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The SLDS team produces various types of products to capture best practices from the field and meet the evolving needs of the community. This page includes Best Practices, Guides, Issue Briefs, and State Spotlights publications. Select from the bar below to explore our growing library. Please contact Kristen King with suggestions for future products.
Statistics in Brief
Before Engaging Vendors: Critical Success Factors, Updated
July 2024
Critical success factors are the characteristics of an organization, its resources, and its project management approaches that affect whether the organization’s projects reach their intended goals. This guide introduces the nine critical success factors and describes strategies that organizations building SLDSs can take to strengthen each factor as they embark on new projects.
Generate ETL Tool
July 2024
While implementing Generate, it can be time consuming to write ETL code that reports data accurately for each EDFacts file. SEAs must be able to create ETL processes for EDFacts reporting of general education data files on their own. However, SEAs can leverage ETL work completed under CIID TA for EDFacts files such as “File Specification 029 - Directory” to create ETL for similar files. The Generate ETL Tool is intended to help ETL developers use the 029 Directory to create code for several Generate Education EDFacts files.
Generate Implementation Readiness Tip Sheet
July 2024
Generate is a free tool developed by the Center for the Integration of IDEA Data (CIID) that helps state education agencies integrate their Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and general education data using the Common Education Data Standards (CEDS) as a translation tool. This guide outlines tips to help states ensure that they are ready to implement Generate and that implementation goes smoothly.
Vendor Management Roles and Responsibilities, Updated
July 2024
Managing vendors and contracted services for an SLDS requires a team effort and is a combination of project and relationship management. This guide describes the scope of vendor management activities an organization will undertake. It also identifies the management roles and responsibilities that personnel within the organization will assume once the organization selects a vendor or contractor.
Guidelines and Tools for Creating and Using School Readiness Reports, Updated
July 2024
School readiness traditionally includes several factors that, when combined, indicate how prepared a child is to enter kindergarten and to succeed in school. This guide offers an overview of the types of data frequently included in school readiness reports, provides suggestions for including school- and community-level data elements in those reports, and demonstrates how those data can be presented to inform key audiences.
SLDS Data Use Standards: Knowledge, Skills, and Professional Behaviors for Effective Data Use
March 2024
First published in 2015, the SLDS Data Use Standards were created to increase the effective use of data by educators to support student learning and success. This updated guide revises and groups the knowledge, skills, and professional behaviors standards into a framework designed to illustrate how they support multiple data use phases and objectives.
Model Language and Key Considerations From the Field for Procuring CEDS-Aligned Solutions
March 2024
As states modernize their statewide longitudinal data system infrastructure, one key strategy is to implement the Common Education Data Standards (CEDS) and associated resources. A growing number of states are leveraging the CEDS technology stack to help improve and streamline data collections, data migration, storage, and reporting capabilities within and across state education agencies and P-20W+ (early childhood through workforce) SLDSs. While procuring new products and services can be challenging on its own, achieving interoperability in a complex, multivendor environment requires a clear vision and careful planning. This brief outlines tips, considerations, and model language that organizations can use when drafting procurement requests (e.g., RFPS and requests for quotes) and contracts for systems and services to help keep vendors accountable to align with and support CEDS.
Preparing for an SLDS Security Audit, Updated
February 2024
This brief provides general information about audit processes and guidance to help SLDS agencies prepare for an audit. It identifies common issues that emerge from SLDS audits and offers steps that agencies can take to respond to audit findings.
Securing Your SLDS, Updated
February 2024
This brief describes common threats to the security of education data systems, steps that education agencies should take to minimize the risk of a data breach, and strategies for addressing the effectiveness of data security measures.
Developing a Process for Managing Research Requests, Updated
January 2024
This guide offers information for SLDS teams and their partner agencies about establishing an appropriate process for making data available for education research. It describes how to implement a research request process based on best practices. Appendices include sample forms, letters, and documents that agencies can customize to set up a new research request process or to enhance an existing process.
SLDS Survey Analysis: Early Childhood Trends, 2018-2020
December 2023
The SLDS Survey captures information about the data capacity of U.S. states’ and territories’ SLDSs in a variety of areas, including the types of data they contain, how data from different sources are linked together, and how the data are used. This brief summarizes states’ and territories’ responses to several early childhood-related items from the 2018, 2019, and 2020 SLDS Surveys.
Securing and Leveraging Executive Leadership Support for a P-20W+ SLDS
November 2023
Without the backing and involvement of state and agency leaders, SLDS projects can be slowed and struggle to achieve their intended outcomes. This spotlight highlights how executive support for Indiana's SLDS provided the authority and motivation for other state data partners to participate and prioritize integrated data sharing and use.
Equity Road Map: Creating Data Visualizations of Equity Data
October 2023
Data visualizations that represent identified issues of equity must be created especially carefully for many reasons. This brief focuses on how to create reports and data visualizations through an equity lens, including recommendations on reviewing data visualizations comprehensively to ensure that messaging is clear and appropriate interpretations are supported.
Interagency Collaboration to Plan and Execute an SLDS Grant
October 2023
As SLDS programs nationwide have evolved to incorporate P-20W+ (early childhood through workforce) data from a variety of state agencies and programs, some states have decided to place responsibility for the SLDS outside of the state education agency. This issue brief describes how two states, Utah and Connecticut, have approached SLDS project planning, governance, management, and communications to ensure effective collaboration and successful outcomes for projects managed across multiple state agencies.
