Common Core of Data, Local Education Agency Locale Code File: School Year 2005-06 (version 1a) FILE NAME = al051a.dat (fixed-width data file) al051a.csv (comma-separated variable file) NVAR = 6 NOBS = 18,213 LRECL = 102 The file contains data for the school year 2005-06 sorted by the NCES assigned local education agency id (LEAID). NOTE: The start and end positions apply only to the fixed-width data file. The order of fields is the same in both file formats. To retain the leading zeros in the field LEAID when putting these files into MS Excel, use a custom cell format of 7 '0's ('0000000'). Variable Start End Field Data Name Pos. Pos. Length Type Description LEAID 001 007 7 AN ID assigned by NCES to each agency. The first two positions of this field are also the FIPS state code. NAME04 008 067 60 AN Name of Education Agency LCITY04 068 097 30 AN Location City Name LSTATE04 098 099 2 AN Location USPS State Abbreviation MLOCALE 100 100 1 AN Metro-centric locale code: 1 = Large City: A principal city of a Metropolitan Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA), with the city having a population greater than or equal to 250,000. 2 = Mid-Size City: A principal city of a Metropolitan CBSA, with the city having a population less than 250,000. 3 = Urban Fringe of a Large City: Any incorporated place, Census-designated place, or non-place territory within a Metropolitan CBSA of a Large City and defined as urban by the Census Bureau. 4 = Urban Fringe of a Mid-Size City: Any incorporated place, Census-designated place, or non-place territory within a CBSA of a Mid-Size City and defined as urban by the Census Bureau. 5 = Large Town: An incorporated place or Census-designated place with a population greater than or equal to 25,000 and located outside a Metropolitan CBSA or inside a Micropolitan CBSA. 6 = Small Town: An incorporated place or Census-designated place with a population less than 25,000 and greater than or equal to 2,500 and located outside a Metropolitan CBSA or inside a Micropolitan CBSA. 7 = Rural, outside CBSA: Any incorporated place, Census-designated place, or non-place territory not within a Metropolitan CBSA or within a Micropolitan CBSA and defined as rural by the Census Bureau. 8 = Rural, inside CBSA: Any incorporated place, Census-designated place, or non-place territory within a Metropolitan CBSA and defined as rural by the Census Bureau. ULOCALE 101 102 2 AN Urban-centric locale code: 11 = City: Large: Territory inside an urbanized area and inside a principal city with population of 250,000 or more. 12 = City: Midsize: Territory inside an urbanized area and inside a principal city with population less than 250,000 and greater than or equal to 100,000. 13 = City: Small: Territory inside an urbanized area and inside a principal city with population less than 100,000. 21 = Suburb: Large: Territory outside a principal city and inside an urbanized area with population of 250,000 or more. 22 = Suburb: Midsize: Territory outside a principal city and inside an urbanized area with population less than 250,000 and greater than or equal to 100,000. 23 = Suburb: Small: Territory outside a principal city and inside an urbanized area with population less than 100,000. 31 = Town: Fringe: Territory inside an urban cluster that is less than or equal to 10 miles from an urbanized area. 32 = Town: Distant: Territory inside an urban cluster that is more than 10 miles and less than or equal to 35 miles from an urbanized area. 33 = Town: Remote: Territory inside an urban cluster that is more than 35 miles of an urbanized area. 41 = Rural: Fringe: Census-defined rural territory that is less than or equal to 5 miles from an urbanized area, as well as rural territory that is less than or equal to 2.5 miles from an urban cluster. 42 = Rural: Distant: Census-defined rural territory that is more than 5 miles but less than or equal to 25 miles from an urbanized area, as well as rural territory that is more than 2.5 miles but less than or equal to 10 miles from an urban cluster. 43 = Rural: Remote: Census-defined rural territory that is more than 25 miles from an urbanized area and is also more than 10 miles from an urban cluster.