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 Pub Number  Title  Date
NCES 2024024 Documentation for the 2020-21 National Teacher and Principal Survey
The 2020-21 National Teacher and Principal Survey (NTPS) collected data on public and private elementary and secondary schools across the nation. The Documentation report provides information about all phases of the NTPS, from survey questionnaire revisions to survey data collection and all phases of data processing.
NCES 2024048 High School & Beyond Longitudinal Study of 2022 (HS&B:22) Base Year Restricted-use Data File
The High School and Beyond Longitudinal Study of 2022 (HS&B:22) is the sixth in a series of longitudinal studies at the high school level conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). The base year restricted-use file provides data on a nationally representative sample of Fall 2022 ninth-graders, and their transitions into high school; academic achievement; the influence of their parents and the high school experience on student achievement and development; education equity; and changes in education practices over time.
NCES 2024027 School Crime Supplement 2022: Web Tables for the Crime & Safety Surveys Program Table Library
These tables come from the 2022 School Crime Supplement (SCS) to the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) and present national estimates of key indicators of school crime and safety, including: bullying during school, criminal victimization during school, the presence of drugs at school, hate-related graffiti at school, school safety and security practices, and student perceptions of safety at school and in the surrounding neighborhood. The estimates cover students in public and private schools, in grades 6 through 12, in the United States. The tables are a part of the larger Crime and Safety Surveys Program Table Library at NCES.
NCES 2022080REV A Retrospective Look at U.S. Education Statistics
This commemorative guide provides an overview of the history and use of federal education statistics that have been collected and reported by the federal education statistics agency (now the National Center for Education Statistics) since 1868. The “statistical profiles” in this report use updated historical trend data from 120 Years of American Education: A Statistical Portrait to offer an in-depth look at what each statistic measures, how it has been collected over the years, and what the data reveal about the statistic. First published with nine statistical profiles in November 2022, the report was updated in April 2024 to include additional content. Examples of statistics covered in the report include elementary and secondary student enrollment and achievement; high school graduates and graduation rates, and postsecondary student costs, degrees conferred, and finances. Readers can browse these profiles online and download PDFs of individual profiles.
NCES 2024153 2018‒19 Common Core of Data (CCD) Dropouts Public-Use Data Files, version 1a
This release represents the first release of the Common Core of Data (CCD) dropouts data since SY 2009‒10. These data files are the product of the CCD data collection for the 2018‒19 school year. The unduplicated number of dropouts are reported at state, district, and school levels for the 12-month period from October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019. The state- and district-level data are released as restricted-use (RUD) and public-use (PUB) files, while the school-level data are only released as a RUD file. Users need to apply for a RUD data license in order to obtain access to the RUD data files. Please go to Single Application Process (SAP) Portal at for more information.
NCES 2023115 Highlights of PISA 2022 U.S. Results
This web report provides key comparative information on the reading, mathematics, science, and financial literacy performance of 15-year-old students in the United States and 80 other participating education systems. The Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) is sponsored by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and focuses on students as they are nearing the end of compulsory schooling. PISA is conducted every 3 years, with 2022 being the latest round.