What Is an Early Childhood Integrated Data System?, Updated
August 2023
An early childhood integrated data system (ECIDS) collects, integrates, maintains, stores, and reports information from early childhood programs across multiple agencies within a state that serve children and families from birth to age 8. This brief describes the role of an ECIDS and the types of data it may contain.
SLDS Issue Brief: Equity Road Map: Rethinking Stakeholder Engagement
August 2023
Stakeholder engagement is a crucial practice in all SLDS activities. It ensures that the experience, expertise, and input of the individuals who develop, use, and benefit from the system are included in all decisions about the SLDS. This brief focuses on best practices and considerations for stakeholder engagement to ensure appropriate analysis, interpretation, and use of SLDS data for equity purposes.
P-20W+ Governance: Tips From the States, Updated
July 2023
Data governance is necessary for creating clear roles and responsibilities for each member of any project team. This SLDS Guide provides an overview of data governance and discusses the effective practices of states with experience in P-20W+ data governance.
Communicating the Value of Data Governance, Updated
June 2023
Data governance is foundational to a sustainable statewide longitudinal data system (SLDS). When programs and organizations understand how data governance benefits their programs and organizations, they are more likely to participate in and provide ongoing support for the data governance program. This issue brief discusses common benefits that programs and organizations can gain from participating in data governance and how SLDS teams can define the value based on those benefits. It also covers how to craft messages that communicate the value and keep those messages relevant and central to the state’s work.
Modernizing a State Report Card
April 2023
Education data report cards offer a variety of audiences essential information about education services and student outcomes at the school, district, and state levels. The metrics featured in state report cards reflect federal requirements and state and local interests that can change over time. Like many state education agencies, the New Hampshire Department of Education used new report card requirements from the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) as an opportunity to review and redesign the key data it publishes for stakeholders.
The Common Education Data Standards (CEDS) Tech Stack: Tools for Informed Data Use
March 2023
This guide describes the tools in the CEDS tech stack and how agencies can integrate them into a variety of data system environments—including on-premises and cloud setups—for more effective data management and use. It also describes how CEDS tools can help address common problems that agencies face when collecting, integrating, governing, and using data.
Improving Data Quality and Data Use Through the Critical Data Issues Process
March 2023
The critical data issues process allows the data governance program to identify, prioritize, and address issues that impede the quality and use of an agency or SLDS program’s data. This guide provides an overview of the purpose, value, key steps, and tips for implementing the critical data issues process via a data governance program.
State Tips for Effective SLDS Sustainability Planning
March 2023
Sustainability plans will look different across states and SLDSs due to their distinct scopes, maturity, goals, and resource needs. This guide draws tips for effective sustainability planning from several states at different stages of planning and implementing their sustainability plans.
EDFacts Modernization and the EDPass System
March 2023
Beginning in spring 2023, EDFacts users will be required to upload and submit data files via EDPass. This guide provides an overview of EDPass as well as key steps and resources related to its rollout.
Supporting Data Use Through an Online Learning Hub
March 2023
Stakeholder engagement is key for a successful and sustainable statewide longitudinal data system (SLDS). To fully engage in the SLDS, stakeholders must understand how to navigate the system and correctly use the data within. This spotlight showcases how Minnesota’s Statewide Longitudinal Education Data System redesigned its tutorials web page into an online hub that allows users to follow customized learning paths.
SLDS Issue Brief: Equity Road Map: Identifying Indicators of Equity
February 2023
Using SLDS data to address educational equity starts with identifying questions that can be answered using SLDS data elements. This brief focuses on identifying indicators of equity to ensure that information shared with key stakeholders is clear and actionable.
Best Practices for Calculating Employment and Earnings Metrics
January 2023
This brief describes several frequently used employment metrics, the data elements they require, and how they are calculated. It also discusses how states can use employment metrics to answer policy questions or meet reporting requirements related to workforce outcomes, as well as challenges and considerations to address.
Establishing and Maintaining Effective Project Meetings
January 2023
Setting standards and procedures for effective meetings at the beginning of an SLDS project helps the project run efficiently. Following the guidelines in this issue brief can help your team establish and maintain meetings that effectively support your SLDS efforts.
Sources and Linking Strategies for Employment Data
December 2022
As the demand to connect education and employment data grows, states are navigating the challenges of locating essential data across a number of sources as well as establishing agreements and technical processes. This brief describes common sources of workforce data and processes states use to link data across education and workforce programs.
Technical and Business Documentation for an SLDS
October 2022
This guide provides an overview of documentation processes and deliverables frequently used for SLDSs. It covers best practices and pitfalls for creating SLDS documentation. It also offers examples of how SLDS programs in Kansas and Mississippi use documentation to support their data systems.
Best Practices Briefs
Best Practice Guides provide lessons learned and targeted strategies to help states overcome common obstacles to creating a high-quality SLDS.
Elevator Speeches, Updated
April 2019
Whether states are in the planning stages, in the throes of dashboard design, or wrapping up their SLDS grant, it is important to keep in mind the objectives behind the work. This Best Practices Brief discusses the exercise of developing an "elevator speech" to explain SLDS projects to high-level, non-technical decisionmakers and policymakers. It includes state examples of elevator speeches created at a meeting of FY12 SLDS grantees in May 2013.
SLDS Spotlights highlight a one or several state’s achievements, products, and topics related to SLDS.
Leveraging an SLDS to Support LEA and School Strategic Planning
December 2023
The Rhode Island Department of Education’s Office of Data and Technology Services and Office of School and District Improvement partnered to plan and create the Rhode Island Strategic Planning System (SPS), which allows LEAs and schools to develop strategic plans connected to SLDS data and track their progress toward their goals.
