NCES U.S. ALL Restricted-Use Data File
The ALL U.S. 2003 restricted-use file (RUF) with rescaled literacy scores (found here) contains individual unit data including both responses to the background questionnaire and the cognitive assessment from the U.S. ALL data collection, completed in 2003. The file contains rescaled plausible values for literacy and numeracy and some trend background questionnaire items to allow for trend analysis with the U.S. Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) data. The RUF with rescaled scores can be accessed through a restricted use license agreement with the National Center for Education Statistics.
Stats Canada's International ALL Public-Use Data Files
For analysis with ALL data from other countries, rescaled public-use micro data files from ALL that include the sample from all of the countries that participated in the survey can be obtained from Statistics Canada by sending a request for "rescaled public-use data files for ALL (2003–2008)" to Users will then be signed up to an Electronic File Access (EFT) service where they can download the requested files through the EFT Portal.
International Data Explorer (IDE)
Data from — countries that had participated in both ALL1 and PIAAC are available for trend analysis online in the NCES PIAAC IDE and the OECD PIAAC IDE. Details on the differences between the NCES IDE and OECD IDE are available in the U.S. PIAAC IDE Help Guide. After entering the PIAAC IDE, if one selects the subject of literacy or numeracy and one of the displays with a population comparable to that of ALL (Adults 16–65 or Young Adults, 16–34), one will have the option to select ALL 2003–2008 in the Years/Studies heading. Except for the estimates for All Adults, the variables that can be compared across years are located under a special category called Trend Variables.
1 Switzerland, Bermuda and the Mexican state of Nuevo Leon participated in ALL but not PIAAC.