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District Directory Information (2023-2024 School Year)
District Name: Elevate District (Schools in this District)
NCES District ID: 0601503
State District ID: CA-0129395
Mailing Address:2285 Murray Ridge RD.San Diego CA, 92123 –3934
Phone: (858)751-4774
Type: Independent charter district
Status: Open
Total Schools: 1
Supervisory Union #: N/A
Grade Span: KG - 8
District Details (2022-2023 school year; Fiscal data from 2020-2021)
County: San Diego County
County ID: 06073
Locale: City: Large (11)
CSA/CBSA: 41740
Total Students: 461
Classroom Teachers (FTE): 21.90
Student/Teacher Ratio: 21.05
District Details (2022-2023 school year; Fiscal data from 2020-2021)
Elevate District district has a staff count of 50.56.
Average Staff Comparison Average Total Teacher(FTE): 
  District: 21.90
  State: 134.77
  National: 178.03
Teacher (FTE) Distribution
Total: 21.90
Prekindergarten: 0.00
Kindergarten: 2.00
Elementary: 19.90
Secondary: 0.00
Other Staff (FTE) Distribution
Total: 28.66
Instructional Aides: 10.27
Instruc. Coordinators & Supervisors: 1.13
Total Guidance Counselors: 2.00
Elementary Guidance Counselors: 2.00
Secondary Guidance Counselors: 0.00
School Psychologists: 0.40
Librarians/Media Specialists: 0.00
Library/Media Support: 0.00
District Administrators: 5.00
District Administrative Support: 0.00
School Administrators: 0.00
School Administrative Support: 8.69
Student Support Services (w/o Psychology): 0.00
Other Support Services: 1.17
District Details (2022-2023 school year; Fiscal data from 2020-2021)
  Amount Amount
per Student
Total Revenue: $4,335,000 $11,844
   Revenue by Source
      Federal: $721,000 $1,970 17%
      Local: $2,774,000 $7,579 64%
      State: $840,000 $2,295 19%
Total Expenditures: $4,322,000 $11,809
   Total Current Expenditures: $4,155,000 $11,352
      Instructional Expenditures: $2,395,000 $6,544 58%
      Student and Staff Support: $416,000 $1,137 10%
      Administration: $906,000 $2,475 22%
      Operations, Food Service, other: $438,000 $1,197 11%
   Total Capital Outlay: $167,000 $456
      Construction: $167,000 $456
   Total Non El-Sec Education & Other: $0 $0
   Interest on Debt: $0 $0
Note: Details do not add to totals due to rounding. Note: Fiscal data (including per pupil count used in this table) from 2020-2021.
Source: CCD public school district data for the 2022-2023, 2023-2024 school years
  • * denotes a column with data from 2023-2024
  • [ † ] indicates that the data are not applicable. For example, the enrollment and staff characteristics for districts that opened in the 2023-2024 school year will not be available until the full 2023-2024 file is released.
  • [ – ] indicates that the data are missing.
  • [ ‡ ] indicates that the data do not meet NCES data quality standards.
  • The directory information on district name, address, and phone number are preliminary data from initial submissions of district level data for 2023-2024.
  • Data provided on student membership and staffing are from the official district level data for 2022-2023.