Securing and Leveraging Executive Leadership Support for a P-20W+ SLDS
November 2023
Without the backing and involvement of state and agency leaders, SLDS projects can be slowed and struggle to achieve their intended outcomes. This spotlight highlights how executive support for Indiana's SLDS provided the authority and motivation for other state data partners to participate and prioritize integrated data sharing and use.
Modernizing a State Report Card
April 2023
Education data report cards offer a variety of audiences essential information about education services and student outcomes at the school, district, and state levels. The metrics featured in state report cards reflect federal requirements and state and local interests that can change over time. Like many state education agencies, the New Hampshire Department of Education used new report card requirements from the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) as an opportunity to review and redesign the key data it publishes for stakeholders.
Supporting Data Use Through an Online Learning Hub
March 2023
Stakeholder engagement is key for a successful and sustainable statewide longitudinal data system (SLDS). To fully engage in the SLDS, stakeholders must understand how to navigate the system and correctly use the data within. This spotlight showcases how Minnesota’s Statewide Longitudinal Education Data System redesigned its tutorials web page into an online hub that allows users to follow customized learning paths.
State Approaches to Engaging and Sustaining Postsecondary and Workforce Partners
March 2022
Postsecondary education and workforce programs are among the most critical partners for SLDS programs seeking to understand the long-term outcomes of education and training programs. This spotlight discusses how SLDS programs in Iowa, Minnesota, New Jersey, and Connecticut work with postsecondary and workforce agencies to share data, integrate and manage those data, and use their collective information to support state education and workforce initiatives and stakeholder priorities.
State Approaches to SLDS Branding
September 2021
For SLDSs, branding can help raise awareness and recognition of the system and its role in informing the state’s education and workforce programs. This brief highlights the approaches that several states have taken to branding their SLDSs and the benefits and challenges they found in the branding process.
Student Wallets: Sharing Digital Certificates and Transcripts
April 2021
This spotlight explores the North Dakota Information Technology Department’s use of blockchain technology to create a student wallet system to store, secure, and make accessible digital certifications, transcripts, and other data.
Integrating Health and Education Data to Improve Educators’ Support of Students
December 2020
Many factors affect how well students learn in the classroom, including student health and wellbeing at school and beyond. This spotlight explores the Hawai‘i State Department of Education’s work to incorporate student health data into its SLDS alongside indicators of students’ academic performance to give educators a fuller picture of students’ needs and outcomes.
Accessing SLDS Data: Innovative Solutions to State-Specific Security Controls
March 2020
This spotlight highlights two states, California and Louisiana, with laws that strongly regulate data access. It describes how their state education agencies have adapted their data management and data use procedures to comply with state requirements while continuing to meet their reporting and operational needs.
Incorporating Early Childhood Into the P-20W+ Research Agenda
December 2019
Research agendas help state agencies and data system teams identify and prioritize the questions they want to answer using integrated data. This spotlight describes how early childhood data and policy questions can be included in P-20W+ research agendas to help states measure the impact of early childhood programs and services. It highlights the work of two states—Utah and Mississippi—to identify and conduct research that traces the effects of early childhood programs into K12 education and beyond.
Data Visualization for Data Use
June 2018
As stakeholders of SLDSs become more adept at using data in their work and for decisionmaking, SLDS programs in many states are expanding and evaluating their use of data visualization to continue to meet their users’ demands for information. This spotlight examines the data visualization tools and processes used by SLDS programs in Michigan, Maryland, and Hawai‘i.
Guides provide in-depth knowledge about an SLDS-related topic, and include strategies, advice, and tips from states.
Before Engaging Vendors: Critical Success Factors, Updated
July 2024
Critical success factors are the characteristics of an organization, its resources, and its project management approaches that affect whether the organization’s projects reach their intended goals. This guide introduces the nine critical success factors and describes strategies that organizations building SLDSs can take to strengthen each factor as they embark on new projects.
Generate ETL Tool
July 2024
While implementing Generate, it can be time consuming to write ETL code that reports data accurately for each EDFacts file. SEAs must be able to create ETL processes for EDFacts reporting of general education data files on their own. However, SEAs can leverage ETL work completed under CIID TA for EDFacts files such as “File Specification 029 - Directory” to create ETL for similar files. The Generate ETL Tool is intended to help ETL developers use the 029 Directory to create code for several Generate Education EDFacts files.
Generate Implementation Readiness Tip Sheet
July 2024
Generate is a free tool developed by the Center for the Integration of IDEA Data (CIID) that helps state education agencies integrate their Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and general education data using the Common Education Data Standards (CEDS) as a translation tool. This guide outlines tips to help states ensure that they are ready to implement Generate and that implementation goes smoothly.
Vendor Management Roles and Responsibilities, Updated
July 2024
Managing vendors and contracted services for an SLDS requires a team effort and is a combination of project and relationship management. This guide describes the scope of vendor management activities an organization will undertake. It also identifies the management roles and responsibilities that personnel within the organization will assume once the organization selects a vendor or contractor.
Guidelines and Tools for Creating and Using School Readiness Reports, Updated
July 2024
School readiness traditionally includes several factors that, when combined, indicate how prepared a child is to enter kindergarten and to succeed in school. This guide offers an overview of the types of data frequently included in school readiness reports, provides suggestions for including school- and community-level data elements in those reports, and demonstrates how those data can be presented to inform key audiences.
SLDS Data Use Standards: Knowledge, Skills, and Professional Behaviors for Effective Data Use
March 2024
First published in 2015, the SLDS Data Use Standards were created to increase the effective use of data by educators to support student learning and success. This updated guide revises and groups the knowledge, skills, and professional behaviors standards into a framework designed to illustrate how they support multiple data use phases and objectives.
