Search Results: (1-15 of 27 records)
Pub Number | Title | Date |
NCES 2023466 | 2019–20 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:20): First Look at Student Financial Aid Estimates for 2019–20
This First Look publication provides the first results of the 2019–20 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:20), the most comprehensive national study of student financing of postsecondary education in the United States. This report includes information for about 80,800 undergraduate students and 19,700 graduate students attending 2,200 postsecondary institutions in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. This report describes the percentages of students receiving various types of financial aid and average amounts received, by type of institution attended, gender, race/ethnicity, attendance pattern, and income level. Percentages and average amounts are additionally described by dependency status for undergraduate students and by graduate program for graduate students. Supplemental tables feature state-level percentages of students receiving aid and average amounts received by undergraduate students. |
7/26/2023 |
NCES 2021476REV | 2017–18 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study, Administrative Collection (NPSAS:18-AC): First Look at Student Financial Aid Estimates for 2017–18
This First Look publication provides the first results of the 2017–18 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study, Administrative Collection (NPSAS:18-AC), the most comprehensive national study of student financing of postsecondary education in the United States. The study includes information for about 245,000 undergraduate students and 21,000 graduate students attending 1,900 postsecondary institutions in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. NPSAS:18-AC also provides state-level estimates for undergraduate students in 30 states. This report describes the percentages of students receiving various types of financial aid and average amounts received, by type of institution attended and institution state (for undergraduate students), and by type of institution, attendance pattern, graduate program, and income level (for graduate students). |
5/10/2022 |
NCES 2021411 | One Year Later: Relationship Between 2015–16 Bachelor's Degree Recipient Enrollment in Further Education and Pell Grant Receipt
This Data Point uses data from the 2016/17 Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study (B&B: 16/17) to examine how Pell Grants for bachelor’s degrees relate to later education. |
8/3/2021 |
NCES 2020488REV | Veterans' Education Benefits: A Profile of Military Students Who Received Federal Veterans’ Education Benefits in 2015–16
This Statistics in Brief examines the six percent of undergraduate students and seven percent of graduate students in 2015–16 who were veterans, on active duty, in the reserves, or in the National Guard. It describes differences between military students who received and did not receive veterans' education benefits. This report draws on data from the 2015–16 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:16). |
3/17/2020 |
NCES 2019485 | Trends in Graduate Student Financing: Selected Years, 2003–04 to 2015–16
These tables present data from four administrations of the National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (2003–04, 2007–08, 2011–12, and 2015–16) showing trends in how graduate students financed their education. Data include the demographic attributes and academic characteristics of graduate students and the average price of attendance for the programs in which they were enrolled. The tables provide detail about the proportion of students who received financial aid and the average amounts of various types of aid received, including grants and scholarships, loans, assistantships, and employer aid. The data show trends in the ratio of loans to total aid amount, maximum federal borrowing, and the cumulative indebtedness of graduate students. The data are presented by various demographic and enrollment characteristics, including degree program. |
9/6/2019 |
NCES 2019469 | Profile and Financial Aid Estimates of Graduate Students: 2015–16
These Web Tables provide a profile of the demographic and enrollment characteristics of graduate students during the 2015–16 academic year and information on how these students financed their education. Using data from the 2015–16 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:16), the tables include information on graduate students’ distribution across degree programs and fields of study; demographic, family, and employment characteristics; educational expenses; and financial aid by source and type. |
1/3/2019 |
NCES 2018418 | Trends in Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Submissions
These Web Tables combine FAFSA submission data released by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Federal Student Aid, starting with the 2006–07 application cycle, with other nationally representative data to show variation in FAFSA submissions by region, state or jurisdiction, selected applicant characteristics, and over time. The publication presents two measures of the number of FAFSA submissions per person. One measure divides the number of FAFSA submissions by the number of individuals who are 18 through 24 years old, which approximates the population of potential traditional-age undergraduates. The other measure divides the number of FAFSA submissions by the enrollment of undergraduate and graduate students. |
