IES Staff
Amy Johnson
Education Research Analyst
Knowledge Use Division
Regional Educational Laboratory Program
Associated IES Content
About us
The ten Regional Educational Laboratories (RELs) partner with educators and policymakers nationwide. For nearly 60 years, the RELs have collaborated with school districts, state departments of education, and other education stakeholders to help generate and apply evidence, with the goal of improving learner outcomes.
Training Material
Improving Educational Equity through Cultural Responsiveness in Schools and Educator Preparation Programs
The series will cover (1) understanding educational equity, defining culturally responsive pedagogy, and describing how culturally responsive pedagogy can be embedded in broader efforts; (2) research on culturally responsive pedagogy and how to implement it; (3) district and school policies that support culturally responsive pedagogy; and (4) initiatives to implement culturally responsive pedagogy in pre-service training programs for teachers and administrators. Speakers: Heather Bennett, Eq...
Sep 17, 2019
The Changing Role of Principals: Moving Beyond Keeping the Lights On (Part 2 of 2)
Effective leadership is at the heart of improving school performance. As we noted in part 1 of this series, however, districts, schools, and principals face three key management challenges today: (1) increasing job complexity, (2) insufficient supply of candidates, and (3) inadequate preparation for the changing role of principals. In addition, many school leaders must navigate complex approval processes for basic services and payroll. These conditions hamper principals' ability to lead sc...
Date published:
May 13, 2019
The Changing Role of Principals: Managing New and Increasing Leadership Demands (Part 1 of 2)
School leaders matter a lot--research tells us that they are a key lever in improving education. Leadership comes in second only to teaching as an influence on student success. And teachers' own impacts can be helped or hindered by conditions principals establish in schools. The REL Mid-Atlantic alliance on training and supporting excellent educators partners with states and districts in our region to bring evidence to the changing landscape of school leadership. Research has identified ...
Date published:
Apr 26, 2019
Evaluation of the Comprehensive Technical Assistance Centers for Fiscal Year 2012 Grantees
The Comprehensive Technical Assistance Centers is a federal grant program authorized under the Educational Technical Assistance Act of 2002. The purpose of the Centers is to help State Education Agencies (SEAs) build capacity to implement state-level initiatives and to support district- and school-level initiatives that improve educational outcomes for all students, close achievement gaps, and improve the quality of instruction. As of 2018, there were 15 Regional Centers that provided technica
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