Developing a Process for Managing Research Requests, Updated
January 2024
This guide offers information for SLDS teams and their partner agencies about establishing an appropriate process for making data available for education research. It describes how to implement a research request process based on best practices. Appendices include sample forms, letters, and documents that agencies can customize to set up a new research request process or to enhance an existing process.
P-20W+ Governance: Tips From the States, Updated
July 2023
Data governance is necessary for creating clear roles and responsibilities for each member of any project team. This SLDS Guide provides an overview of data governance and discusses the effective practices of states with experience in P-20W+ data governance.
The Common Education Data Standards (CEDS) Tech Stack: Tools for Informed Data Use
March 2023
This guide describes the tools in the CEDS tech stack and how agencies can integrate them into a variety of data system environments—including on-premises and cloud setups—for more effective data management and use. It also describes how CEDS tools can help address common problems that agencies face when collecting, integrating, governing, and using data.
Improving Data Quality and Data Use Through the Critical Data Issues Process
March 2023
The critical data issues process allows the data governance program to identify, prioritize, and address issues that impede the quality and use of an agency or SLDS program’s data. This guide provides an overview of the purpose, value, key steps, and tips for implementing the critical data issues process via a data governance program.
State Tips for Effective SLDS Sustainability Planning
March 2023
Sustainability plans will look different across states and SLDSs due to their distinct scopes, maturity, goals, and resource needs. This guide draws tips for effective sustainability planning from several states at different stages of planning and implementing their sustainability plans.
EDFacts Modernization and the EDPass System
March 2023
Beginning in spring 2023, EDFacts users will be required to upload and submit data files via EDPass. This guide provides an overview of EDPass as well as key steps and resources related to its rollout.
Technical and Business Documentation for an SLDS
October 2022
This guide provides an overview of documentation processes and deliverables frequently used for SLDSs. It covers best practices and pitfalls for creating SLDS documentation. It also offers examples of how SLDS programs in Kansas and Mississippi use documentation to support their data systems.
CEDS Data Warehouse Implementation Guide, Updated
April 2022
This guide provides an overview and description of planning, processes, and components required for implementing the CEDS Data Warehouse platform and infrastructure. Additionally, it offers resources and a framework for state agencies to collaborate through the CEDS Open Source Community (OSC) for guidance in identifying and planning for the CEDS Data Warehouse.
Historical Data Migration
November 2021
As states are modernizing their SLDS infrastructure to take advantage of newer technology, streamlined processes, and standards, they must consider what to do about the vast amount of data that have been collected and stored within older technologies and structures. This guide offers considerations for migrating historical data into new data systems.
SLDS Record Retention and Data Destruction
May 2021
This guide discusses considerations that SLDS programs should make when crafting record retention and data destruction policies. It also covers common challenges related to record retention and data destruction that policies should address.
Best Practices for SLDS Project Management
April 2021
This guide examines several challenges that SLDS project teams face in the areas of human and organizational capacity, project administration, communications and engagement, and vendor management. It offers solutions from state SLDS project teams for navigating those challenges.
CEDS Data Warehouse Expansion Project
April 2021
Through the CEDS Data Warehouse Expansion Project, state SLDS teams work together to plan and build the CEDS Data Warehouse model. The result will be a collection of use cases, architecture, code, and data reports that SLDS programs nationwide can adapt to their own systems. Learn more about the project and how to get involved.
Best Practices for Onboarding Individuals and Organizations to an SLDS Program
March 2021
Onboarding new members presents an opportunity for the SLDS team to reflect on the SLDS program as a whole and identify needed enhancements in resources, process, structure, and outputs. This guide explains key aspects of the onboarding process, questions that should be addressed in the onboarding process and as best practices to ensure a smooth transition as new members and organizations are added to the SLDS program.
CEDS Data Warehouse Project Plan Templates
October 2020
The Common Education Data Standards (CEDS) Data Warehouse is an open source model for storing P-20W+ (early childhood through workforce) data for a variety of uses. These templates provide example project plans for organizations implementing the CEDS Data Warehouse. The planning phase template and the development phase template cover tasks related to their respective stages in the CEDS Data Warehouse implementation process.
CEDS Data Warehouse Use Case Implementation Process
August 2020
Built on CEDS’s standardized schema of data element names and definitions, the CEDS Data Warehouse allows states to integrate data from source systems in numerous state and local agencies and programs. This guide outlines the process for operationalizing a CEDS Data Warehouse that integrates and manages data from state agency data systems in a standardized format to meet the state’s reporting and research needs.
Master Data Management: An Overview
July 2020
As states and schools increasingly use data to improve outcomes and drive decisionmaking, they turn to statewide longitudinal data systems (SLDSs) to store, manage, and use data. However, as more data continue to come into systems, efforts must be made to ensure that records are properly matched and linked and that the SLDS continues to produce high-quality data. To improve efficiency, some states are exploring master data management (MDM) principles. This guide explains MDM and offers perspectives from two states—North Dakota and New Jersey—on implementing MDM with their SLDSs.
Requirements Traceability Matrix
June 2020
This guide describes the purpose and structure of a requirements traceability matrix (RTM) in relation to SLDS projects and how project managers use and maintain them. It includes an RTM template that SLDS teams can customize and use for their own data system projects.
Cloud Computing Needs Assessment
June 2020
Many state agencies are eager to explore opportunities to support their data systems with cloud computing and to determine their needs and priorities for implementing cloud technology. This guide outlines how agencies can conduct a cloud computing needs assessment and questions to be answered during the needs assessment.
