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Digest of Education Statistics
1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 281.Earned degrees in English language and literature/letters\1\ conferred by institutions of higher education, by level of degree and sex of student: 1949-50 to 1993-94

               |     Bachelor's degrees      |       Master's degrees      |      Doctor's degrees
     Year      |-----------------------------|-----------------------------|-----------------------------
               |  Total  |   Men   |  Women  |  Total  |   Men   |  Women  |  Total  |   Men   |  Women
       1       |    2    |    3    |    4    |    5    |    6    |    7    |    8    |    9    |   10
1949-50 .......|  17,240 |   8,221 |   9,019 |   2,259 |   1,320 |     939 |     230 |     181 |      49
1959-60 .......|  20,128 |   7,580 |  12,548 |   2,931 |   1,458 |   1,473 |     397 |     314 |      83
1967-68 .......|  47,977 |  15,700 |  32,277 |   7,916 |   3,434 |   4,482 |     977 |     717 |     260
1969-70 .......|  56,410 |  18,650 |  37,760 |   8,517 |   3,326 |   5,191 |   1,213 |     837 |     376
               |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
1970-71 .......|  64,342 |  22,155 |  42,187 |  10,686 |   4,211 |   6,475 |   1,650 |   1,175 |     475
1971-72 .......|  63,976 |  22,657 |  41,319 |  10,579 |   4,123 |   6,456 |   1,826 |   1,233 |     593
1972-73 .......|  61,003 |  22,156 |  38,847 |  10,239 |   4,063 |   6,176 |   1,935 |   1,258 |     677
1973-74 .......|  54,590 |  20,214 |  34,376 |   9,803 |   3,917 |   5,886 |   1,885 |   1,208 |     677
1974-75 .......|  47,619 |  17,880 |  29,739 |   9,444 |   3,569 |   5,875 |   1,711 |   1,025 |     686
               |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
1975-76 .......|  42,006 |  16,073 |  25,933 |   8,809 |   3,383 |   5,426 |   1,672 |     967 |     705
1976-77 .......|  37,794 |  14,295 |  23,499 |   8,016 |   2,985 |   5,031 |   1,508 |     841 |     667
1977-78 .......|  35,328 |  13,137 |  22,191 |   7,655 |   2,706 |   4,949 |   1,400 |     758 |     642
1978-79 .......|  33,561 |  12,198 |  21,363 |   6,684 |   2,369 |   4,315 |   1,314 |     708 |     606
1979-80 .......|  32,541 |  11,380 |  21,161 |   6,189 |   2,233 |   3,956 |   1,294 |     686 |     608
               |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
1980-81 .......|  32,254 |  11,198 |  21,056 |   5,929 |   2,092 |   3,837 |   1,164 |     553 |     611
1981-82 .......|  33,419 |  11,414 |  22,005 |   5,772 |   1,983 |   3,789 |   1,101 |     511 |     590
1982-83 .......|  31,829 |  10,859 |  20,970 |   5,048 |   1,710 |   3,338 |     991 |     471 |     520
1983-84 .......|  32,834 |  11,170 |  21,664 |   5,010 |   1,736 |   3,274 |   1,018 |     459 |     559
1984-85 .......|  33,218 |  11,334 |  21,884 |   5,187 |   1,786 |   3,401 |   1,041 |     470 |     571
               |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
1985-86 .......|  34,552 |  11,819 |  22,733 |   5,518 |   1,881 |   3,637 |     991 |     428 |     563
1986-87 .......|  36,284 |  12,353 |  23,931 |   5,483 |   1,891 |   3,592 |     961 |     415 |     546
1987-88 .......|  38,661 |  12,836 |  25,825 |   5,562 |   1,870 |   3,692 |     981 |     428 |     553
1988-89 .......|  42,470 |  13,927 |  28,543 |   5,950 |   2,002 |   3,948 |   1,022 |     458 |     564
1989-90 .......|  47,519 |  15,662 |  31,857 |   6,567 |   2,205 |   4,362 |   1,078 |     480 |     598
               |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
1990-91 .......|  51,841 |  17,146 |  34,695 |   7,026 |   2,296 |   4,730 |   1,184 |     517 |     667
1991-92 .......|  54,951 |  18,536 |  36,415 |   7,450 |   2,513 |   4,937 |   1,273 |     537 |     736
1992-93 .......|  56,133 |  19,247 |  36,886 |   7,790 |   2,667 |   5,123 |   1,341 |     550 |     791
1993-94 .......|  53,924 |  18,425 |  35,499 |   7,885 |   2,712 |   5,173 |   1,344 |     568 |     776

\1\Includes degrees conferred in English language and literature, general; comparative literature; English comparative; English creative writing; literature; creative American literature; English literature; speech and rhetorical studies; English technical and business writing; and English language and literature/letters, other.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, "Degrees and Other Formal Awards Conferred" surveys, and Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Completions" surveys. (This table was prepared November 1995.)

1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest