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Overview of Public Elementary and Secondary Schools and Districts: School Year 2001-02

Table 9. Number of Title I, magnet, and charter schools and percentage of students served, by state: School year 2001–02

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State Number of Title I eligible schools2 Percentage of all students in these schools Number of Title I schoolwide schools Percentage of all students in these schools Number of magnet schools3 Percentage of all students in these schools Number of charter schools3 Percentage of all students in these schools
Reporting States1 46,969 47.1 23,563 25.4 1,736 3.0 2,348 1.2
Alabama 850 55.1 586 36.0 41 3.0
Alaska 301 39.2 111 13.6 17 3.2 15 1.7
Arizona 370 6.7
Arkansas 822 66.1 429 30.9 7 1.0 6 0.2
California 5,183 60.0 2,579 33.5 456 9.4 350 2.2
Colorado 784 43.2 211 11.6 2 0.1 86 3.3
Connecticut 439 36.9 87 8.3 17 1.1 15 0.5
Delaware 102 46.6 24 10.2 2 0.9 10 3.7
District of Columbia5 131 75.8 131 75.8 2 1.1 33 9.2
Florida 1,194 32.5 1,092 29.7 192 1.6
Georgia 1,020 43.8 726 30.3 62 3.6 40 1.7
Hawaii 132 39.6 124 39.3 22 1.7
Idaho 499 66.0 91 11.2 10 0.6
Illinois 2,294 56.0 938 24.9 420 14.8 23 0.4
Indiana 1,021 46.2 156 6.4 23 1.3 1
Iowa 729 38.6 130 8.0
Kansas 665 36.5 219 15.4 33 3.1 11 0.3
Kentucky 1,027 73.6 686 44.1 35 4.3
Louisiana 864 50.7 722 42.2 74 6.3 20 0.5
Maine 542 68.0 53 4.8 1 1
Maryland 467 26.6 338 19.2
Massachusetts 1,053 50.1 431 20.2 7 0.4 43 1.5
Michigan ( 4 ) ( 4 ) ( 4 ) ( 4 ) 204 3.8
Minnesota 988 41.1 237 8.4 66 3.4 77 1.2
Mississippi 686 70.5 606 61.3 5 0.5 1 0.1
Missouri 1,239 47.4 383 14.2 49 2.4 21 0.8
Montana 689 85.4 121 13.6
Nebraska 525 38.6 141 13.1
Nevada 208 35.3 74 12.3 9 1.3 10 0.5
New Hampshire 252 48.7 19 2.9 0 0
New Jersey 1,368 54.8 256 10.9 2 0.1 51 0.9
New Mexico 530 56.0 340 37.8 1 # 20 0.8
New York 2,800 61.9 1,930 41.5 ( 4 ) ( 4 ) 44
North Carolina 997 35.7 700 23.7 165 8.3 93 1.4
North Dakota 432 67.5 53 9.0
Ohio 2,536 60.6 1,204 27.8 85 1.2
Oklahoma 1,188 58.6 786 36.9 10 0.3
Oregon 502 33.3 234 16.7 ( 4 ) ( 4 ) 22 0.2
Pennsylvania 2,180 63.3 513 15.4 77 1.6
Rhode Island 170 46.6 78 23.0 17 7.3 6 0.5
South Carolina 511 38.8 445 32.8 25 2.3 10 0.1
South Dakota 700 86.8 123 13.2
Tennessee 18 1.2
Texas 4,547 57.7 3,959 50.5 243 1.1
Utah 218 19.9 130 11.2 9 0.1
Vermont 211 57.5 77 21.7
Virginia 776 30.6 275 10.9 166 11.4 8 0.1
Washington 959 40.3 401 16.9 14 0.8
West Virginia 429 43.5 330 30.7 0 0
Wisconsin 1,062 44.1 239 12.4 109 1.7
Wyoming 147 34.6 45 11.0 0 0 0 0
Outlying areas, DoD Dependents Schools, and Bureau of Indian Affairs
DoDDS: DoDs Overseas
DDESS: DoDs Domestic
Bureau of Indian Affairs
American Samoa
Northern Marianas
Puerto Rico 1,477 96.4 1,393 91.0 151 10.8 83 6.0
Virgin Islands 36 100.0 0 0 1 7.2 0 0
— Not available.
Not applicable.
# Rounds to zero.
1Reporting states totals exclude states for which data were missing for 20 percent of more of the schools or districts.
2Number of Title I eligible schools includes those with and without schoolwide Title I programs.
3Zero indicates that this type of school is authorized but none were operating.
4Data were missing for more than 20 percent of schools.
5Membership data were missing for 5 of the 33 charter schools in the District of Columbia.
NOTE: Percentages are based on all schools reporting in a state. Numbers of schools include those not reporting students in membership. U.S. totals include the 50 states and the District of Columbia.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data (CCD), "Public Elementary/Secondary School Universe Survey," 2001–02.
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