How to Prepare and Use District Financial Reports
December 2019
The federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) made the collection and use of school finance data a priority for all states with its requirement that per-pupil expenditure data be included on public report cards. This guide describes some of the challenges and implications of new federal reporting requirements on states’ approaches to using school finance data. It also highlights the approaches that two states, Massachusetts and Illinois, have taken to developing district-level financial reports that meet federal requirements as well as state needs.
Developing Effective Data Policies and Processes
December 2019
This guide describes the differences between data policies and processes, their role in data governance, and common content areas for policies and processes. It also outlines steps for developing strong data policies and for implementing them effectively.
SLDS Glossary, Updated
December 2019
The SLDS Glossary defines common terms related to statewide longitudinal data systems, data use, and privacy.
Single-Agency Data Governance: Roles and Responsibilities
July 2018
Data governance includes establishing representative governing bodies that are responsible for developing and implementing data policies and processes. This publication describes the roles and responsibilities involved in a single-agency data governance program.
Interagency Data Governance: Roles and Responsibilities
July 2018
Data governance includes establishing representative governing bodies that are responsible for developing and implementing data policies and processes. This publication describes the roles and responsibilities involved in an interagency data governance program.
Community Profiles: Getting Started
December 2017
Many states use—or are planning to use—community profiles to provide information to the public and interested stakeholders about early childhood programs and services in specific geographic areas. This guide offers an overview of the types of data frequently included in early childhood community profiles and how those data can be presented to inform key audiences. It also introduces the CEDS Early Childhood Profiles Connection, which contains data elements and analysis recommendations for creating an early childhood community profile.
Promoting Your SLDS Through Effective Communication: A Primer
December 2017
This guide helps SLDS teams develop messages about and communicate the benefits of an SLDS for stakeholders. It offers basic tips on developing simple, low-cost, effective communications regarding the SLDS. It also helps prompt important conversations and work among state education agency staff to help deliver SLDS messages to the right audiences.
Issue Briefs
Issue Briefs explore a range of issues related to the effective use of longitudinal education data for research.
Model Language and Key Considerations From the Field for Procuring CEDS-Aligned Solutions
March 2024
As states modernize their statewide longitudinal data system infrastructure, one key strategy is to implement the Common Education Data Standards (CEDS) and associated resources. A growing number of states are leveraging the CEDS technology stack to help improve and streamline data collections, data migration, storage, and reporting capabilities within and across state education agencies and P-20W+ (early childhood through workforce) SLDSs. While procuring new products and services can be challenging on its own, achieving interoperability in a complex, multivendor environment requires a clear vision and careful planning. This brief outlines tips, considerations, and model language that organizations can use when drafting procurement requests (e.g., RFPS and requests for quotes) and contracts for systems and services to help keep vendors accountable to align with and support CEDS.
Preparing for an SLDS Security Audit, Updated
February 2024
This brief provides general information about audit processes and guidance to help SLDS agencies prepare for an audit. It identifies common issues that emerge from SLDS audits and offers steps that agencies can take to respond to audit findings.
Securing Your SLDS, Updated
February 2024
This brief describes common threats to the security of education data systems, steps that education agencies should take to minimize the risk of a data breach, and strategies for addressing the effectiveness of data security measures.
SLDS Survey Analysis: Early Childhood Trends, 2018-2020
December 2023
The SLDS Survey captures information about the data capacity of U.S. states’ and territories’ SLDSs in a variety of areas, including the types of data they contain, how data from different sources are linked together, and how the data are used. This brief summarizes states’ and territories’ responses to several early childhood-related items from the 2018, 2019, and 2020 SLDS Surveys.
Equity Road Map: Creating Data Visualizations of Equity Data
October 2023
Data visualizations that represent identified issues of equity must be created especially carefully for many reasons. This brief focuses on how to create reports and data visualizations through an equity lens, including recommendations on reviewing data visualizations comprehensively to ensure that messaging is clear and appropriate interpretations are supported.
Interagency Collaboration to Plan and Execute an SLDS Grant
October 2023
As SLDS programs nationwide have evolved to incorporate P-20W+ (early childhood through workforce) data from a variety of state agencies and programs, some states have decided to place responsibility for the SLDS outside of the state education agency. This issue brief describes how two states, Utah and Connecticut, have approached SLDS project planning, governance, management, and communications to ensure effective collaboration and successful outcomes for projects managed across multiple state agencies.
What Is an Early Childhood Integrated Data System?, Updated
August 2023
An early childhood integrated data system (ECIDS) collects, integrates, maintains, stores, and reports information from early childhood programs across multiple agencies within a state that serve children and families from birth to age 8. This brief describes the role of an ECIDS and the types of data it may contain.
SLDS Issue Brief: Equity Road Map: Rethinking Stakeholder Engagement
August 2023
Stakeholder engagement is a crucial practice in all SLDS activities. It ensures that the experience, expertise, and input of the individuals who develop, use, and benefit from the system are included in all decisions about the SLDS. This brief focuses on best practices and considerations for stakeholder engagement to ensure appropriate analysis, interpretation, and use of SLDS data for equity purposes.
Effective Reporting on Research and Evaluation Findings from the SLDS , Updated
August 2023
This issue brief is intended to help states and territories develop strategies for effective reporting and use of information from internal and external evaluation and research findings that use the SLDS. The brief also offers guidance for communicating results to stakeholders and using research and evaluation projects to support SLDS sustainability.
