or More Races
 Students  9 14 17 32 636 1 35
Free lunch eligible1: 265 Reduced-price lunch eligible1: 67
Free and reduced-price lunch eligible total1: 332 Free lunch eligible by Direct Certification2: 176
Note: Details may not add to totals.
Note: The inclusion or exclusion of a school in this locator does NOT constitute an endorsement of the school and should NOT be used in any way to infer the accreditation status of the school.
Source: CCD Public school data 2023-2024 school year
  • The unduplicated number of students who are eligible to participate in the Free Lunch and Reduced-Price Lunch Programs under the National School Lunch Act of 1946.
  • The unduplicated number of students who are eligible for the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) through direct certification (e.g., children that are in households that receive Supplemental Nutrition Assistance (SNAP) or other assistance). Please see this blog post for more information regarding free or reduced-price lunch and direct certification eligibility counts in CCD.
  • [ † ] indicates that the data are not applicable.
  • [ – ] indicates that the data are missing.
  • [ ‡ ] indicates that the data do not meet NCES data quality standards.