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 Pub Number  Title  Date
NCES 2024108 Postsecondary Institutions and Cost of Attendance in 2023-24; Degrees and Other Awards Conferred: 2022-23, and 12-Month Enrollment: 2022-23 (Provisional)
This set of provisional web tables include fully edited and imputed data from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) fall 2023 collection, which included three survey components: Institutional Characteristics for the 2023-24 academic year, Completions covering the period July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023, and data on 12-Month Enrollment for the 2022-23 academic year.
NCES 2024130 Percentage distribution of education participation among employed adults ages 16-74, overall and by PIAAC literacy and numeracy proficiency levels: 2017 and Percentage distribution of employed adults ages 16-74, by PIAAC literacy, numeracy, and digital problem solving levels, industries, and occupations: 2017
These tables present the data on employed U.S. adults’ ages 16-74 education participation and activities overall and by skill levels (literacy and numeracy). In addition, these tables show employed U.S. adults’ ages 16-74 skill levels (literacy, numeracy, and digital problem solving) overall and by industry and occupation. These tables use the data from the Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC). PIAAC is a large-scale international study of working-age adults.
NCES 2024309 Revenues and Expenditures for Public Elementary and Secondary School Districts: School Year 2021–22 (Fiscal Year 2022)
This First Look report presents data on public elementary and secondary education revenues and expenditures at the local education agency (LEA) or school district level for fiscal year (FY) 2022. Specifically, this report includes the following types of school district finance data: • revenue, current expenditure, and capital outlay expenditure totals; • revenues by source; • current expenditures by function and object; • revenues and current expenditures per pupil; • and revenues and expenditures from COVID-19 Federal Assistance Funds.
NCES 2024122 2023-24 Common Core of Data (CCD) Preliminary Directory Files
On July 8th, the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) released the 2023–24 Common Core of Data (CCD) Preliminary Directory Files. These files are the product of the CCD data collection for the 2023–24 school year. Data were submitted by states and jurisdictions in spring 2024 and all district- and school-level data are based on a snapshot date of October 1, 2023. The preliminary directory files include basic identifying information for each public school and local education agency (LEA), including the NCES identification numbers, location and mailing address, and some limited attributes about the school or LEA, such as type, operational status, the lowest and highest grades offered, and whether a school is a charter school. This release provides data users with a timely release of basic information for schools and LEAs.
NCES 2024068 Young adults’ proficiency levels on the PIAAC literacy and numeracy scales by their education and work status: 2017
This Snapshot presents the data on 16-24-year-olds’ employment and work status and their skill levels (literacy and numeracy) using the data from the Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC). PIAAC is a large-scale international study of working-age adults (ages 16–65).
NCES 2024103 PISA 2022 Financial Literacy Results
Financial literacy is offered as an optional domain in PISA. In PISA, the assessment of financial literacy focuses on students’ ability to understand and engage with financial concepts and risks and apply their knowledge to real-life situations. The US participated in 2022 as well as the initial assessment in 2012, 2015, and 2018.
NCEE 2024004 Appropriate Identification of Children with Disabilities for IDEA Services: A Report from Recent National Estimates
Appropriately identifying children with disabilities--in ways that are timely, comprehensive, and accurate--is critical for ensuring that learners receive the supports they need to meet early milestones and succeed in school. In turn, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) charges states and school districts with: (1) finding all children, birth through age 21, suspected of having a disability; (2) evaluating them to determine if they are eligible for IDEA services; and (3) measuring and addressing racial or ethnic disparities in who is identified. Since IDEA's reauthorization in 2004, there is greater access to data and more sophisticated approaches to screen for and detect certain disabilities, an increasingly diverse child population, and new regulations on how to measure disparities in identification. This report examines how state and district practices during the 2019-2020 school year aligned with IDEA’s goals of appropriate identification.
NCES 2024129 What Do Teacher Education Pathways Look Like in Different Countries?
This Data Story describes teacher education pathways in the United States and international education systems, comparing options and requirements for teacher education, the advanced educational attainment of novice teachers, and novice teachers’ subject assignments. Data come from the Initial Teacher Preparation Study (ITPS) of 2016–18, the Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) of 2018, and the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) of 2019. Data Story publications are presented in a thematic and engaging web environment that enables users to interact with data elements according to their interests in the topic area.