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Effective Reporting on Research and Evaluation Findings from the SLDS
, Updated (66 KB)
Communicating the Value of Data Governance, Updated
June 2023
Data governance is foundational to a sustainable statewide longitudinal data system (SLDS). When programs and organizations understand how data governance benefits their programs and organizations, they are more likely to participate in and provide ongoing support for the data governance program. This issue brief discusses common benefits that programs and organizations can gain from participating in data governance and how SLDS teams can define the value based on those benefits. It also covers how to craft messages that communicate the value and keep those messages relevant and central to the state’s work.
SLDS Issue Brief: Equity Road Map: Identifying Indicators of Equity
February 2023
Using SLDS data to address educational equity starts with identifying questions that can be answered using SLDS data elements. This brief focuses on identifying indicators of equity to ensure that information shared with key stakeholders is clear and actionable.
Best Practices for Calculating Employment and Earnings Metrics
January 2023
This brief describes several frequently used employment metrics, the data elements they require, and how they are calculated. It also discusses how states can use employment metrics to answer policy questions or meet reporting requirements related to workforce outcomes, as well as challenges and considerations to address.
Establishing and Maintaining Effective Project Meetings
January 2023
Setting standards and procedures for effective meetings at the beginning of an SLDS project helps the project run efficiently. Following the guidelines in this issue brief can help your team establish and maintain meetings that effectively support your SLDS efforts.
Sources and Linking Strategies for Employment Data
December 2022
As the demand to connect education and employment data grows, states are navigating the challenges of locating essential data across a number of sources as well as establishing agreements and technical processes. This brief describes common sources of workforce data and processes states use to link data across education and workforce programs.
Communicating Early Childhood Integrated Data System (ECIDS) Design: Developing Presentation and Conceptual Diagrams
May 2022
It is often challenging to communicate how user needs inform the design of the ECIDS and to describe the design to technical and nontechnical audiences. This brief presents two types of diagrams that can help communicate an ECIDS design: a presentation diagram and a conceptual diagram.
Equity Road Map: Using SLDS Data to Identify and Address Equity: Defining Equity for Data Use
May 2022
Before determining how SLDSs use data to identify and address issues of educational equity, it is important to define equity for stakeholders. This brief presents considerations for defining equity in education and two states’ approaches to developing a definition.
SLDS Strategic Planning: The Purpose, Value, and Key Aspects
May 2022
Strategic planning is the process of defining an organization’s future goals, determining the actions needed to reach them, and deciding how to use the organization’s resources to support those goals and actions. This brief describes the value of strategic planning for an SLDS, outlines four key aspects of an SLDS strategic plan, and highlights strategic planning approaches and outcomes from four states.
Implementing a Research Agenda, Updated
May 2022
Research agendas help SLDS teams and their states align SLDS work with state strategic goals and policy priorities, plan and prioritize research projects, and respond to data requests from researchers. This brief describes key steps and considerations for communicating and carrying out a research agenda that an SLDS can support.
Developing a Robust Research Agenda That the SLDS Can Support, Updated
March 2022
A research agenda is a plan that focuses on issues and ideas that are of greatest current interest or need. This brief and its accompanying worksheets provide a step-by-step process for developing or improving a research agenda that the SLDS can support.
A Primer on Distinct Count of Children, Updated
March 2022
Knowing how many distinct children have been served by one or more early childhood programs and/or services is a foundational metric for a host of early childhood policy and programmatic analyses. This document defines "Distinct Count" and describes the factors contributing to a distinct count.
Cross-Agency Data and Research
December 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic brought many changes to the education and workforce sectors, as well as the way in which state agencies collect data on these sectors. representatives from four states explain how the pandemic created new projects, research, and partnership opportunities, as well as what they have learned about COVID-19 impacts on readiness, enrollment, and more.
School-Level Poverty Measures Using BlindSIDE
December 2021
NCES is exploring a new approach to estimating student poverty that may give education agencies and researchers more accurate information about student economic disadvantage. Representatives from Kansas, North Dakota, and Wisconsin share preliminary results from pilot testing the estimates and discuss how they potentially could supplement existing measures of school-level poverty.
Using CEDS Alignment to Facilitate Research
December 2021
Gathering and sending data for research can be challenging for statewide longitudinal data systems. Standards such as the Common Education Data Standards (CEDS) can play a vital role in alleviating some of these problems because they provide a common vocabulary that is consistent across data systems and stakeholders, and they ensure consistent and comparable data throughout all education levels and sectors. The web-based CEDS Align tool lets users import their data dictionaries, align their data elements to CEDS, compare their data dictionaries with those of other users, and understand where their data may diverge from other CEDS alignments. This brief describes how CEDS alignment facilitates the research process for education agencies in Montana and Kentucky.
Including Head Start Data in an ECIDS: Navigating Source System Vendors
November 2021
Including Head Start data in early childhood integrated data systems (ECIDSs) helps states build a complete picture of existing early childhood services and identify service gaps and opportunities for partnerships. Head Start grantees often contract with IT vendors for data-related services, which can make obtaining Head Start data challenging. This brief provides tips for state ECIDS project staff members when partnering with Head Start grantees to obtain data from vendors.
State Approaches to Conducting an SLDS Cost Analysis
November 2021
With a comprehensive cost analysis, an SLDS program can make informed decisions about IT investments, data projects, system operations and performance, and funding. This brief describes the types of expenses often included in an SLDS cost analysis. It also features examples of how SLDS programs in four states use cost analyses to make decisions about building or modernizing their SLDSs and secure funding from grants or their state governments.
