Teacher Compensation Survey, LEA Level – Record layout and description of data elements File name = TCS_LEA_2005061a.txt, School year 2005–06 Number of variables = 15 Number of observations = 2,136 Release: 1a, May 2009 Name Order Type Description LEAID 1 Character NCES 7-digit local agency ID PCT_BACH 2 Numeric Percent of teachers with bachelor’s degree PCT_ADVC 3 Numeric Percent of teachers with master’s or doctor’s degree P_EX_1_5 4 Numeric Percent of teachers with 1–5 years of teaching experience P_EX6_10 5 Numeric Percent of teachers with 6–10 years of teaching experience P_EX1120 6 Numeric Percent of teachers with 11–20 years of teaching experience P_EX2130 7 Numeric Percent of teachers with 21–30 years of teaching experience P_EXGT30 8 Numeric Percent of teachers with more than 30 years of teaching experience M_EXP 9 Numeric Mean number of years of teaching experience MBSAL1_5 10 Numeric Mean base salary for teachers with 1–5 years of experience MBSAL610 11 Numeric Mean base salary for teachers with 6–10 years of experience MBSA1120 12 Numeric Mean base salary for teachers with 11–20 years of experience MBSA2130 13 Numeric Mean base salary for teachers with 21–30 years of experience MBSAGT30 14 Numeric Mean base salary for teachers with more than 30 years of experience M_BSAL 15 Numeric Mean base salary