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 Pub Number  Title  Date
NCES 2011346REV Numbers and Types of Public Elementary and Secondary Local Education Agencies From the Common Core of Data: School Year 2009-10 - First Look
This First Look presents selected findings on the numbers and types of public elementary and secondary local education agencies (LEAs) in the United States and the territories in the 2009-10 school year, using data from the Local Education Agency Universe Survey of the Common Core of Data (CCD) survey system.
NCES 2010351 Data File: Common Core of Data Local Education Agency Universe Survey: School Year 2008–09
The 2008-09 Nonfiscal CCD Local Education Agency Universe Survey files provide a listing of all agencies providing free public elementary and secondary education in the United States and its jurisdictions, along with basic descriptive statistical information on each agency listed.
NCES 2010346 Numbers and Types of Public Elementary and Secondary Local Education Agencies From the Common Core of Data: School Year 2008-09 - First Look
This First Look presents selected findings on the numbers and types of public elementary and secondary local education agencies (LEAs) in the United States and the territories in the 2008-09 school year, using data from the Local Education Agency Universe Survey of the Common Core of Data (CCD) survey system.
NCES 2010339 Data File: The Common Core of Data Local Education Agency Geographical Reference Files: School Year 2007-08
The geographical reference files are provided for users who may want expanded information about the geographic characteristics of LEAs. For example, while the 2007-08 school year LEA universe file includes the county in which an LEA's central office is located, the geographical reference file includes all of the counties that are within, or intersect with, the LEA's physical boundary. Records on the geographical reference files can be linked with records on the LEA universe file by using the LEA ID.
NCES 2010303 Data File: Common Core of Data Local Education Agency Universe Survey: School Year 2007–08
The 2007-08 Nonfiscal CCD Local Education Agency Universe Survey files provide a listing of all agencies providing free public elementary and secondary education in the United States and its jurisdictions, along with basic descriptive statistical information on each agency listed.
NCES 2009354 Data File: Documentation to the NCES Common Core of Data Local Education Agency Universe Survey Preliminary File: School Year 2008–09
The preliminary file includes variables related to LEA directory, boundary, type, teacher counts, and membership. The preliminary file was created to provide users with data for purposes that may have a greater need for timeliness than for verified accuracy. Although most of the variables in the file had been examined and edited, some variables were not screened and checked. Thus, the preliminary file may not reflect the final data that states submit.
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