8/30/2018 |
NCES 2018466 | 2015–16 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:16): Student Financial Aid Estimates for 2015–16
This First Look publication provides the first results of the 2015–16 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:16), the most comprehensive nationally representative survey of student financing of postsecondary education in the United States. The survey was conducted with about 89,000 undergraduate students and 24,000 graduate students attending 1,800 postsecondary institutions in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. This report describes the percentages of students receiving various types of financial aid and average amounts received, by type of institution attended, attendance pattern, dependency status, and income level. |
1/30/2018 |
NCES 2015026 | Trends in Graduate Student Financing: Selected Years, 1995–96 to 2011–12
These tables present data from five administrations of the National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (1995-96, 1999-2000, 2003-04, 2007-08, and 2011-12) showing trends in how graduate students financed their education. Data include the demographic attributes and academic characteristics of graduate students and their average price of attendance. It details the proportion who received financial aid and the average amounts of various types received, including grants and scholarships, loans, assistantships, and employer aid. It displays trends in the ratio of loans to total aid amount, maximum federal borrowing, and the cumulative indebtedness of graduate students. The data are presented separately for students in the largest graduate degree programs and by various demographic and enrollment characteristics, including age, sex, citizenship, race/ethnicity, marital status, income, attendance status, tuition level, field of study, and type of institution attended. |
1/22/2015 |
NCES 2015168 | Profile and Financial Aid Estimates of Graduate Students: 2011-12
These tables present data from the 2011-12 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:12) displaying the demographic and academic characteristics of graduate students and how they financed their education. Tables include information on the distribution of graduate students by degree program and field of study, and within programs, by individual and institutional characteristics. In addition, tables present information on the cost of attendance and the various types and sources of financial aid received by graduate students. |
12/1/2014 |
NCES 2014179 | Comparison of Original and Revised Student Financial Aid Estimates for 2007–08 (Web Tables)
These tables present original and revised estimates for the 2007–08 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:08): Student Financial Aid Estimates for 2007–08 (NCES 2009-166) report. In 2013, NCES revised the NPSAS:08 analysis weights to take advantage of more recently available data and to provide more accurate estimates. Included in the tables are original and revised estimates of percentages of students who received selected types of financial aid and the average amount they received. Tables 1-8 provide information on undergraduate student financial aid and income. Tables 9-10 provide information on graduate and first-professional student financial aid. |
6/4/2014 |
NCES 2012160 | Merit Aid for Undergraduates: Trends from 1995–96 to 2007–08
This Statistics in Brief uses nationally representative data from 1995–96, 1999–2000, 2003–04 and 2007–08 to examine trends in merit aid to undergraduates by student and institutional characteristics and in comparison to need-based grant aid. |
10/18/2011 |
NCES 2012184 | The Expansion of Private Loans in Postsecondary Education
The Expansion of Private Loans in Postsecondary Education, a Statistics in Brief, examines trends in borrowing from commercial lenders for postsecondary education, the characteristics of undergraduate and graduate private loan borrowers, and combining private and federal loans. Results are based on nationally representative data collected through the 2003–04 and 2007–08 National Postsecondary Student Aid Studies (NPSAS:04 and NPSAS:08). |
10/11/2011 |
NCES 2011174 | Graduate and First-Professional Students: Who They Are and How They Pay for Their Education: 2007-08
This Statistics in Brief focuses on graduate and first-professional students, exploring the types of programs in which they are enrolled, costs associated with those programs, and how those costs are financed via aid and work. |
7/26/2011 |
NCES 2011217 | Trends in Student Financing of Graduate and First-Professional Education: Selected Years 1995–96 to 2007–08
Drawing on the 1995–96, 1999–2000, 2003–04, and 2007–08 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS), these Web Tables present the proportion of graduate and first-professional students who received financial aid and average amounts by type and source of aid grouped by enrollment and student characteristics for each of the four survey years. They also display data trends on student employment while enrolled and average net price by enrollment and student characteristics. |
1/10/2011 |
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