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Digest of Education Statistics
1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 307.Enrollment and completion of first-time postsecondary students starting during the 1969-90 academic year, by degree objective and other student characteristics: 1994

                                | 2-year college students starting in 1989-90  |   Students seeking bachelor's degrees in 1989-90
            Student             |                             |  No degree by  |  Highest degree completed, not  |         |   No
        characteristics         |      Attained by 1994\1\    |     1994       |enrolled for bachelor's degree\2\|  Still  | degree,
                                |-----------------------------|----------------|---------------------------------|enrolled |  not
                                |      |Certifi-|Asso- |Bache-|        |Not en-|Total, any|Certifi-|Asso- |Bache-|for bach-|   en-
                                |Total |  cate  |ciate |lor's |Enrolled|rolled |  degree  |  cate  |ciate |lor's |elor's\3\|rolled\4\
               1                |  2   |   3    |  4   |  5   |   6    |   7   |    8     |   9    |  10  |  11  |   12    |   13
Total ..........................| 36.7 |   12.9 | 17.5 |  6.3 |   14.7 |  48.6 |     54.3 |    3.3 |  5.1 | 45.8 |    17.5 |    28.3
  Male .........................| 33.8 |   12.7 | 15.5 |  5.6 |   17.1 |  49.1 |     48.8 |    2.7 |  4.8 | 41.3 |    20.3 |    30.9
  Female .......................| 39.6 |   13.2 | 19.5 |  7.0 |   12.4 |  48.1 |     59.7 |    4.0 |  5.4 | 50.3 |    14.6 |    25.7
                                |      |        |      |      |        |       |          |        |      |      |         |
Race                            |      |        |      |      |        |       |          |        |      |      |         |
  White, non-Hispanic ..........| 37.3 |   12.3 | 18.4 |  6.6 |   13.0 |  49.7 |     56.4 |    3.3 |  4.9 | 48.1 |    16.6 |    27.0
  Black, non-Hispanic ..........| 31.8 |   16.1 | 12.5 |  3.1 |   13.2 |  55.1 |     45.2 |    3.6 |  7.3 | 34.3 |    18.0 |    36.8
  Hispanic .....................| 38.0 |   15.2 | 15.6 |  7.2 |   22.2 |  39.8 |     41.3 |    5.4 |  3.5 | 32.4 |    22.1 |    36.6
  Asian/Pacific Islander .......|  --- |    --- |  --- |  --- |    --- |   --- |     52.8 |    0.6 |  5.3 | 46.8 |    21.8 |    25.5
                                |      |        |      |      |        |       |          |        |      |      |         |
Socioeconomic status            |      |        |      |      |        |       |          |        |      |      |         |
 in 1989-90                     |      |        |      |      |        |       |          |        |      |      |         |
  Low (25 percent) .............| 30.2 |   17.7 | 10.6 |  1.9 |   10.3 |  59.5 |     31.7 |    3.8 |  5.7 | 22.1 |    16.5 |    51.8
  Middle (50 percent) ..........| 34.3 |   13.7 | 15.0 |  5.7 |   16.4 |  49.3 |     47.1 |    3.5 |  4.8 | 38.9 |    19.4 |    33.5
  High (25 percent) ............| 44.8 |    8.7 | 26.1 | 10.1 |   14.5 |  40.7 |     61.5 |    3.2 |  5.3 | 52.9 |    16.3 |    22.3
                                |      |        |      |      |        |       |          |        |      |      |         |
Dependent student family        |      |        |      |      |        |       |          |        |      |      |         |
 income in 1989-90              |      |        |      |      |        |       |          |        |      |      |         |
  Less than $20,000 ............| 39.4 |   12.0 | 21.4 |  5.9 |   15.5 |  45.2 |     43.2 |    1.4 |  4.9 | 36.9 |    19.2 |    37.6
  $20,000 to $39,999 ...........| 43.4 |   12.8 | 20.5 | 10.0 |   13.8 |  42.9 |     52.6 |    4.1 |  5.3 | 43.2 |    18.2 |    29.2
  $40,000 to $59,999 ...........| 42.4 |   11.2 | 21.9 |  9.3 |   13.1 |  44.6 |     57.0 |    4.4 |  4.1 | 48.5 |    16.1 |    26.9
  $60,000 or more ..............| 46.9 |    5.4 | 31.5 | 10.0 |   24.6 |  28.5 |     68.1 |    1.5 |  6.0 | 60.6 |    16.0 |    15.9
                                |      |        |      |      |        |       |          |        |      |      |         |
Diploma/delayed entry status\5\ |      |        |      |      |        |       |          |        |      |      |         |
  Diploma, did not delay .......| 45.5 |   10.6 | 24.9 | 10.0 |   16.3 |  38.3 |     58.2 |    2.9 |  4.9 | 50.3 |    17.0 |    24.8
  Diploma, delayed entry .......| 26.4 |   16.3 |  8.6 |  1.5 |   14.5 |  59.1 |     30.9 |    6.6 |  7.1 | 17.3 |    21.5 |    47.6
  No diploma .................. | 21.8 |   14.2 |  5.9 |  1.7 |    4.5 |  73.7 |     21.0 |    3.7 |  2.4 | 15.0 |    14.1 |    64.8
                                |      |        |      |      |        |       |          |        |      |      |         |