In PISA 2022, the major domain was mathematics literacy, although reading, science, and financial literacy were also assessed. In addition to national average scores, PISA also provides insight into the percentage of students who reach each of the PISA proficiency levels.
NCES 2023032 Equity in Education Dashboard
The Equity in Education Dashboard website contains key findings and trends on educational equity in the United States from a variety of data sources.
NFES 2023050 Forum Guide to Discipline Data
The Forum Guide to Discipline Data is designed to help education agencies collect, manage, report, and use discipline data. The guide discusses the importance of discipline data and how these data have changed over time, provides key considerations for data management and staff training, and identifies data reporting and use best practices. It is intended for education agency staff involved in collecting and using discipline data to improve student outcomes; promote positive, productive, and safe learning environments; and ensure equity in education. This audience includes staff responsible for reporting accurate and timely data to the federal government.
NCES 2023097 High School Counselor Meetings about College, College Attendance, and Parental Education
This Data Point uses data from the High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS:09), a national study of more than 23,000 ninth-graders in 2009. Students answered surveys between 2009 and 2016. This Data Point investigates whether high school students met with counselors about college and if meetings varied by parental education. It also describes whether students attended college and if attendance varied by whether students met with a counselor about college.
NFES 2023087 Forum Guide to Understanding the School Courses for the Exchange of Data (SCED) Classification System
The Forum Guide to Understanding the School Courses for the Exchange of Data (SCED) Classification System offers a comprehensive overview of the voluntary, common SCED classification system. SCED was developed to meet the need among local, state, and federal agencies for widely understood, standardized prior-to-secondary and secondary school course codes. The guide provides information on the development process, code structure, and element descriptions. Additionally, it offers best practices for SCED implementation and use. A companion publication, SCED Uses and Benefits, highlights user benefits and features case studies to illustrate SCED use.
NCES 2023040 High School Counseling and College Financial Aid
This Data Point uses data from the High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS:09), a national study of more than 23,000 ninth-graders in 2009. Students answered surveys between 2009 and 2016. College transcripts and financial aid records were collected in 2017–18 in the Postsecondary Education Transcript Study and Student Financial Aid Records Collection (PETS-SR).This Data Point investigates whether students who expected to go to college after high school meet with a high school counselor about financial aid and completed the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), and if meetings and completion vary varied by parental education. It also describes whether students who meet with a high school counselor about financial aid received need-based or merit-based grants in college.
NCES 2022076 Public high school 4-year adjusted cohort graduation rate (ACGR), by race/ethnicity and selected demographic characteristics for the United States, the 50 states, and the District of Columbia: School Year 2019-20
The Public High School 4-year Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate (ACGR) Table provides data at the national and state level for the fifty states and the District of Columbia to meet reporting requirements of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The table displays an overall national rate, a state rate, national and state rates for racial/ethnic groups and other demographics. State data are included for the third time for "Homeless enrolled" and "Foster care." The table represents EDFacts File Specification 150 (Data Group 695), School year 2019–20; As of May 19th, 2021.
NCES 2022303 Revenues and Expenditures for Public Elementary and Secondary School Districts: FY 20

This publication includes tables with data on public elementary and secondary education revenues and expenditures at the local education agency (LEA) or school district level for fiscal year (FY) 2020. Specifically, the tables include finance data on the following topics:

  • Current expenditure totals and current expenditure per pupil amounts by state as well as for the 100 largest LEAs;
  • Federal, state, and local revenues for the 100 largest LEAs;
  • Median revenues per pupil and median current expenditures per pupil by geographic region and locale;
  • Current expenditure totals and current expenditure per pupil amounts by activity (e.g., instruction, support services) and specific expenditure (e.g., salaries and wages, employee benefits), by state and for the two largest LEAs in each state;
  • Federal revenues received by LEAs, by program and state;
  • Local revenues by source, by state; and
  • Capital outlay expenditures by state.
NCES 2022718 Documentation for the 2017-18 National Teacher and Principal Survey
The 2017-18 National Teacher and Principal Survey (NTPS) collected data on public and private elementary and secondary schools across the nation. The Documentation report provides information about all phases of the NTPS, from survey questionnaire revisions to survey data collection and all phases of data processing.
NCES 2022053 Early postsecondary education and work outcome differences by high school credential type
This Statistics in Brief uses data from the High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS:09), a national study of more than 23,000 ninth-graders in 2009. Follow-up surveys were filled out by the cohort in 2012, 2013, and 2016. This report uses data of high school graduates’ transcripts, collected in 2013, and their postsecondary transcripts, collected in 2017-18. The analysis is based on about 17,300 HSLS:09 ninth-graders who participated in the second follow-up or for whom student records or transcripts were collected. This report shows differences in postsecondary enrollment and employment outcomes from those who earned traditional high school diplomas, and those who had not completed high school as of 3 years later.
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