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Title: Survey methods for educators: Analysis and reporting of survey data (part 3 of 3)
Description: Educators at the state and local levels are increasingly using data to inform policy decisions. While student achievement data is often used to inform instructional or programmatic decisions, educators may also need additional sources of data, some of which may not be housed in their existing data systems. Creating and administering surveys is one way to collect such data. However, documentation available to educators about administering surveys may provide insufficient guidance about sampling or analysis approaches. Furthermore, some educators may not have training or experience in survey methods. In response to this need, REL Northeast & Islands created a series of three complementary guides that provide an overview of the survey research process designed for educators. The guides describe (1) survey development, (2) sampling respondents and survey administration, and (3) analysis and reporting of survey data.

Part three of this series, "Analysis and Reporting of Survey Data," outlines the following steps, drawn from the research literature:

1. Review the analysis plan
2. Prepare and check data files
3. Calculate response rates
4. Calculate summary statistics
5. Present the results in tables or figures
The guide provides detailed, real-world examples of how these steps have been used in a REL research alliance project. With this guide, educators will be able to analyze and report their own survey data.
Online Availability:
Cover Date: August 2016
Web Release: August 2, 2016
Print Release:
Publication #: REL 2016164
General Ordering Information
Center/Program: REL
Associated Centers: NCEE
Type of Product: Applied Research Methods
Questions: For questions about the content of this Applied Research Methods, please contact:
Amy Johnson.