SLDS Issue Brief: Vendor Management Tips
May 2021
Most state education agencies use vendors in support of their education data projects. While what works in one state may not work in another, there are some key tips for developing RFPs, engaging with vendors, and managing vendor work that can increase the likelihood of producing a cost-effective, high-quality SLDS.
Tips for Successful Monitoring Calls
May 2021
This brief offers advice for state project leaders when planning for, conducting, and following up after monthly SLDS Grant Program monitoring calls. It also includes practices and recommendations from project leaders in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin for using monitoring calls to support the goals of their SLDS work.
Data Quality: Striking a Balance
April 2021
Data quality is essential to developing stakeholder trust in and use of an SLDS. However, achieving perfect data quality is not realistic, given finite resources and time. This publication describes attributes of data quality and strategies for improving it.
ESSA Financial Data Visualizations
December 2020
Federal requirements such as the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), which mandates that states and districts release public report cards with school-by-school per pupil expenditures, as well as growing interest from stakeholders, have led many states to invest in financial data reports and tools. Access to these data allows education stakeholders to explore the relationship between school spending and student outcomes, spending equity among schools and districts, and spending across the state. State education agencies in Delaware, Illinois, and Rhode Island have developed data visualizations to ensure that every stakeholder can understand and interpret ESSA report card data. Representatives from these agencies discuss their approaches to creating their data visualizations, challenges and solutions encountered along the way, and upcoming changes to the report cards and visualizations.
Early Childhood Data Governance in Action: Initial Steps to Establish Data Governance
December 2020
This brief describes the initial, concrete steps to establish data governance for an early childhood integrated data system (ECIDS). It is intended to support states beginning the process of developing their ECIDS data governance programs. This brief builds on the information in SLDS Issue Brief: Early Childhood Data Governance in Action: An Introduction.
Early Childhood Data Governance in Action: An Introduction
October 2020
Data governance provides a means to establish a common vision for early childhood data use in a state, with key policy and program decisions supporting that vision. This introduction defines data governance for an early childhood integrated data system, identifies who should be involved in a data governance program, and describes their roles and responsibilities.
Interagency Data Linking and Common Identifiers
June 2020
This brief offers best practices and strategies from several states related to setting goals for cross-agency data sharing, identifying requirements from data sharing partners, establishing technical solutions and processes to link data in a P-20W+ SLDS, and collaboratively governing interagency data collections.
Data Governance and IT: Tips for Communicating About Education Data Requirements
June 2020
Successful education data systems depend on developing a comprehensive set of requirements covering how the system will be constructed, managed, and used. This brief provides guidance for data governance and IT teams on communicating effectively about the requirements for education data systems and tools, including relevant content, standards, protections, and use.
SLDS IRB Requirements
May 2020
In order to ensure that federally funded work related to statewide longitudinal data systems (SLDSs) adequately protects the privacy and wellbeing of the individuals whose data they contain, the U.S. Department of Education (ED) requires states to have their SLDS grant-funded projects undergo the same processes as other research grants to determine whether they require an institutional review board (IRB) approval. This publication describes ED’s IRB requirement for SLDS grantees and offers expert perspectives and tips for states approaching the IRB review process.
Best Practices for the Design and Implementation of Data Privacy and Security Programs
March 2020
To protect student and district data, SLDSs must develop robust privacy and security programs. This brief offers an overview of key concepts and content to be covered in privacy and security plans for state SLDS agencies as well as methods of developing and implementing these plans. It draws on best practices identified by the Privacy Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) and includes examples of privacy and security plans from Wisconsin and Kentucky.
How to Engage and Train Stakeholders Regarding Privacy and Security Best Practices
January 2020
Investing in proper training can help SLDS programs address security threats proactively and substantially reduce the risk of data breaches and misuse of their systems. This brief offers an overview of key concepts and content to be covered in privacy and security training for state education agencies as well as methods of delivering that content to stakeholders.
Effective Uses of Data to Gain Support for an SLDS
December 2019
Demonstrating the value of SLDS data through effective data use—including reports, data tools, and research—can be a powerful way to gain ongoing support for an SLDS. This brief draws on the experiences of several state SLDS programs to identify common challenges to sustaining SLDSs as well as strategies for using data effectively to secure long-term support.
Measuring and Documenting ROI
December 2019
Demonstrating the value of SLDS data in decisionmaking helps garner buy-in from key stakeholders such as legislators, state agencies, and educators. To maintain and increase support for the SLDS, it is necessary to show that the knowledge gained from longitudinal data is worth the significant investment of time, money, and resources required to maintain a data system. Measuring and documenting return on investment (ROI) is a helpful way for states to communicate the value of the SLDS to stakeholders. Representatives from Georgia, Massachusetts, and Michigan discuss measuring and documenting ROI, as well as the many forms SLDS ROI can take.
Implementing and Evaluating Data Use Training Programs for Educators
November 2019
Statewide longitudinal data systems (SLDSs) support state programs and inform policy and instructional decisions by providing high-quality, longitudinal data from multiple sectors, including education, workforce, and social services. To achieve this purpose, SLDS teams must provide role-specific data use training in a format that responds to stakeholders' needs.
This brief describes how two states, Hawai‘i and Wisconsin, have evaluated and improved data use training programs to ensure that educators have the knowledge, skills, and professional behaviors to effectively use SLDS data to inform instruction.
Engaging Research Groups in Using SLDS Data
October 2019
By partnering with researchers outside their host agencies, SLDS programs can expand their analytical capacity, extend their expertise, encourage research in specific areas, increase the use and impact of SLDS data to inform education practice, and promote the SLDS through multiple channels. This brief describes how state SLDS programs can find and build rewarding partnerships with external research groups.
