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Search Results: (16-30 of 48 records)

 Pub Number  Title  Date
NCES 2018128 Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) Advanced 1995 and 2015 U.S. restricted-use datafiles
This datafile contains school IDs that can be linked to the public-use U.S. TIMSS Advanced 1995 and 2015 datafiles to allow for merging with data from the Common Core of Data (CCD) and Private School Universe Survey (PSS). This datafiles can only be obtained by those who apply for a restricted-use license through NCES. Information on how to merge the restricted-use datafiles with the U.S. TIMSS Advanced 1995 and 2015 public-use datafiles is included.

A User Guide to the data is included in the U.S. TIMSS 2015 and TIMSS Advanced 1995 & 2015 Technical Report, which is available online separately (publication number 2018020).
NCES 2018099 School Attendance Boundary Survey (SABS) File Documentation: 2015-2016
The School Attendance Boundaries Survey (SABS) was an experimental survey conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) with assistance from the U.S. Census Bureau to collect school attendance boundaries for regular schools in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Attendance boundaries, sometimes known as school catchment areas, define the geographic extent served by a local school for the purpose of student assignments. School district administrators create attendance areas to help organize and plan district-wide services, and districts may adjust individual school boundaries to help balance the physical capacity of local schools with changes in the local school-age population. This document summarizes the final cycle of the experimental boundary collection. The 2015-16 SABS collection was intended to update boundaries collected during the 2013-2014 cycle and to supplement boundaries from additional districts not included in the previous collection.
NCES 2017095 Technical Report and User Guide for the 2015 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA)
This technical report and user guide is designed to provide researchers with an overview of the design and implementation of PISA 2015 in the United States, as well as information on how to access the PISA 2015 data. The report includes information about sampling requirements and sampling in the United States; participation rates at the school and student level; how schools and students were recruited; instrument development; field operations used for collecting data; detail concerning various aspects of data management, including data processing, scaling, and weighting. In addition, the report describes the data available from both international and U.S. sources, special issues in analyzing the PISA 2015 data, as well as a description of merging data files.
NCES 2017120 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2015 United States public-use data files
The data files include the U.S. PISA 2015 data files for students, teachers, and principals/schools, and include additional variables only available at the national level (e.g., student race/ethnicity). The public-use data files can be downloaded and analyzed by researchers interested in conducting secondary analyses. In addition to the U.S. data files, the product also includes a README file, illustrative merge code, a Quick Guide, variable codebooks, SAS and SPSS control files, and record layout files. The data files are presented in ASCII, and can be imported into any number of statistical programs, such as SAS, SPSS, or STATA. These public-use data files can be used on their own or merged with the international PISA database available for download from the OECD PISA website at Users of the U.S. PISA 2015 data files are encouraged to refer to the Technical Report which provides details on the methods and operations used in collecting PISA data in the United States. The PISA 2015 Technical Report can be found at
NCES 2017121 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2015 United States Restricted-use Data File
This CD-ROM contains PISA 2015 restricted-use data for the United States. The CD-ROM includes the data file, a codebook, instructions on how to merge with the U.S. PISA 2015 public-use dataset (NCES 2017-120), and a cross-walk to assist in merging with other public datasets, such as the Common Core of Data (CCD) and Private School Survey (PSS). As these data files can be used to identify respondent schools, a restricted-use license must be obtained before access to the data is granted. Click on the restricted-use license link below for more details.
REL 2017167 A comparison of two approaches to identifying beating-the-odds high schools in Puerto Rico
The Regional Educational Laboratory Northeast and Islands conducted this study using data on public high schools in Puerto Rico from national and territory databases to compare methods for identifying beating-the-odds schools. Schools were identified by two methods, a status method that ranked high-poverty schools based on their current observed performance and an exceeding-achievement-expectations method that ranked high-poverty schools based on the extent to which their actual performance exceeded (or fell short of) their expected performance. Graduation rates, reading proficiency rates, and mathematics proficiency rates were analyzed to identify schools for each method. The identified schools were then compared by method to determine agreement rates—that is, the amount of overlap in schools identified by each method. The report presents comparisons of the groups of schools—those identified by each method and all public high-poverty high schools in Puerto Rico—on descriptive information. Using the two methods—ranking by status and ranking by exceeding-achievement-expectations—two different lists of beating-the-odds schools were identified. The status method identified 17 schools, and the exceeding-achievement-expectations method identified 15 schools. Six schools were identified by both methods. The agreement rate between the two lists of beating-the-odds schools was 38 percent. The analyses suggest that using both methods to identify beating-the-odds schools is the best strategy because high schools identified by both methods demonstrate high levels of absolute performance and appear to be achieving higher levels of graduation rates and percent proficiency than might be expected given their demographics and prior performance.
NCES 2016063 Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) 2013 U.S. public-use data files and documentation
The TALIS 2013 U.S. public-use data files and documentation include the following: U.S. national TALIS 2013 data in ASCII text format, including variables unique to the United States; SPSS data files; SAS control files for reading the data and producing SAS system files; codebooks; illustrative code for merging school and teacher-level files; a Read Me file, and a Quick Guide. The U.S. TALIS 2013 data files are formatted so that they can be easily merged with the TALIS international data files, available from the OECD at Users of this data should also consult the TALIS 2013 U.S. Technical Report available for viewing and downloading at
NCES 2016064 Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) 2013 U.S. restricted-use data files and documentation
The TALIS 2013 U.S. restricted-use data files and documentation include the following: U.S. national TALIS 2013 data in ASCII text format, including variables unique to the United States; SPSS data files; SAS control files for reading the data and producing SAS system files; codebooks; illustrative code for merging school and teacher-level files; a Read Me file, and a Quick Guide. The TALIS 2013 U.S. restricted-use data files include NCES school IDs that facilitate merging with the Common Core of Data (CCD) for public schools and the Private School Universe Survey (PSS) for private schools. Users of this data should also consult the TALIS 2013 U.S. Technical Report available for viewing and downloading at
NCES 2015118 Documentation for the School Attendance Boundary Survey (SABS): School Year 2013-2014
The School Attendance Boundary Survey (SABS) data file contains school attendance boundaries for regular schools with grades kindergarten through twelfth in the 50 states and the District of Columbia for the 2013-2014 school year. Prior to this survey, a national fabric of attendance boundaries was not freely available to the public. The geography of school attendance boundaries provides new context for researchers who were previously limited to state and district level geography.
REL 2015046 A Primer for Analyzing Nested Data: Multilevel Modeling in SPSS Using an Example from a REL Study
Analyzing data that possess some form of nesting is often challenging for applied researchers or district staff who are involved in or in charge of conducting data analyses. This report provides a description of the challenges for analyzing nested data and provides a primer of how multilevel regression modeling may be used to resolve these challenges. An illustration from the companion report, The correlates of academic performance for English language learner students in a New England district (REL 2014–020), is provided to show how multilevel modeling procedures are used and how the results are interpreted.
NCES 2014028 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2012 U.S. Public-use Data Files
The PISA 2012 U.S. public-use data files and documentation include the following: U.S. national PISA 2012 data in ASCII text format, including variables unique to the United States; SPSS and SAS control files for reading the data and producing SPSS and SAS system files; codebooks; illustrative code for merging student and school-level files; a Read Me file, and a Quick Guide.

