Title: | National Postsecondary Student Aid Study 1999–2000 (NPSAS:2000), CATI Nonresponse Bias Analysis Report |
Description: | Because the student telephone interview response rates for NPSAS:2000 were less than 70 percent in some institutional sectors, an analysis was conducted to determine if Computer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI) estimates were significantly biased due to CATI nonresponse. Considerable information was known for CATI nonrespondents and these data were used to analyze and reduce the bias. The distributions of several variables using the design-based, adjusted weights for study respondents (study weights) were found to be biased before CATI nonresponse adjustments. The CATI nonresponse and poststratification procedures, however, reduced the bias for these variables; and the remaining relative bias ranged from 0 to 0.35 percent. |
Online Availability: | |
Cover Date: | March 2002 |
Web Release: | February 20, 2002 |
Print Release: | This Publication will only be available online. |
Publication #: | NCES 200203 General Ordering Information |
Center/Program: | NCES |
Authors: | Peter H. Siegel, Roy W. Whitmore, Ruby E. Johnson, Di Yu |
Type of Product: | Working Paper |
Working Papers provide preliminary analysis of substantive, technical, and methodological issues. They are works in progress that are presented to promote the sharing of valuable work experience and knowledge. These papers have not undergone a rigorous review for consistency with NCES standards. | |
Survey/Program Areas: |
National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS) |
Keywords: | |
Questions: | For questions about the content of this Working Paper, please contact the Webmaster. |