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 Pub Number  Title  Date
NCES 2024032 2020-21 National Teacher and Principal Survey (NTPS), 2021-22 Principal Follow-up Survey (PFS), and 2021-22 Teacher Follow-up Survey (TFS) Restricted-Use Data Files
This DVD contains the 2020-21 National Teacher and Principal Survey (NTPS), 2021-22 Principal Follow-up Survey (PFS), and 2021-22 Teacher Follow-up Survey (TFS) Restricted-Use Data Files. They are provided in multiple formats and accompanied by User's Manuals.
NCES 2023056 2020-21 National Teacher and Principal Survey (NTPS) and 2021-22 Principal Follow-up Survey (PFS) Restricted-Use Data Files
This DVD contains the 2020-21 National Teacher and Principal Survey (NTPS) and 2021-22 Principal Follow-up Survey (PFS) Restricted-Use Data Files. They are provided in multiple formats and accompanied by User's Manuals.
NCES 2023055 Overview of the Middle Grades Longitudinal Study of 2017–18 (MGLS:2017): Technical Report
This technical report provides general information about the study and the data files and technical documentation that are available. Information was collected from students, their parents or guardians, their teachers, and their school administrators. The data collection included direct and indirect assessments of middle grades students’ mathematics, reading, and executive function, as well as indirect assessments of socioemotional development in 2018 and again in 2020. MGLS:2017 field staff provided additional information about the school environment through an observational checklist.
NCES 2023003 2020-21 National Teacher and Principal Survey (NTPS) Restricted-Use Data Files
This DVD contains the 2020-21. National Teacher and Principal Survey (NTPS) restricted-use data files. The 6 files (Public School Principal, Public School, and Public School Teacher, Private School Principal, Private School, Private School Teacher) are provided in multiple formats. The DVD also contains a 4-volume User's Manual.
NCES 2021091 Principals’ Perceptions of Influence Over Decisions at Their Schools in 2017–18
This Data Point examines the relationship between public and private school principals’ perceived influence over various decisions made at their schools before the coronavirus pandemic. This information was reported by U.S private and public school principals on the principal survey of the 2017–18 National Teacher and Principal Survey.
NCEE 2021012 Time to lead: An illustrative look at how elementary school principals spend their workweek
Principals can improve their teachers' classroom practice, either directly or indirectly by arranging resources, to support improvement. However, there is limited information about how principals spend their time. This snapshot provides insights on this front for principals in 100 schools.
REL 2018285 Impact of a checklist on principal–teacher feedback conferences following classroom observations
In partnership with the New Mexico Public Education Department, Regional Educational Laboratory (REL) Southwest researchers conducted a statewide experiment in school year 2015/16 to test impacts of a checklist on the feedback conferences principals had with teachers after formal classroom observations. Of the 336 participating schools in New Mexico, the REL Southwest researchers selected half at random in fall 2015 as the treatment group. All school leaders in the treatment group received the checklist as an email attachment, plus a hyperlink to a three-minute principal testimonial video. School leaders in the control group received an email attachment with a guide that reprised the five tips about feedback included in the mandatory New Mexico Public Education Department-sponsored professional development. As of one year later, the checklist had few clear impacts on the quality of feedback, professional development outcomes, instructional practice, and student achievement. The exceptions are that teachers who received the checklist reported that their principals were less likely to dominate the feedback conferences, and reported that they were more likely to follow their principals’ professional development recommendation. The overall usage of the feedback checklist was moderate, with about three-quarters of principals who were encouraged to use the checklist reporting that they saw it, and 58 percent reported using it in post-observation feedback sessions with at least a few teachers. This study suggests that if school districts or state departments of education wish to change school leaders’ feedback conferences with teachers, they need to invest in more substantial training for their school leaders.
NCES 2018054 How Principals in Public and Private Schools Use Their Time: 2011–12
This Statistics in Brief examines the mean percentage of time that principals reported spending on various activities in the 2011–12 school year, both overall and by selected school, staffing, and principal characteristics.
NCEE 2016002 Can student test scores provide useful measures of school principals' performance?
This study assessed the extent to which four principal performance measures based on student test scores--average achievement, school value-added, adjusted average achievement, and adjusted school value-added--accurately reflect principals' contributions to student achievement in future years. Average achievement used information on students' end-of-year achievement without taking into account the students' past achievement; school value-added accounted for students' own past achievement by measuring their growth; and adjusted average achievement and adjusted school value-added credited principals if their schools' average achievement and value-added, respectively, exceeded predictions based on the schools' past performance on those same measures. The study conducted two sets of analyses using Pennsylvania's statewide data on students and principals from 2007/08 to 2013/14. First, using data on 2,424 principals, the study assessed the extent to which ratings from each measure are stable by examining the association between principals' ratings from earlier and later years. Second, using data on 123 principals, the study examined the relationship between the stable part of each principal's rating and his or her contributions to student achievement in future years. Based on results from both analyses, the study simulated each measure's accuracy for predicting principals' contributions to student achievement in the following year. The study found that the two performance measures that did not account for students' past achievement--average achievement and adjusted average achievement--provided no information for predicting principals' contributions to student achievement in the following year. The two performance measures that accounted for students' past achievement--school value-added and adjusted school value-added--provided, at most, a small amount of information for predicting principals' contributions in the following year, with less than one-third of each difference in value-added ratings across principals reflecting differences in their future contributions. These findings suggest that principal evaluation systems should emphasize measures that were found to provide at least some information about principals' future contributions: school value-added or adjusted school value-added. However, study findings also indicate that even the value-added measures will often be inaccurate in identifying principals who will contribute effectively or ineffectively to student achievement in future years. Therefore, states and districts should exercise caution when using these measures to make major decisions about principals and seek to identify nontest measures that can accurately predict principals' future contributions.
REL 2012135 A Descriptive Analysis of the Principal Workforce in Wisconsin
National and state policymakers are concerned that the principal workforce is aging, that fewer new principals are joining the workforce, and that fewer female and racial/ethnic minority educators are entering and remaining in the principal workforce. This study describes trends in demographic characteristics and retention rates in the Wisconsin principal workforce between 1999 and 2009.
REL 2011016 Projected School Administrator Needs through 2017/2018 in California: The Effects of Projected Retirement and Projected Changes in Student Enrollment over Two-Year Increments
This technical brief projects the need for new school-site administrators (principals and vice-principals) in California by region in two-year increments over 2010/11–2017/18. It builds on an earlier Regional Educational Laboratory West report that projected the aggregate need for school administrators over 2008/09–2017/18 based on projected retirement and projected changes in student enrollment (White, Fong, and Makkonen 2010). Both studies divide the state into 11 regions, and both report projected demand for local administrators as a change from the 2007/08 baseline workforce. By disaggregating the study period into two-year increments, this brief provides more specific data for education organizations—particularly the Association of California School Administrators and the California County Superintendents Educational Services Association—to more accurately target workforce planning and training programs for new school-site administrators.
REL 2010084 School-site Administrators: a California County and Regional Perspective on Labor Market Trends
This study explores the differences among California's counties and regions in their needs for new school-site administrators in the coming decade, as driven by a combination of projected administrator retirements and projected student enrollment changes. The projected need for new school-site administrators, based solely on these combined factors, ranges from 9 percent to 71 percent of counties' 2007/08 administrator workforce, with the highest need counties generally in the Central Valley and Inland Empire regions.
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