Search Results: (16-30 of 53 records)
Pub Number | Title | Date |
NCES 2018099 | School Attendance Boundary Survey (SABS) File Documentation: 2015-2016
The School Attendance Boundaries Survey (SABS) was an experimental survey conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) with assistance from the U.S. Census Bureau to collect school attendance boundaries for regular schools in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Attendance boundaries, sometimes known as school catchment areas, define the geographic extent served by a local school for the purpose of student assignments. School district administrators create attendance areas to help organize and plan district-wide services, and districts may adjust individual school boundaries to help balance the physical capacity of local schools with changes in the local school-age population. This document summarizes the final cycle of the experimental boundary collection. The 2015-16 SABS collection was intended to update boundaries collected during the 2013-2014 cycle and to supplement boundaries from additional districts not included in the previous collection. |
5/1/2018 |
NCES 2018466 | 2015–16 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:16): Student Financial Aid Estimates for 2015–16
This First Look publication provides the first results of the 2015–16 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:16), the most comprehensive nationally representative survey of student financing of postsecondary education in the United States. The survey was conducted with about 89,000 undergraduate students and 24,000 graduate students attending 1,800 postsecondary institutions in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. This report describes the percentages of students receiving various types of financial aid and average amounts received, by type of institution attended, attendance pattern, dependency status, and income level. |
1/30/2018 |
NCEE 20174005 | Upward Bound at 50: Reporting on Implementation Practices Today
Launched in 1965, Upward Bound (UB) is one of the flagship federal college access programs targeted to low-income or potential first-generation college students. This evaluation report is based on a on a 2013 survey of regular UB project directors and examines the approaches that UB projects use to provide core program services. While legislation prescribes the seven core services to be offered to students, findings suggest similarities in how Upward Bound projects focus and deliver only some core services and variation across projects operated ("hosted") by different kinds of institutions and in different locales. |
11/17/2016 |
NCEE 20174008 | Do Low-Income Students Have Equal Access to Effective Teachers? Evidence from 26 Districts
This report examines whether low-income students are taught by less effective teachers than high-income students and if so, whether reducing this inequity would close the student achievement gap. It also describes how the hiring of teachers and their subsequent movement into and out of schools could affect low-income students' access to effective teachers. The study includes fourth- to eighth-grade teachers over five school years (2008-2009 to 2012-2013) in 26 school districts across the country. Teacher effectiveness is measured using a statistical approach that estimates a teacher's contribution to student learning controlling for students' prior achievement and other characteristics. The study found small inequities in teacher effectiveness between low- and high-income students. However, in a small subset of districts, there is meaningful inequity in access to effective teachers in math where providing equal access to effective teachers over a five year period would reduce the math achievement gap by at least a tenth of a standard deviation of student achievement, the equivalent of about 4 percentile points. The report also finds patterns of teacher hiring and transfers that are consistent with small inequities in teacher effectiveness while teacher attrition is not. |
10/27/2016 |
NCES 2016667REV | Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) 2012/2014: U.S. National Supplement Public Use Data Files-Household
The PIAAC 2012/14 U.S. PUF contains individual unit record data including both responses to the background questionnaire and the cognitive assessment from both the first and second U.S. PIAAC data collections, completed in 2012 and 2014, respectively. In September 2017, the PUF was reissued, with an Errata Sheet detailing the revisions. Statistical disclosure control treatments were applied due to confidentiality concerns. For more details on the PUF, please refer to Appendix E of the U.S. PIAAC Technical Report (NCES 2016-036REV). How to get PIAAC Restricted Use Data. |
9/15/2016 |
NCES 2016668REV | Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) 2012/2014: U.S. National Supplement Restricted Use Data Files-Household
The PIAAC 2012/14 U.S. RUF contains individual unit record data including both responses to the background questionnaire and the cognitive assessment from both the first and second U.S. PIAAC data collections, completed in 2012 and 2014, respectively. Statistical disclosure control treatments were applied due to confidentiality concerns. In addition to the variables in the PUF (NCES 2014-667REV), the RUF contains detailed versions of variables and additional data collected through U.S. specific questionnaire routing. The RUF can be accessed through a restricted use license agreement with the National Center for Education Statistics. For more details on the RUF, please refer to Appendix E of the U.S. PIAAC Technical Report (NCES 2016-036REV). |
9/15/2016 |
NCEE 20164007 | Evaluation of the DC Opportunity Scholarship Program: Features of Schools in DC
The DC Opportunity Scholarship Program (OSP), established in 2004, is the only federally-funded private school voucher program for low-income parents in the United States. This evaluation brief is based on a 2014 survey of Washington DC school principals and compares features of DC traditional public schools, charter schools, and those private schools that participate in the DC Opportunity Scholarship Program (OSP). Findings suggest public school principals, compared to OSP private school principals, viewed their schools less favorably in areas such as academic climate, teachers' instructional skills, and school safety. However, public school principals reported students spent more time receiving math and reading instruction than did private school principals. |
