Search Results: (1-11 of 11 records)
Pub Number | Title | Date |
NCES 2024032 | 2020-21 National Teacher and Principal Survey (NTPS), 2021-22 Principal Follow-up Survey (PFS), and 2021-22 Teacher Follow-up Survey (TFS) Restricted-Use Data Files
This DVD contains the 2020-21 National Teacher and Principal Survey (NTPS), 2021-22 Principal Follow-up Survey (PFS), and 2021-22 Teacher Follow-up Survey (TFS) Restricted-Use Data Files. They are provided in multiple formats and accompanied by User's Manuals. |
4/30/2024 |
NCES 2023056 | 2020-21 National Teacher and Principal Survey (NTPS) and 2021-22 Principal Follow-up Survey (PFS) Restricted-Use Data Files
This DVD contains the 2020-21 National Teacher and Principal Survey (NTPS) and 2021-22 Principal Follow-up Survey (PFS) Restricted-Use Data Files. They are provided in multiple formats and accompanied by User's Manuals. |
11/17/2023 |
NCES 2023013 | User’s Manual for the MGLS:2017 Data File, Restricted-Use Version
This manual provides guidance and documentation for users of the Middle Grades Longitudinal Study of 2017–18 (MGLS:2017) restricted-use school and student data files (NCES 2023-131). An overview of MGLS:2017 is followed by chapters on the study data collection instruments and methods; direct and indirect student assessment data; sample design and weights; response rates; data preparation; data file content, including the composite variables; and the structure of the data file. Appendices include a psychometric report, a guide to scales, field test reports, and school and student file variable listings. |
8/16/2023 |
NCES 2023055 | Overview of the Middle Grades Longitudinal Study of 2017–18 (MGLS:2017): Technical Report
This technical report provides general information about the study and the data files and technical documentation that are available. Information was collected from students, their parents or guardians, their teachers, and their school administrators. The data collection included direct and indirect assessments of middle grades students’ mathematics, reading, and executive function, as well as indirect assessments of socioemotional development in 2018 and again in 2020. MGLS:2017 field staff provided additional information about the school environment through an observational checklist. |
3/16/2023 |
NCES 2023003 | 2020-21 National Teacher and Principal Survey (NTPS) Restricted-Use Data Files
This DVD contains the 2020-21. National Teacher and Principal Survey (NTPS) restricted-use data files. The 6 files (Public School Principal, Public School, and Public School Teacher, Private School Principal, Private School, Private School Teacher) are provided in multiple formats. The DVD also contains a 4-volume User's Manual. |
2/28/2023 |
NCEE 2021003 | Drawing across school boundaries: How federally-funded magnet schools recruit and admit students
A key goal of many magnet programs is to improve student diversity in schools. This snapshot, based on surveys completed by most of the more than 160 schools recently funded by the U.S. Department of Education's Magnet Schools Assistance Program (MSAP) grants and interviews with their district coordinators, describes how MSAP-funded magnet schools recruit and admit students. Schools report using a variety of strategies to recruit students, targeting those the schools believe are likely to exercise choice. These schools are most likely to give preference in admissions to siblings of students already enrolled in the magnet and students in nearby neighborhoods or schools. |
1/27/2021 |
NCES 2018099 | School Attendance Boundary Survey (SABS) File Documentation: 2015-2016
The School Attendance Boundaries Survey (SABS) was an experimental survey conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) with assistance from the U.S. Census Bureau to collect school attendance boundaries for regular schools in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Attendance boundaries, sometimes known as school catchment areas, define the geographic extent served by a local school for the purpose of student assignments. School district administrators create attendance areas to help organize and plan district-wide services, and districts may adjust individual school boundaries to help balance the physical capacity of local schools with changes in the local school-age population. This document summarizes the final cycle of the experimental boundary collection. The 2015-16 SABS collection was intended to update boundaries collected during the 2013-2014 cycle and to supplement boundaries from additional districts not included in the previous collection. |
5/1/2018 |
NCES 2015118 | Documentation for the School Attendance Boundary Survey (SABS): School Year 2013-2014
The School Attendance Boundary Survey (SABS) data file contains school attendance boundaries for regular schools with grades kindergarten through twelfth in the 50 states and the District of Columbia for the 2013-2014 school year. Prior to this survey, a national fabric of attendance boundaries was not freely available to the public. The geography of school attendance boundaries provides new context for researchers who were previously limited to state and district level geography. |
8/17/2015 |
REL 2015071 | How Methodology Decisions Affect the Variability of Schools Identified as Beating the Odds
Schools that show better academic performance than would be expected given characteristics of the school and student populations are often described as "beating the odds" (BTO). State and local education agencies often attempt to identify such schools as a means of identifying strategies or practices that might be contributing to the schools' relative success. Key decisions on how to identify BTO schools may affect whether schools make the BTO list and thereby the identification of practices used to beat the odds. The purpose of this study was to examine how a list of BTO schools might change depending on the methodological choices and selection of indicators used in the BTO identification process. This study considered whether choices of methodologies and type of indicators affect the schools that are identified as BTO. The three indicators were (1) type of performance measure used to compare schools, (2) the types of school characteristics used as controls in selecting BTO schools, and (3) the school sample configuration used to pool schools across grade levels. The study applied statistical models involving the different methodologies and indicators and documented how the lists schools identified as BTO changed based on the models. Public school and student data from one midwest state from 2007-08 through 2010-11 academic years were used to generate BTO school lists. By performing pairwise comparisons among BTO school lists and computing agreement rates among models, the project team was able to gauge the variation in BTO identification results. Results indicate that even when similar specifications were applied across statistical methods, different sets of BTO schools were identified. In addition, for each statistical method used, the lists of BTO schools identified varied with the choice of indicators. Fewer than half of the schools were identified as BTO in more than one year. The results demonstrate that different technical decisions can lead to different identification results. |
2/24/2015 |
REL 2012024 | English Language Learner Enrollment in Appalachia Region States
This technical brief describes English language learner student enrollment across school districts in the four REL Appalachia Region states (Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia) for 2005/06–2008/09, updating an earlier report covering 1998/99–2004/05. The current brief expands on the earlier report by looking at data by grade span (kindergarten, 1–3, 4–6, 7–8, 9–12) and by geographic locale (city, suburb, town, rural). |
3/29/2012 |
REL 2010015 | Where Do English Language Learner Students Go to School? Student Distribution By Language Proficiency in Arizona
Research suggests several circumstances in which a school may face greater challenges in effectively teaching its English Language Learner (ELL) students and in closing the achievement gap between ELL students and those who are native English speakers: if it has high concentrations of ELL students; if it has many socioeconomically disadvantaged students; or if it is located in an urban or rural, as opposed to suburban, area. Research also suggests that an open-enrollment program in a district may increase the concentrations of both ELL and socioeconomically disadvantaged students in some schools. This technical brief analyzes Arizona's 2007/08 student-level data to determine how concentrations of ELL students vary across its schools and vary by the school characteristics listed above. |
8/30/2010 |
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