Restricted-use Data Licenses
IES uses Restricted-data Licenses as a mechanism for making more detailed data available to qualified researchers.
How to Obtain or Amend a License:
IES/NCES will only accept restricted-use data License applications through its Electronic Application System. Any License application that does not come through this system will be returned to the applicant. More information about applying for a License is available in the online application system instructions and in the Restricted-Use Data Procedures Manual.
If you need to amend your license by adding a new user, deleting a user, obtaining other databases, or modifying your security plan, please see the License modification instructions.
For questions, please contact:
IES Data Security, NCES, PCP 4165
400 Maryland Avenue SW
Washington, DC 20202
IES Data Security
(202) 245-6146
Restricted-data Available