District Demographic
Dashboard 2018–22

Mill River Unified School District, Vermont
Total Population
Data not available for this district
Median Household Income |
Data not available for this district
Total Households
Data not available for this district


Data not available for this district Data not available for this district Data not available for this district Data not available for this district Data not available for this district Data not available for this district Data not available for this district Data not available for this district


Year Structure was Built
Data not available for this district
2000 and after
Data not available for this district
1970 - 1999
Data not available for this district
before 1970
Households with Broadband Internet |
Data not available for this district

Housing Structure Type
Data not available for this district
Data not available for this district
ACS-ED data for children and parents are not available for this district due to insufficient sample size.


State and National

Median Household Income |

Data not available for this district.

Families with Food Stamp/SNAP benefits |

Data not available for this district.

Households with Broadband Internet |

Data not available for this district.

Speaks English Less Than Very Well |

Data not available for this district.

Married Couple Household |

Data not available for this district.

Families with Income Below the Poverty Level |

Data not available for this district.

Bachelor’s Degree or Higher

Data not available for this district.

Not In Labor Force

Data not available for this district.

All indicators are sourced from the ACS-ED tabulation. For additional social and economic characteristics, visit the ACS-ED table collection or explore the ACS-ED interactive mapACS-ED maps.

Children enrolled in public school are defined as the population ages 3-17 and those ages 18 & 19 who have not graduated from high school and report attending public school in the past 3 months. Subject definitions are available in the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey program documentation.