Age (as of 12/31/89)            |      |        |      |      |        |       |          |        |      |      |         |
  18 years or younger ..........| 47.4 |    9.4 | 26.1 | 11.9 |   14.9 |  37.7 |     59.2 |    2.9 |  4.9 | 51.4 |    16.4 |    24.5
  19 years ...................  | 31.9 |   12.7 | 17.1 |  2.2 |   20.8 |  47.3 |     45.8 |    3.4 |  4.2 | 38.3 |    21.1 |    33.0
  20 to 29 years ...............| 27.3 |   16.4 |  8.3 |  2.5 |   13.0 |  59.8 |     36.3 |    7.9 |  9.4 | 19.0 |    19.6 |    44.1
  30 years or over .............| 25.7 |   18.2 |  6.9 |  0.6 |    9.2 |  65.1 |     19.1 |    3.3 |  6.0 |  9.8 |    17.3 |    63.5
                                |      |        |      |      |        |       |          |        |      |      |         |
Marital status                  |      |        |      |      |        |       |          |        |      |      |         |
  Never married ................| 41.1 |   11.8 | 21.1 |  8.1 |   16.2 |  42.7 |     56.8 |    3.4 |  5.3 | 48.1 |    17.4 |    25.8
  Married ....................  | 26.3 |   15.4 |  8.7 |  2.2 |    9.2 |  64.5 |     26.7 |    4.2 |  2.4 | 20.1 |    17.8 |    55.5
  Divorced, widowed, separated .| 29.9 |   25.6 |  3.3 |  1.0 |    8.8 |  61.2 |     21.7 |    0.6 |  9.5 | 11.6 |    18.4 |    59.9
                                |      |        |      |      |        |       |          |        |      |      |         |
Expected degree level           |      |        |      |      |        |       |          |        |      |      |         |
for 2-year students             |      |        |      |      |        |       |          |        |      |      |         |
  Less than 2 years ............| 23.9 |   19.8 |  4.1 |  0.0 |   12.3 |  63.8 |      --- |    --- |  --- |  --- |     --- |     ---
  2 to 4 years .................| 30.2 |   18.3 | 10.5 |  1.4 |   11.8 |  58.0 |      --- |    --- |  --- |  --- |     --- |     ---
  Bachelor's or higher .........| 40.6 |    9.9 | 21.7 |  9.0 |   16.1 |  43.3 |      --- |    --- |  --- |  --- |     --- |     ---
                                |      |        |      |      |        |       |          |        |      |      |         |
Average hours worked per        |      |        |      |      |        |       |          |        |      |      |         |
 week while enrolled            |      |        |      |      |        |       |          |        |      |      |         |
  None .........................| 40.5 |   21.2 | 13.8 |  5.6 |   11.1 |  48.4 |     56.2 |    2.0 |  4.4 | 49.8 |    17.8 |    26.0
  1 to 20 hours ................| 45.4 |   12.2 | 23.7 |  9.6 |   14.6 |  40.0 |     59.0 |    2.5 |  5.2 | 51.3 |    16.4 |    24.5
  More than  20 hours ..........| 33.3 |   10.9 | 16.8 |  5.6 |   15.7 |  51.0 |     50.3 |    4.5 |  5.4 | 40.4 |    17.9 |    31.7
                                |      |        |      |      |        |       |          |        |      |      |         |
Received financial aid          |      |        |      |      |        |       |          |        |      |      |         |
 during 1989-90                 |      |        |      |      |        |       |          |        |      |      |         |
  Yes ..........................| 39.9 |   13.1 | 17.3 |  9.6 |    8.6 |  51.5 |     60.4 |    2.2 |  3.2 | 55.1 |    13.8 |    25.8
  No ...........................| 35.5 |   12.9 | 17.6 |  5.0 |   17.0 |  47.5 |     48.4 |    4.5 |  7.0 | 36.9 |    21.0 |    30.7

1 Highest degree attained at any institution. Students who have attained may also be enrolled.

2 Status as of 1994. Includes those students who are no longer working towards a bachelor's degree, but who had completed another type of degree or award.

3 Status as of 1994. Includes students who had completed another type of degree or award (associate degree: 11.8 percent, certificate: 2.7 percent) but are still working toward a bachelor's degree.

4 Status as of 1994. Enrollment can be full-time or part-time. Includes students who are still enrolled, but are no longer working toward a bachelor's degree.

5 Students were considered to have a diploma only if they had a regular high school diploma. Students with a GED or other high school credentials were considered to have no diploma.

---Data not available or not applicable.

NOTE.--Data reflect completion and enrollment status by spring 1994 of first-time postsecondary students starting academic year 1989-90. Some cells in this table have relatively large sampling errors. See sampling error table in appendix.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Beginning Postsecondary Student Longitudinal Survey, 1994. (This table was prepared September 1996.)

1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest