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About Public School Name and Address File
This file contains the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and enrollment (membership) of the public schools in the 50 states, District of Columbia, five outlying areas, the Department of Defense and Bureau of Indian Affairs schools for the 2009-10 school year. Also included for each record are various codes to help subset the file for targeting mailouts. These codes comprise school type, lowest and highest grades taught, school locale, and a derived variable for grades taught (primary, middle, and high schools), and school status.
The CSV files have been grouped by state and split into three smaller files to facilitate their use in older versions of Excel:
- sc091aai.csv – schools for Alabama through Iowa
- sc091akn.csv – school for Kansas through North Dakaota
- sc091aow.csv – school for Ohio through Virgin Islands
If you need additional information about the data records or definitions, contact Patrick.Keaton.
The text files are comma delimited. They can be opened in MS Excel or imported into most other applications. The file layout and variables are described below.
Position | Variable | Position | Variable |
1 | NCES School ID | 2 | School name |
3 | Street address | 4 | City |
5 | State | 6 | Zip code |
7 | Zip4 | 8 | Enrollment |
9 | Phone Number | 10 | Locale code |
11 | School type | 12 | School level |
13 | Lowest grade taught | 14 | Highest grade taught |
15 | Status |
Code and Variable Definitions
Missing and Not Applicable Data
Missing values (where a value was expected, but none was measured) are represented as an "M" in alphanumeric fields and a "-1" in numeric fields. Non-applicable values (where a value was neither expected nor measured) are represented as an "N" in alphanumeric fields and a "-2" in numeric fields.
NCES School ID
This field displays the 12 digit school identification number. This number can be used to link the school to the district on the school district address file. The first 7 digits of the 12 digit school ID are the district ID, the last five are the school ID, put together, they make a 12 digit unique code for each school.
This field displays the total number of students (membership). It represents the sum of ungraded and PK thru 12 students.
NCES urban-centric locale code and Definition
The locale code is a definition of how the school is situated in a particular location relative to populous areas, based on the school's location address. No Locale Codes have been assigned to Puerto Rico.
Starting in 2006-07, CCD data files contain a new locale code system that is based on the urbanity of the school location. In prior years, the locale was assigned based on a school's metro status.
The locale code translations are as follows:
Locale Code | Locale Type | Definition |
11 | City, Large | Territory inside an urbanized area and inside a principal city with population of 250,000 or more. |
12 | City, Mid-size | Territory inside an urbanized area and inside a principal city with a population less than 250,000 and greater than or equal to 100,000. |
13 | City, Small | Territory inside an urbanized area and inside a principal city with a population less than 100,000. |
21 | Suburb, Large | Territory outside a principal city and inside an urbanized area with population of 250,000 or more. |
22 | Suburb, Mid-size | Territory outside a principal city and inside an urbanized area with a population less than 250,000 and greater than or equal to 100,000. |
23 | Suburb, Small | Territory outside a principal city and inside an urbanized area with a population less than 100,000. |
31 | Town, Fringe | Territory inside an urban cluster that is less than or equal to 10 miles from an urbanized area. |
32 | Town, Distant | Territory inside an urban cluster that is more than 10 miles and less than or equal to 35 miles from an urbanized area. |
33 | Town, Remote | Territory inside an urban cluster that is more than 35 miles from an urbanized area. |
41 | Rural, Fringe | Census-defined rural territory that is less than or equal to 5 miles from an urbanized area, as well as rural territory that is less than or equal to 2.5 miles from an urban cluster. |
42 | Rural, Distant | Census-defined rural territory that is more than 5 miles but less than or equal to 25 miles from an urbanized area, as well as rural territory that is more than 2.5 miles but less than or equal to 10 miles from an urban cluster. |
School Type
School Code | School Type | Definition |
1 | Regular elementary and secondary schools | A public elementary/secondary school that does not focus primarily on vocational, special, or alternative education. |
2 | Special education schools | Public elementary/secondary school that focuses primarily on the following: hard of hearing, deaf, speech-impaired, health-impaired, orthopedically impaired, mentally retarded, seriously emotionally disturbed, multi-handicapped, visually handicapped, deaf and blind, and adapts curriculum, materials or instruction for students served. |
3 | Vocational/technical schools | Public elementary/secondary school that focuses primarily on vocational education, provides education in one or more semi-skilled technical operations. |
4 | Other (not elsewhere classified) schools | A public elementary/secondary school that addresses the needs of students which typically cannot be met in a regular school, provides nontraditional education, serves as an adjunct to a regular school, and falls outside of the categories of regular, special education, vocational education. |
5 | Reportable program | A program within a school that may be self-contained, but does not have its own principal, and is not a school according to the CCD definition of a school. |
School Level
School Level Code | School Level | Low Grade | High Grade |
1 | Primary | Prekindergarten through 03 | up to 08 |
2 | Middle | grade 04 through 07 | 04 through 09 |
3 | High | grade 07 through 12 | 12 only |
4 | Other | any other configuration not falling within the above three, including ungraded schools |
Lowest/Highest Grade Level
Use these fields to identify schools by the highest or lowest grade level taught in the school. The following codes are used:
- PK = PreKindergarten
- KG = Kindergarten
- 01-12 = First through 12th grade
- UG = Ungraded
- 00 = School had no students reported
UG and 00 each occurs only in isolation from other codes. When one of these does occur, it is both the lowest and highest grade.
Status | Status Code | Definition |
1 | Operational | School was operational at the time of the last report and is currently operational. |
2 | Closed | School has closed since the time of the last report. |
3 | New | School has been opened since the time of the last report. |
4 | Not previously reported | Reported school was operational at the time of the last report but was not on the CCD list at that time. |
5 | Changed agency | School was listed in previous year’s CCD school universe as being affiliated with a different education agency. |
6 | Temporarily closed | School is temporarily closed and may reopen within 3 years. |
7 | Future school | School is scheduled to be operational within 2 years. |
8 | Reopened | School was closed on previous year’s file but has reopened. |
CCD Address Files |