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Search Results: (16-30 of 539 records)

 Pub Number  Title  Date
NCES 2022009 Digest of Education Statistics, 2020
The 56th in a series of publications initiated in 1962, the Digest's purpose is to provide a compilation of statistical information covering the broad field of education from prekindergarten through graduate school. The Digest contains data on a variety of topics, including the number of schools and colleges, teachers, enrollments, and graduates, in addition to educational attainment, finances, and federal funds for education, libraries, and international comparisons.
NCES 2022478 2017–18 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study, Administrative Collection (NPSAS:18-AC) Restricted-Use Data File
The 2017–18 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study, Administrative Collection (NPSAS:18-AC) restricted-use data file contains administrative record data on student financial aid, enrollment, demographic characteristics, institution characteristics, and income for approximately 245,000 undergraduate students and 21,000 graduate students attending 1,900 postsecondary institutions in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Data on undergraduate students are nationally representative, as well as state-representative for 30 states overall, 36 states for public 2-year institutions, and 45 states for public 4-year institutions. NPSAS covers topics pertaining to student enrollment with a focus on how individuals and families finance postsecondary education. NPSAS:18-AC is based solely on data collected from administrative data sources and, unlike other NPSAS studies, does not include student survey data.
NCES 2022477 2017–18 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study, Administrative Collection (NPSAS:18-AC) Data File Documentation
This publication describes the methods and procedures used for the 2017–18 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study, Administrative Collection (NPSAS:18-AC). It also provides information that will be helpful to analysts in accessing and understanding the restricted-use files containing the NPSAS:18-AC data. NPSAS:18-AC includes cross-sectional, nationally representative samples of undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in postsecondary education in the United States. NPSAS:18 AC also includes state-representative samples of undergraduate students in some states, as well as in public 2 year and in public 4 year institution sectors within some states. The study covers topics pertaining to student enrollment with a focus on how individuals and families finance postsecondary education. NPSAS:18-AC is based solely on data collected from administrative data sources and, unlike other NPSAS studies, does not include student survey data.
WWC 2022003 Effective Advising for Postsecondary Students
This practice guide provides four evidence-based recommendations for designing and delivering comprehensive, integrated advising to support students' educational success.
NCES 2020239REV A 2017 Follow-up: Six-year Withdrawal, Stopout, and Transfer Rates for 2011–12 First-time Postsecondary Students
Based on data collected through the Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study (BPS:12/17), a nationally representative study which followed first-time college students for 6 years, these Web Tables provide information on students' characteristics and their withdrawal, stopout, and transfer rates.
NCES 2021341 2008/18 Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study (B&B:08/18) Restricted-Use Data File (RUF)

This B&B:08/18 restricted-use dataset is the third and final data release for this study of a national sample of 2007–08 bachelor’s degree recipients who were surveyed 4 times over 10 years, in 2008, 2009, 2012, and 2018.

The Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study (B&B) examines students' education and work experiences after they complete a bachelor’s degree, with a special emphasis on the experiences of new elementary and secondary teachers.

NCES 2021141 2008/18 Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study (B&B:08/18) Data File Documentation
This publication describes the methods and procedures used for the 2008/18 Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study (B&B:08/18). The B&B graduates, who completed the requirements for a bachelor’s degree during the 2007–08 academic year, were first surveyed as part of the 2008 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:08), and then followed up with in 2009 and 2012. The 2018 follow-up is the third and final survey for the B&B:08 cohort, conducted 10 years after completion of the bachelor’s degree. This report details the methodology and outcomes of the B&B:08/18 student survey data collection and administrative records matching.
NCES 2010171REV2 2007-08 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:08) Restricted-Use Data File

The 2007–08 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:08) restricted-use data file contains data on a sample of 114,000 undergraduate students and 14,000 graduate and first-professional students. These students were enrolled between July 1, 2007 and June 30, 2008 in about 1,730 postsecondary institutions. The data are representative of all undergraduate, graduate, and first professional students enrolled in postsecondary institutions in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico that were eligible to participate in the federal financial aid programs in Title IV of the Higher Education Act. NPSAS focuses on how students and their families pay for postsecondary education and collects a wide range of demographic information about the nation’s postsecondary students.

In 2021, the RUF was converted from the Microsoft Windows-based Electronic Codebook into flat text data files that can be accessed using statistical software syntax. The RUF includes all of the revised weights and derived variables added since the original release of the data.