Users of this data should also consult the PISA 2012 U.S. Technical Report and User Guide available for viewing and downloading at
NCES 2014025 Technical Report and User Guide for the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2012
The Technical Report and User Guide for the PISA 2012 is a technical manual that describes how the U.S. data were collected and processed as well as how to use the data files to conduct statistical analyses. Information is presented on sampling, response rates, school and student recruitment, instrument development and distribution, and data management. The appendices of the Technical Report and User Guide include school recruitment materials, student and parent materials, student and school questionnaires, and a nonresponse bias analysis of PISA 2012 U.S. data.
NCES 2014027 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2012 U.S. Restricted-use Data File
This CD-ROM contains PISA 2012 restricted-use data for the United States, including variables unique to U.S. data collection (e.g., student race/ethnicity). The CD-ROM includes the data file, a codebook, instructions on how to merge with the U.S. public-use dataset, and a cross-walk to assist in merging with other public datasets, such as the Common Core of Data (CCD) and Private School Survey (PSS). A restricted-use license must be obtained before access to the data is granted. Click on the restricted-use license link below for more details.
NCES 2014055 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2012 Massachusetts Restricted-use Data File
This CD-ROM contains PISA 2012 restricted-use data for Massachusetts, including variables unique to U.S. data collection. Massachusetts is one of three states to participate separately from the nation in 2012. The CD-ROM includes the complete MA data file, a codebook, and a cross-walk to assist in merging with other public datasets, such as the Common Core of Data (CCD) and Private School Survey (PSS). A restricted-use license must be obtained before access to the data is granted. Click on the restricted-use license link below for more details.
NCES 2014056 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2012 Connecticut Restricted-use Data File
This CD-ROM contains PISA 2012 restricted-use data for Connecticut, including variables unique to U.S. data collection. Connecticut is one of three states to participate separately from the nation in 2012. The CD-ROM includes the complete CT data file, a codebook, and a cross-walk to assist in merging with other public datasets, such as the Common Core of Data (CCD) and Private School Survey (PSS). A restricted-use license must be obtained before access to the data is granted. Click on the restricted-use license link below for more details.
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