8/2/2016 |
NCES 2016144 | The Condition of Education 2016
NCES has a mandate to report to Congress on the condition of education by June 1 of each year. The Condition of Education 2016 summarizes important developments and trends in education using the latest available data. The 2016 report presents 43 key indicators on the status and condition of education and are grouped under four main areas: (1) population characteristics, (2) participation in education, (3) elementary and secondary education, and (4) postsecondary education. Also included in the report are 3 Spotlight indicators that provide a more in-depth look at some of the data. |
5/26/2016 |
NCES 2015604 | Trends in Undergraduate Nonfederal Grant and Scholarship Aid by Demographic and Enrollment Characteristics, Selected Years: 1999-2000 to 2011-12
This set of Web Tables presents trend data on nonfederal grant and scholarship aid awarded to undergraduate students between 1999-2000 and 2011-12. Nonfederal grant and scholarship aid is financial aid awarded by states, institutions, employers, and private organizations. Grants and scholarships, unlike loans, do not need to be repaid and are traditionally awarded on the basis of financial need, merit (e.g., academic or athletic), or a combination of need and merit. Estimates in these tables include the percentage of undergraduates who received nonfederal aid and the average amounts they received, by aid type (need- or merit-based), source (state, institution, or private organization), and selected student characteristics, such as sex, dependency status, income, institution type, and enrollment intensity. |
9/9/2015 |
NCES 2015025 | Demographic and Enrollment Characteristics of Nontraditional Undergraduates: 2011-12
This set of Web Tables provides an array of descriptive statistics about undergraduates with nontraditional characteristics enrolled in the 2011-12 academic year. The tables present the percentage and distribution of undergraduates who possess specific nontraditional characteristics by demographic, enrollment, and academic characteristics. |
9/9/2015 |
NCES 2015118 | Documentation for the School Attendance Boundary Survey (SABS): School Year 2013-2014
The School Attendance Boundary Survey (SABS) data file contains school attendance boundaries for regular schools with grades kindergarten through twelfth in the 50 states and the District of Columbia for the 2013-2014 school year. Prior to this survey, a national fabric of attendance boundaries was not freely available to the public. The geography of school attendance boundaries provides new context for researchers who were previously limited to state and district level geography. |
8/17/2015 |
NFES 2015158 | Forum Guide to Alternative Measures of Socioeconomic Status in Education Data Systems
The Forum Guide to Alternative Measures of Socioeconomic Status in Education Data Systems provides “encyclopedia-type” entries for eight plausible alternative measures of socioeconomic status (SES) to help readers better understand the implications of collecting and interpreting a range of SES-related data in education agencies. Chapter 1 reviews recent changes in how SES data are collected in many education agencies and presents a call to action to the education community. Chapter 2 reviews practical steps an agency can take to adopt new measures. Chapter 3 describes each of the eight alternative measures, including potential benefits, challenges, and limitations of each option. |
6/22/2015 |
NCES 2015165 | What Is the Price of College? Total, Net, and Out-of-Pocket Prices by Type of Institution in 2011–12
This report describes three measures of the price of undergraduate education in the 2011–12 academic year: total price of attendance (tuition and living expenses), net price of attendance after all grants, and out-of-pocket net price after all financial aid. It is based on the 2011–12 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:12), a nationally representative study of students enrolled in postsecondary institutions in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Students are grouped into four institution types: public 2-year institutions, public 4-year institutions, private nonprofit 4-year institutions, and for-profit institutions at all levels (less-than-2-year, 2-year, and 4-year). |
3/26/2015 |
NCES 2015173 | Student Financing of Undergraduate Education: 2011–12 (Web Tables)
These Web Tables serve as a broad source of information on financial aid awarded to undergraduate students attending postsecondary institutions in the United States during the 2011–12 academic year. Data include tuition and fees, price of attendance, type of financial aid received from federal, state and institutional sources, net tuition (tuition and fees minus all grants), net price of attendance (price minus all grants), out-of-pocket net price (price minus all aid), and financial need. Estimates are presented by enrollment and demographic characteristics including dependency status, age, gender, race/ethnicity, military status, and income group. |
12/22/2014 |
NCES 2014046REV | Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) 2012 U.S. Restricted Use File (RUF)
The PIAAC U.S. RUF contains individual unit record data including both responses to the background questionnaire and the cognitive assessment from the original U.S. PIAAC data collection completed in 2012. Statistical disclosure control treatments were applied due to confidentiality concerns. In addition to the variables in the PUF (NCES 2014-045REV), the RUF contains detailed versions of variables and additional data collected through U.S. specific questionnaire routing. The RUF can be accessed through a restricted use license agreement with the National Center for Education Statistics. For more details on the RUF, please refer to Appendix J of the U.S. PIAAC Technical Report (NCES 2014-047). Important note to users: These original 2012 data have been updated, reweighted, and revised with the release of the PIAAC 2012/2014 restricted-use dataset (NCES 2016-668). That dataset should be used for analyses instead of this original version unless you are seeking to reproduce historic analyses. Revision Release: May 2015 |
5/5/2014 |
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