NCES 2021178 2012 Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study (BPS:12) Student Records Collection research datafile
The 2012 Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study (BPS:12) Student Records Collection research datafile is a release of exploratory administrative data that are made available only for research on institution response and imputation methodologies. As a result of low institutional response rates, population estimates are NOT advised. Specifically, these data should NOT be used to generate population estimates or analyze the postsecondary records of this BPS cohort. This release includes student-level data for a nationally representative sample of over 35,000 first-time beginning postsecondary students who began postsecondary education during the 2011-12 academic year. Efforts, albeit unsuccessful, were made to collect student level data on enrollment, student budget, and financial aid from postsecondary education institutions attended between the 2011–12 and 2016–17 academic years.
NCES 2021524 2012 Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study (BPS:12) Student Records Collection Data File Documentation: Research Data File Documentation
This publication describes the methodology used in the 2012 Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study (BPS:12) Student Records Collection research datafile, a release of exploratory administrative data that are made available only for research on institution response and imputation methodologies. As a result of low institutional response rates, population estimates are NOT advised. Specifically, these data should NOT be used to generate population estimates or analyze the postsecondary records of this BPS cohort. This release includes student-level data for a nationally representative sample of over 35,000 first-time beginning postsecondary students who began postsecondary education during the 2011-12 academic year. Efforts, albeit unsuccessful, were made to collect student level data on enrollment, student budget, and financial aid from postsecondary education institutions attended between the 2011–12 and 2016–17 academic years.
NCES 2021456 2019–20 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:20): First Look at the Impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic on Undergraduate Student Enrollment, Housing, and Finances (Preliminary Data)
This First Look publication provides preliminary results of the 2019–20 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:20), with a particular focus on how the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic affected student experiences. The report includes information for about 61,000 undergraduate students attending postsecondary institutions in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Since NPSAS:20 is designed to be nationally representative, the data used in this report provide the first national estimates of the impact of COVID-19 on postsecondary students. This First Look describes pandemic disruptions to students’ enrollment, housing, and finances, as well as how institutions supported and informed students on these and other impacts.
NCES 2021029 2012–2016 Program for International Student Assessment Young Adult Follow-up Study (PISA YAFS): How reading and mathematics performance at age 15 relate to literacy and numeracy skills and education, workforce, and life outcomes at age 19
This Research and Development report provides data on the literacy and numeracy performance of U.S. young adults at age 19, as well as examines the relationship between that performance and their earlier reading and mathematics proficiency in PISA 2012 at age 15. It also explores how other aspects of their lives at age 19—such as their engagement in postsecondary education, participation in the workforce, attitudes, and vocational interests—are related to their proficiency at age 15.
REL 2021091 Identifying Indicators that Predict Postsecondary Readiness and Success in Arkansas
Arkansas has identified college and career readiness indicators for schools that can be used to monitor students' performance and to improve their postsecondary readiness and success. Using two cohorts of grade 6 students, this study examined the extent to which Arkansas’s middle school and high school indicators of postsecondary readiness predict a student postsecondary readiness outcome (an ACT score of 19 or higher) and success outcomes (enrolled in college for at least one term within eight years of beginning grade 6, and persisted in college by enrolling for more than one term within eight years of beginning grade 6). The study estimated the accuracy and strength of the middle school and high school indicators for predicting the outcomes. While fewer than half of students met the Arkansas postsecondary readiness standard, more than half enrolled in college and about half persisted for more than one term within eight years of beginning grade 6. Middle school and high school indicators, when combined with student background characteristics, predicted readiness and success outcomes with greater accuracy than did student background characteristics alone. Middle school indicators that were major predictors for at least two of the three outcomes examined included proficiency in English language arts and math, regular school attendance, no suspensions, and no expulsions. High school indictors that were major predictors for at least two of the outcomes included grade point average, enrollment in an advanced course, regular school attendance, and no expulsions.
REL 2021087 The Impact of Career and Technical Education on Postsecondary Outcomes in Nebraska and South Dakota
Education leaders in Nebraska and South Dakota partnered with the Regional Educational Laboratory Central to examine how completing a sequence of career and technical education (CTE) courses in high school affects students' rates of on-time high school graduation and their rates of postsecondary education enrollment and completion within two and five years. The study found that CTE concentrators (students who complete a sequence of CTE courses aligned to a specific career field such as manufacturing or education and training) were 7 percentage points more likely than non-CTE concentrators to graduate from high school on time and 10 percentage points more likely to enroll in any type of postsecondary education within two years of their expected high school graduation year. The study also found that CTE concentrators were 3 percentage points more likely than non-CTE concentrators to earn a postsecondary award, such as a professional certificate, diploma, or associate’s or bachelor’s degree, within five years of their expected high school graduation year. CTE concentrators were 4 percentage points more likely than non-CTE concentrators to obtain up to an associate’s degree as their highest postsecondary award within five years of their expected high school graduation year but 1 percentage point less likely to obtain a bachelor’s degree or higher.
REL 2021074 Steps to Develop a Model to Estimate School- and District-Level Postsecondary Success
This tool is intended to support state and local education agencies in developing a statistical model for estimating student postsecondary success at the school or district level. The tool guides education agency researchers, analysts, and decisionmakers through options to consider when developing their own model. The resulting model generates an indicator of a school's or district's contribution to the postsecondary success of its students after contextual factors are accounted for that might be outside a school's or district's control, such as student demographic characteristics and community characteristics. State and local education agencies could use the information generated by the models they develop to help meet federal and state reporting requirements and to inform their own efforts to improve their students’ postsecondary success.
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