NCES 2024301 Revenues and Expenditures for Public Elementary and Secondary Education: School Year 2021–22 (Fiscal Year 2022)
On May 7, 2024, the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) will release Revenues and Expenditures for Public Elementary and Secondary Education: School Year 2021–22 (Fiscal Year 2022). This first look report presents state-level data on revenues by source and expenditures by function and object for public elementary and secondary education for school year 2021–22. The tables present data submitted annually to NCES by state education agencies in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and other jurisdictions.
NCES 2024118 Postsecondary Institutions and Cost of Attendance in 2019-20; Degrees and Other Awards Conferred: 2018-19; and 12-Month Enrollment: 2018-19
These data tables are a final version of the Fall 2019 IPEDS data which includes fully edited and imputed data as well as any data revised in the succeeding year. This collection includes three survey components: Institutional Characteristics for the 2019-20 academic year, Completions covering the period July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019, and data on 12-Month Enrollment for the 2018-19 academic year.
NCES 2024120 Enrollment and Employees in Postsecondary Institutions, Fall 2019; and Financial Statistics and Academic Libraries, Fiscal Year 2019
This set of web tables presents the final data from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) spring 2020 data collection, which includes fully edited and imputed data findings plus any revised data that was reported in the succeeding year. Data topics covered in these tables includes enrollment, finance and academic libraries.
NCES 2024109 Student Reports of Bullying: Results From the 2022 School Crime Supplement to the National Crime Victimization Survey
The tables in this report present data on bullying in grades 6–12 from the 2022 School Crime Supplement (SCS) to the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS). The tables show how bullying victimization varies by student and school characteristics such as sex, race/ethnicity, grade, household income, region, urbanicity, enrollment size, and school poverty. The tables also show how rates of bullying victimization vary by crime-related variables such as the presence of gangs, guns, drugs, alcohol, and hate-related graffiti at school; selected school security measures; student criminal victimization; personal fear of attack or harm; avoidance behaviors; fighting; and the carrying of weapons.
NCES 2024034 Projections of Education Statistics to 2030
Projections of Education Statistics to 2030 is the 49th in a series of publications initiated in 1964. This publication provides national-level data on enrollment, teachers, high school graduates, and expenditures at the elementary and secondary level, and enrollment and degrees at the postsecondary level for roughly the past decade and projections to the year 2030. For the 50 states and the District of Columbia, the tables, figures, and text contain data on projections of public elementary and secondary enrollment and public high school graduates to the year 2030. The methodology section describes models and assumptions used to develop national- and state-level projections.
NCEE 2024002 Federal Efforts Towards Investing in Innovation through the i3 Fund: A Summary of Grantmaking and Evidence-Building
Finding and expanding the use of innovative educational strategies that work is important to help improve student learning and close equity gaps nationwide. The Investing in Innovation Fund (i3) was a key U.S. Department of Education (Department) program explicitly focused on these goals. Between 2010 and 2016, i3 invested $1.4 billion in 172 five-year grants to universities, school districts, and private non-profit organizations. The i3 Fund intentionally awarded different types of grants to either develop and test new, innovative but as-yet unproven strategies or to learn more about the circumstances under which previously tested strategies are effective. Grantees were required to fund independent evaluations that would meet high standards for quality. The Department reviewed 148 i3 evaluations, completed at or after the conclusion of the grants, to understand the key components of the grantees' educational strategies, assess the quality of the grantees' evaluations, and summarize what the evaluations found.
NCES 2024151 2022-23 Common Core of Data (CCD) Universe Files, Version 1a
These files are the product of the CCD data collection for the 2022–23 school year. Data are reported at state, district, and school levels and include staff full-time equivalent by professional category, as well as student membership disaggregated by grade, race/ethnicity, and sex. Also included are school-level counts of students eligible for free and reduced-price lunch. Along with the data files, four web tables summarizing select CCD data elements including the number and status of schools and local education agencies, as well as several CCD indicators by state, are also available.
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