Bringing Early Childhood and K12 Together
September 2019
Although early childhood data can provide critical information on children entering K12 education as well as help evaluate outcomes of early childhood services when connected to K12 data, data from these two sectors often are kept siloed. Two states demonstrate their linked data systems and offer strategies and solutions for states interested in bringing early childhood and K12 data together.
State Approaches to Curating and Disseminating Curricular Support Materials
September 2019
Educators rely on high-quality, impactful curricular support and instructional materials to help their students meet learning objectives. Even with the wealth of resources available from education agencies, vendors, and the Internet, it can be difficult to find effective materials. This brief describes two states’ approaches to identifying and sharing instructional materials that can support their teachers and students.
Answering Key Questions With an Early Childhood Integrated Data System, Updated
August 2019
In order to build useful early childhood integrated data systems (ECIDSs), states must start with a vision for how they would like the system to be used and, more specifically, a list of essential questions to be answered using the data. This brief offers examples of key early childhood policy questions and outlines why those questions are needed, how to create them, and who should be involved in developing questions that will guide ECIDSs.
Modeling Occupational Pathways to Inform State Workforce Supply and Demand
July 2019
Minnesota’s Statewide Longitudinal Education Data System (SLEDS) combines information from state education and workforce agencies with national data to better understand Minnesota’s labor market. This brief describes the tools that Minnesota has developed to trace the occupational pathways of its citizens and how educators, workforce trainers, policymakers, and the public can use this information.
SLDS Issue Brief: Data Stories for the Data Curious
July 2019
Statewide longitudinal data systems provide information critical for informing policy, benchmarking student performance, and supporting other valuable initiatives integral to education. The data in them are usually rich and complex, but not all stakeholders are able to engage with those data equally. Data stories, which provide key findings in an attractive, contextualized format useful for sharing and decision-making, are one avenue that states can use to engage busy stakeholders. Representatives from Minnesota describe the creation of the MN Kids Explorer data tool and their first data story.
Addressing Teacher Labor and Teacher Quality Questions
December 2018
Many states have started to combine data from local and state staff information systems as well as postsecondary educator preparation programs to gain greater insight into the qualifications and placement of their teachers. This brief describes three of the most common questions about teacher labor markets that state education agencies seek to answer with SLDS data. It also provides examples of how states are gathering, reporting, and using teacher labor market information.
Centralized vs. Federated: System Models for P-20W+ Data Systems
November 2018
States have approached the challenge of maintaining and providing secure access to data linked across organizations through two predominate data models, each with its own challenges and advantages. This issue brief describes how federated and centralized models bring together data from agencies across a state’s P-20W+ environment and make those data useful for and accessible to education stakeholders.
Structuring Data for Cross-Sector Longitudinal Reporting
May 2018
SLDSs support state programs and inform policy decisions by providing high-quality, longitudinal data that cross multiple sectors of education, workforce, and social services. To achieve this purpose, SLDS teams must solve the challenge of delivering cross-sector longitudinal data from their data systems in a form that stakeholders can use. This brief describes how two states, Hawai‘i and Washington, have developed products and processes to provide cross-sector longitudinal data to inform research and policy decisions.
State Communications Plans
December 2017
Formal communications plans help state SLDS teams increase the impact of their data work and keep key stakeholders engaged with the data system. This brief describes important considerations and steps toward developing a communications plan. It also highlights how SLDS teams in Hawaii, Kentucky, and Minnesota have created and used communications plans.
SLDS Issue Brief: Maryland's Synthetic Data Project
August 2017
The Maryland Longitudinal Data System Center (MLDS Center) is investigating the use of a synthetic data method to increase the amount of rigorous policy research conducted with MLDS data while protecting confidential individual data. The method would allow policy analysts and researchers to use synthetic data without going through the lengthy approval process required to use confidential data. In addition to increasing access to MLDS data and the data’s impact on policy and practice, the project could be a model for states seeking to protect confidential data while encouraging statewide longitudinal data system (SLDS) use for research, training, and evaluation.
State Data Use Cases
May 2019
These use cases highlight Kentucky's work in the SLDS priority areas of College & Career and Evaluation & Research. Kentucky’s Future Skills Report allows Kentuckians at all levels of data expertise to examine past, present, and future supply and demands needs in Kentucky’s Workforce. In the area of Evaluation & Research, the Postsecondary Feedback Report is enabling institutions and policymakers evaluate whether Kentucky graduates are meeting the state’s employment needs.
March 2019
These use cases highlight Minnesota's work in the SLDS priority areas of Early Learning and College & Career. Minnesota's Early Childhood Longitudinal Data System offers data about students' school performance through 12th grade that early childhood programs can share publicly with multiple audiences. In the area of College & Career, new outcomes data are helping Minnesota leaders and educators study students’ education and employment decisions in a variety of economic conditions.
November 2018
These use cases highlight Wisconsin's work in the SLDS priority areas of Evaluation & Research and Instructional Support. In the area of Evaluation & Research, Wisconsin is examining the predictive power of data to give educators a fuller and more nuanced understanding of how poverty affects student outcomes. In the area of Instructional Support, Wisconsin's SmartTeach app lets teachers collect, view, and use classroom data to support personalized instruction.
October 2018
These use cases highlight Hawai'i's work in the SLDS priority areas of College & Career and Instructional Support. In the area of College & Career, Hawai'i has boosted the number of incoming students passing college-level math courses by placing them according to their high school academic performance rather than traditional placement tests. In the Instructional Support priority area, Hawai'i's On Track Dashboard lets K12 educators spend less time identifying struggling students and more time supporting those students toward graduation.