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Search Results: (16-24 of 24 records)

 Pub Number  Title  Date
WWC IRALCR10 Corrective Reading
Corrective Reading is a program that aims to promote the reading accuracy (decoding), fluency, and comprehension skills of students in grades 4-12 who are reading below grade expectations. The program takes students through four sequential levels that address decoding skills and six sequential levels that address comprehension skills. Based on its review of the research, the WWC found Corrective Reading to have no discernible effects on alphabetics, reading fluency, and comprehension for adolescent learners.
NCEE 20104021 The Enhanced Reading Opportunities Final Report: The Impact of Supplemental Literacy Courses for Struggling Ninth Graders
There is substantial interest in helping the more than 70 percent of students who arrive in high school with reading skills that are below "proficient" on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). The Enhanced Reading Opportunities (ERO) demonstration evaluated two supplemental literacy programs -- Reading Apprenticeship Academic Literacy (RAAL) and Xtreme Reading (XR) -- targeted to ninth grade students whose reading skills were at least two years below grade level. Over two years, about 6,000 eligible students in 34 high schools from 10 districts were randomly assigned to enroll in the year-long ERO class or remain in a regularly scheduled elective class (non-ERO group). At the end of 9th grade, both groups were assessed using a standardized, nationally normed reading test, and participated in surveys about their reading activities and behaviors. School records were used to examine the effect of the literacy programs on academic performance during the program year (9th grade) and a year afterwards.

The study found:
  • Taken together, the ERO supplemental literacy programs improved students' reading comprehension skills during the 9th grade, corresponding to an improvement from the 23rd to the 25th percentile. However, 77 percent of students assigned to the ERO class were still reading 2 or more years behind grade level at the end of the 9th grade.
  • During the 9th grade, the ERO program also had a positive impact on students' academic performance in core subject areas, including their grades and credit accumulation. Students in the ERO group scored higher on their states' English/Language Arts and mathematics assessment than did those in the non-ERO group.
  • The ERO program effects did not continue beyond the program year. While there were statistically significant and positive impacts on students’ GPA, credit accumulation and state test scores in 9th grade, the impacts were not significant the following school year. When analyzed separately, the RAAL program significantly improved students' reading comprehension during the 9th grade year while the XR program did not have a statistically significant impact on reading comprehension. Impacts on other outcomes were similar for the two programs.
WWC IRALCI10 Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition
Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition is a reading and writing program for students in grades 2 through 6. It has three principal elements: story-related activities, direct instruction in reading comprehension, and integrated language arts/writing. Based on its review of the research, the WWC found Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition to have potentially positive effects on comprehension and general literacy achievement for adolescent learners.
WWC IRALFF10 Fast ForWord
Fast ForWord is a computer-based reading program intended to help students develop and strengthen the cognitive skills necessary for successful reading and learning. The program includes two components, Fast ForWord Language and Literacy and Fast ForWord to Reading. Based on its review of the research, the WWC found the program to have no discernible effects on alphabetics and general literacy achievement and potentially positive effects on reading fluency and comprehension for adolescent learners.
WWC IRALCORI Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction
Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction is a reading comprehension instructional program for grades 3–9 that integrates reading and science through activities and the use of science books during reading instruction. The program intends to improve reading comprehension and increase reading engagement. The WWC identified 48 studies of Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction for adolescent learners. All of the 48 either do not meet WWC evidence standards or are outside of the review protocol for adolescent literacy.
WWC IRALACC Accelerated Reader
Accelerated Reader is a guided reading intervention used to supplement regular reading instruction in K–12 classrooms. The program aims to improve students’ reading skills through reading practice and quizzes on the books students read. Based on its review of the research, WWC found the intervention to have no discernible effects on reading fluency or comprehension for adolescent learners.
WWC IRALRM Reading Mastery
Reading Mastery, one of several curriculum components that constitute the Direct Instruction curriculum from SRA/McGraw-Hill, is designed to provide systematic instruction in reading to students in grades K–6. Based on its review of the research, WWC found Reading Mastery to have potentially positive effects on reading fluency and no discernible effects on comprehension for adolescent learners.
WWC IRALRA10 Reading Apprenticeship
Reading Apprenticeship is an instructional approach targeted to middle, high school, and community college students that aims to improve reading fluency and comprehension through the use of professional development activities for teachers and an emphasis on peer interaction, problem-solving, and knowledge-building for students. Based on the research evidence, the WWC found the approach to have potentially positive effects on comprehension for adolescent learners.
READ 180 is a reading program designed for students in elementary through high school whose reading achievement is below the proficient level. The goal of READ 180 is to address gaps in students’ skills through the use of a computer program, literature, and direct instruction in reading skills. The software component of the program aims to track and adapt to each student’s progress. In addition to the computer program, the READ 180 program includes workbooks designed to address reading comprehension skills, paperback books for independent reading, and audiobooks with corresponding CDs for modeled reading.
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