Common Core of Data, Public Elementary/Secondary School Directory File, 2014-15 FILE NAME = sc14prelim.txt, 2014-15 NVAR = 26 NOBS = 102,716 (*) Fields have one explicit decimal place, unless otherwise noted. (^) Fields have six explicit decimal places (+) Fields represent subfields of the fields immediately preceding them. The file contains data for the school year 2014–15 sorted by the NCES assigned school identification code (NCESSCH). Data presented in this release are available in two formats—SAS datasets (.sas7bdat) and tab-separated values text files (.txt). In the column "Data Type" below, “AN” and “N” indicate alphanumeric and numeric data, respectively. Note that starting with the 2002–03 CCD, all numeric fields contain a -1 to indicate missing and a -2 to indicate not applicable. Previously, numeric fields contained an “M” to indicate missing and an “N” to indicate not applicable. Character fields continue to use “M” for missing and “N” for not applicable. “AN” and “N” are alphanumeric and numeric data, respectively. Starting with the 2009-10 2a file, the numeric fields were tested against NCES data quality standards; a -9 value indicates that the data item did not meet those standards. =================================================================================================================================== Variable Data Name Order Type Description =================================================================================================================================== SURVYEAR 1 AN Year corresponding to survey record. NCESSCH 2 AN Unique NCES public school ID (7-digit NCES agency ID (LEAID) + 5-digit NCES school ID (SCHNO). FIPST 3+ AN American National Standards Institute (ANSI) state code. LEAID 4+ AN NCES local education agency (LEA) ID. NOTE: The state to which the LEA belongs is identified by the first two digits (FIPS code) of the LEAID. SCHNO 5+ AN NCES school ID. NOTE: SCHNO is a unique number within an LEA. By combining LEAID with SCHNO, each school can be uniquely identified within the total file (see NCESSCH above). STID 6 AN State's own ID for the education agency. SEASCH 7 AN State's own ID for the school. LEANM 8 AN Name of the education agency that operates this school. SCHNAM 9 AN Name of the school. PHONE 10 AN Telephone number of school. MSTREE 11 AN The mailing address of the school— may be a street address, a P.O. Box number, or, if verified that there is no address beyond CITY, STATE, and ZIP, the character “N.” MCITY 12 AN School mailing address city. MSTATE 13 AN Two-letter U.S. Postal Service abbreviation of the state where the mailing address is located (see FIPS state codes and abbreviations used in CCD dataset). MZIP 14 AN Five-digit U.S. Postal Service ZIP code for the mailing address. MZIP4 15 AN Four-digit (ZIP+4) code for the mailing address. If the mailing address has been assigned the additional four-digit +4 ZIP, this field contains that number; otherwise, this field is blank. LSTREE 16 AN School location street address. LCITY 17 AN School location city. LSTATE 18 AN Two-letter U.S. Postal Service abbreviation of the state where the school address is located (see FIPS state codes and abbreviations used in CCD dataset). LZIP 19 AN Five-digit U.S. Postal Service ZIP code for the location address. LZIP4 20 AN Four-digit (ZIP+4) code for the location address. If the mailing address has been assigned the additionalfour-digit +4 ZIP, this field contains that number; otherwise, this field is blank. TYPE 21 AN NCES code for type of school: 1 = Regular school 2 = Special education school 3 = Vocational school 4 = Alternative / Other school 5 = Reportable program STATUS 22 AN NCES code for the school status: 1 = School was operational at the time of the last report and is currently operational. 2 = School has closed since the time of the last report. 3 = School has been opened since the time of the last report. 4 = School was in existence, but not reported in a previous year’s CCD school universe survey, and is now being added. 5 = School was listed in previous year’s CCD school universe as being affiliated with a different education agency. 6 = School is temporarily closed and may reopen within 3 years. 7 = School is scheduled to be operational within 2 years. 8 = School was closed on a previous year’s file but has reopened. UNION 23 AN Supervisory Union Identification Number for the school’s agency: For supervisory union administrative centers and component agencies, this is a number assigned by the state to the union. Additionally, if the agency is a county superintendent, this is the ANSI county number. If no number was reported, the field will contain "000". CHARTR 24 AN Charter status. A school that provides free elementary and/or secondary education to eligible students under a specific charter granted by the state legislature or other appropriate authority. 1 = Yes 2 = No GSLO 25 AN School low grade offered. The following codes are used: UG = Ungraded PK = Prekindergarten KG = Kindergarten 01–12 = 1st through 12th grade N = School had no students reported UG and N each occur only in isolation from other codes. When one of these does occur, it is both the lowest (GSLO) and the highest (GSHI) grade. GSHI 26 AN School high grade offered. The following codes are used: UG = Ungraded PK = Prekindergarten KG = Kindergarten 01–12 = 1st through 12th grade N = School had no students reported UG and N each occur only in isolation from other codes. When one of these does occur, it is both the lowest (GSLO) and the highest (GSHI) grade.