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 Pub Number  Title  Date
NCES 200401 2004 National Study of Postsecondary Faculty (NSOPF:04) Field Test Methodology Report
This report describes the methodology and findings of the NSOPF:04 field test that took place during the 2002–03 academic year. The NSOPF:04 field test was used to plan, implement, and evaluate methodological procedures, instruments, and systems proposed for use in the full-scale study scheduled for the 2003-04 academic year.
NCES 2004062 Historically Black Colleges and Universities, 1976 to 2001
Historically Black Colleges and Universities, 1976 to 2001 is a tabular report that presents a quarter-century of trend information on HBCUs. The report contains summary information for HBCUs on enrollment, degrees, staff, salaries, and finances, with comparisons to other colleges and universities. In addition, the report contains detailed information on individual HBCUs, with trends in enrollment, and detailed data on degrees, staff, and finances for recent years.
NCES 200208 A Profile of Part-Time Faculty: Fall 1998
This report describes some of the key findings from the 1999 National Study of Postsecondary Faculty (NSOPF:99) concerning the similarities and differences between part-time and full-time faculty.
NCES 2002051 Hispanic Serving Institutions: Statistical Trends from 1990 to 1999
This report, the first from NCES to focus exclusively on Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs), tracks 335 degree-granting institutions that met the 25 percent Hispanic enrollment criterion in 1999. This report provides a statistical overview of the growth in HSI enrollment and degrees during the 1990s. It also presents an overview of HSI staff in 1999 and changes in faculty salaries from the middle to the end of the decade.
NCES 2002170 Gender and Racial/Ethnic Differences in Salary and Other Characteristics of Postsecondary Faculty: Fall 1998
This report describes gender and racial/ethnic differences in salaries and other characteristics of full-time instructional faculty and staff in fall 1998 using NSOPF:99 data. Differences between men and women and among four racial/ethnic groups--White non-Hispanic, Asian/Pacific Islander, Black non-Hispanic, and Hispanic faculty--are examined with respect to the institutions and appointments, education and experience, and teaching and research activities of these faculty. In addition, a regression analysis examines whether salary differences by gender and race/ethnicity persist when controlling for all of these types of factors.
NCES 2002209 Teaching Undergraduates in U.S. Postsecondary Institutions: Fall 1998
Using the 1998–99 National Study of Postsecondary Faculty (NSOPF:99), this report examines the extent to which instructional faculty and staff in postsecondary institutions were involved in undergraduate teaching in fall 1998. Specifically, this report examines who, among postsecondary instructional faculty and staff, were more likely to teach undergraduates. It also explores the teaching loads of those who taught undergraduate classes for credit and the teaching practices that they used for their undergraduate teaching.
NCES 2002160 The Gender and Racial/Ethnic Composition of Postsecondary Instructional Faculty and Staff, 1992–98
Using data from the National Study of Postsecondary Faculty (NSOPF:93 and NSOPF:99), this E.D. Tab describes how the gender and racial/ethnic composition of full- and part-time instructional faculty and staff has changed between the fall of 1992 and 1998. The report discusses changes in the gender and racial/ethnic composition of instructional faculty and staff by level, type and control of institution, and academic program area.
NCES 2002210 Tenure Status of Postsecondary Instructional Faculty and Staff: 1992—98
Using data from the National Study of Postsecondary Faculty (NSOPF:93 and NSOPF:99), this report examines changes in the tenure status of full-time instructional faculty and staff at 2- and 4-year institutions between the fall of 1992 and 1998. It explores changes in tenure status by institutional level and control, program area, and the faculty’s academic rank, gender, and race/ethnicity.
NCES 2002161 Teaching With Technology: Use of Telecommunications Technology by Postsecondary Instructional Faculty and Staff in Fall 1998
This report uses data from the 1999 National Study of Postsecondary Faculty (NSOPF:99) to examine postsecondary instructional faculty and staff’s access to and use of electronic mail (e-mail) and the Internet. Though these telecommunications technologies are rapidly becoming core components of the instructional experience of students in the U.S., little descriptive information exists at the national level to inform basic questions about technology use and teaching in postsecondary education. Specifically, this report provides answers to the following questions: Who has access to telecommunications technology, such as electronic mail and the Internet? Who uses it for teaching purposes and how much do they use it?
NCES 2002151 Restricted-Use Data File: 1999 National Study of Postsecondary Faculty
Included on this CD-ROM are data files from 865 institutions and approximately 17,600 faculty and instructional staff included in the 1999 National Study of Postsecondary Faculty (NSOPF:99). Also included are electronic codebook systems for using these data files. Your organization must apply for and be granted a restricted data license in order to obtain these data.
NCES 2002154 1999 National Study of Postsecondary Faculty (NSOPF:99) Methodology Report
This report is designed to give readers an accurate picture of this important study and the data generated by its methodology. The report is organized into 8 chapters, including information about the purpose of the study, the data collection instruments, the sample design, data collection and data processing procedures, questionnaire item nonresponse, and an assessment of discrepancies in faculty counts.
NCES 2002025 The Condition of Education 2002
The Condition of Education summarizes important developments and trends in education using the latest available data. The report, which is required by law, is an indicator report intended for a general audience of readers who are interested in education. The indicators represent a consensus of professional judgment on the most significant national measures of the condition and progress of education for which accurate data are available. The 2002 print edition includes 44 indicators in six main areas: (1) enrollment trends and student characteristics at all levels of the education system from preprimary education to adult learning; (2) student achievement and the longer term, enduring effects of education; (3) student effort and rates of progress through the educational system among different population groups; (4) the quality of elementary and secondary education in terms of courses taken, teacher characteristics, and other factors; (5) the context of postsecondary education; (6) and societal support for learning, including parental and community support for learning, and public and private financial support of education at all levels. This edition also includes special analyses on the environment, climate, and student outcomes at private schools and on the enrollment and persistence of nontraditional undergraduates.
NCES 2002163 Part-time Instructional Faculty and Staff: Who They Are, What They Do, and What They Think
This report describes the characteristics and attitudes of part-time instructional faculty and staff in fall 1992. It includes a compendium of tables on the characteristics, work activities, attitudes, and compensation of part-time and full-time instructional faculty and staff in public and private not-for-profit 2-year-and-above postsecondary institutions. It offers researchers and policymakers a resource for making comparisons with future NSOPF reports on part-time faculty.
NCES 2002155 Distance Education Instruction by Postsecondary Faculty and Staff: Fall 1998
Using the 1999 National Study of Postsecondary Faculty, this report examines who, among postsecondary faculty and staff, were more likely to teach various types of distance education classes. It also explores how those who taught such classes differed from those who did not in terms of workload, compensation, interaction with students, classroom practices, and job satisfaction. Overall, those who taught distance classes had a higher workload than those who did not. They were also more likely to communicate with their students by e-mail and to use Web sites for their classes.
NCES 2001201 Institutional Policies and Practices: Results From the 1999 National Study of Postsecondary Faculty, Institution Survey
This reports presents findings from the “Institution Survey” of the 1999 National Study of Postsecondary Faculty (NSOPF:99). Institutions were asked about their policies and practices affecting both full- and part-time faculty and instructional staff.
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