Title: | WWC Review of the Report "Milwaukee Parental Choice Program Longitudinal Educational Growth Study Fifth Year Report" |
Description: | The study examined the effectiveness of the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program (MPCP), which provides vouchers for low-income students to attend private schools. In 2010, about 21,000 children participated in the MPCP, and the maximum voucher amount was nearly $6,500. The study estimated the effect of the voucher program by comparing over 600 MPCP students' standardized test scores in 2010--four years after they were given a voucher--with those of comparison group students. |
Online Availability: | |
Cover Date: | August 2012 |
Web Release: | August 7, 2012 |
Publication #: | WWC SSRSC121 |
Center/Program: | WWC |
Associated Centers: | NCEE |
Authors: | WWC |
Type of Product: | Single Study Review |
Keywords: | |
Questions: |
For questions about the content of this Single Study Review, please contact: Erin Pollard. |