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Title: Limited certificated teachers in Washington: Barriers to becoming fully certificated and needed supports
Description: Many states, including Washington, are attempting to address teacher shortages by encouraging limited certificated teachers to become fully certificated. Before investing in efforts to support these teachers as they seek full certification, Washington policymakers want to understand more about their interests and needs. This study presents the findings of a statewide survey of limited certificated teachers in Washington. Survey results show that more than two-thirds of the limited certificated teachers who completed the survey expressed interest in becoming fully certificated, and many expressed interest in becoming fully certificated in subject areas that currently face staffing shortages. Those who expressed interest in becoming fully certificated identified substantial barriers to doing so, however, including time and financial concerns. This was particularly true for limited certificated teachers of color, who identified a broader range of supports they would need if they were to pursue full certification. These findings have important implications for the state’s effort to address teacher shortages and to increase the diversity of its teacher workforce.
Online Availability:
Cover Date: December 2019
Web Release: December 9, 2019
Publication #: REL 2020013
Center/Program: REL
Associated Centers: NCEE
Type of Product: Descriptive Study
Questions: For questions about the content of this Descriptive Study, please contact:
Amy Johnson.