National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance



Date Title
2024-02-12 Changes to the ERIC Selection Policy
2023-02-28 Taking a pause…
2020-05-31 Reducing the Burden to Grantees While Increasing the Public’s Access to IES Funded Research
2018-12-13 Increasing Access to Education Research
2017-10-05 Why Can’t You Just Use Google Instead of ERIC?
2017-03-23 How to Use the Improved ERIC Identifiers
2016-12-16 New Fields in ERIC
2016-08-25 How ERIC is Helping Students
2016-08-12 Gearing up for the Fall Semester? See How ERIC Can Help!
2016-06-01 VIDEO: See How ERIC Selects New Sources

RSSEvaluations (4)

Date Title
2016-11-03 Why We Still Can Learn from Evaluations that Find No Effects
2016-08-22 Why We Need Large-Scale Evaluations in Education
2016-04-18 Sustaining School Improvement
2016-04-12 How to Help Low-performing Schools Improve

RSSGeneral (5)

Date Title
2024-04-30 IES Resources for Supporting Student Engagement and Attendance
2023-07-17 Getting to Know ED: My Journey as a STEM Next Fellow at IES
2021-05-27 An open letter to Superintendents, as summer begins
2019-07-10 NCEE is hiring!
2016-02-10 Regional Educational Laboratories: Connecting Research to Practice


Date Title
2024-08-29 Evidence-Based Strategies for Improving Student Literacy and Teaching Mathematics in Grades PK-9
2024-07-08 Unlocking College and Career Success: How the RELs are Making a Difference in Access, Enrollment, and Completion
2023-11-09 Data-Driven Decision-Making in Education: How REL Work Makes a Difference
2023-08-29 The Regional Educational Lab Program: Making a Difference in Educator Recruitment and Retention
2023-07-17 The Regional Educational Lab Program: Making a Difference in Literacy and Math Outcomes
2023-04-12 Regional Educational Laboratories Develop New Tools for Educators Based on WWC Practice Guides
2023-02-23 How State Education Agencies Can Leverage Their Regional Educational Laboratory to Support Students’ Academic, Social, and Mental Health Needs
2022-03-01 How the 2017-2022 Cohort of RELs Supported the Use of Evidence in Education
2021-03-12 When “More Research is Needed” Is the Key Finding: Improving the Evidence Base for Nonacademic Interventions for Postsecondary Success in Rural and High-Poverty Contexts
2020-07-14 Introducing REL 2022
2020-05-01 New Remote Learning Resources from the REL Program-- Week of 5/1/2020
2019-10-10 The Role of RELs in Making WWC Practice Guides Actionable for Educators
2019-08-01 In Nebraska, a focus on evidence-based reading instruction
2019-07-10 Taking Discovery to Scale
2019-03-04 How can we work together to promote achievement for all students?
2016-10-31 Bringing Evidence-based Practices to the Field
2016-04-11 Responding to the Needs of the Field
2016-02-10 Regional Educational Laboratories: Connecting Research to Practice

RSSWhat Works Clearinghouse (25)

Date Title
2024-08-29 Evidence-Based Strategies for Improving Student Literacy and Teaching Mathematics in Grades PK-9
2022-01-03 Is believing in yourself enough? Growth mindset and social belonging interventions for postsecondary students
2021-09-08 Exploring the Growing Impact of Career Pathways
2021-05-11 Teachers Should Not Be Left Wondering What Works
2020-06-18 “The How” of “What Works:” The Importance of Core Components in Education Research
2020-04-26 An Evidence-Based Response to COVID-19: What We’re Learning
2020-03-26 Seeking Your Help in Learning More About What Works in Distance Education: A Rapid Evidence Synthesis
2019-10-10 The Role of RELs in Making WWC Practice Guides Actionable for Educators
2019-08-01 In Nebraska, a focus on evidence-based reading instruction
2019-07-10 Taking Discovery to Scale
2019-05-24 Leading experts provide evidence-based recommendations on using technology to support postsecondary student learning
2018-11-08 What Works in STEM Education: Resources for National STEM Day, 2018
2018-10-12 The WWC Evidence Standards: A Valuable and Accessible Resource for Teaching Validity Assessment of Causal Inferences to Identify What Works
2018-03-28 Making the WWC Open to Everyone by Moving WWC Certification Online
2017-10-30 Improving the WWC Standards and Procedures
2017-09-26 Updating Our Recommendations to Prevent Dropping Out
2017-07-24 Putting Your Ideas into Action: Instructional Tips for Educators
2017-04-18 Using the WWC as a Teaching Tool
2017-01-12 Recommendations for Teaching Secondary Students to Write Effectively
2017-01-03 Sharing our Recipe: Online Training in WWC Standards
2016-10-31 Bringing Evidence-based Practices to the Field
2016-07-19 The What Works Clearinghouse Goes to College
2016-06-21 Five Reasons to Visit the What Works Clearinghouse
2016-03-29 Should ESSA Evidence Definitions and What Works Study Ratings be the Same? No, and Here's Why!
2016-02-22 Practice Guides: How to Use What Works in the Classroom

Uncategorized (7)

Date Title
2024-03-14 Meeting the Moment: The Role of Evidence-Based Practice in Innovation and Improvement
2022-11-17 Leading with Evidence: Celebrating Evidence-Based Policymaking at the U.S. Department of Education
2021-03-05 Advancing High-Quality Data and Evidence at the U.S. Department of Education
2020-04-22 New Remote Learning Resources from the REL Program
2019-05-31 Seeking your feedback on the Regional Educational Laboratory program
2018-11-13 Sharing strategies to increase research-based educational practices
2018-11-08 Looking for evidence outside of the scope of the WWC?


63 posts