Search Results: (1-15 of 327 records)
Pub Number | Title | Date |
WWC 2024001 | Building Blocks Intervention Report
This What Works Clearinghouse intervention report summarizes the evidence on Building Blocks, a mathematics curriculum that seeks to develop preschool children’s knowledge of mathematics using activities that are intentionally sequenced based on the developmental progression of children’s mathematical learning. The research provides moderate evidence that Building Blocks improves mathematics achievement. This assessment is based on three studies that meet WWC standards. |
12/5/2023 |
WWC 2023009 | Pre-K Mathematics Intervention Report
This What Works Clearinghouse intervention report summarizes the evidence on a supplemental curriculum entitled "Pre-K Mathematics." The supplemental curriculum is designed to develop informal mathematical knowledge and skills in preschool children. Specific mathematical concepts and skills from each unit are taught in the classroom through teacher-guided, small-group activities using concrete manipulatives. The research provides strong evidence that Pre-K Mathematics improves mathematics achievement, although the intervention had uncertain effects on outcomes in the language domain, reading & literacy related domain, social-emotional learning domain, and self-regulation domain. This assessment is based on five studies that meet WWC standards. |
9/19/2023 |
NCEE 2023007 | IDEA State and Local Implementation Study 2019: Compendium of Survey Results
Federal policy has long played a key role in how the more than seven million children with disabilities are educated, but the context for the policies has been shifting. This compendium describes the methods, response rates, and weights used for surveys of state, district, and school agency personnel about implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act in the 2019-2020 school year. It also includes detailed tables, based on the surveys, that provide a national picture of policies and practices, 15 years after the law was last updated and 10 years after a similar study was conducted. |
9/11/2023 |
WWC 2023007 | World of Words Intervention Report
This What Works Clearinghouse intervention report summarizes the evidence on World of Words. World of Words aims to accelerate the development of preschool children’s vocabulary knowledge, concept knowledge, and content knowledge in science through topic-centered conversations and shared book readings. The research provides strong evidence that World of Words improved student language skills. This assessment is based on four studies that meet WWC standards. |
8/22/2023 |
WWC 2023006 | Reading Recovery® Intervention Report
This new What Works Clearinghouse intervention report summarizes the evidence on Reading Recovery®, updating an earlier report from 2013, and provides detailed information about program implementation and cost. Reading Recovery® is a supplemental, one-on-one tutoring program designed to help students in grade 1 who score below grade level in reading. The program aims to improve student reading and writing skills by providing one-on-one tutoring and tailoring lessons to each student. Trained Reading Recovery® teachers deliver the tutoring in daily 30-minute sessions over the course of 12 to 20 weeks. Based on two studies that meet WWC standards, there is moderate evidence that Reading Recovery® positively impacted student achievement in literacy immediately after the intervention. There is also promising evidence that Reading Recovery® positively impacted writing productivity and receptive communication immediately after the intervention and writing conventions 3 years after the intervention. Reading Recovery® had uncertain effects on math achievement 3 years after the intervention and on general academic achievement 10 years after the intervention. |
6/28/2023 |
WWC 2023005 | Class-Wide Function-Related Intervention Teams (CW-FIT) Intervention Report
This What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) intervention report summarizes the research on the effectiveness of Class-Wide Function-Related Intervention Teams (CW-FIT) and provides detailed information about program implementation and cost. CW-FIT is a classroom management strategy that aims to help teachers improve student behavior and create a positive learning environment. Teachers establish classroom rules, provide instruction on target skills, place students into teams, and then reward teams for demonstrating target skills. Based on eight studies that meet standards, the WWC found strong evidence that CW-FIT positively impacted student behavior and promising evidence that CW-FIT positively impacted teacher practice. |
5/16/2023 |
WWC 2023004 | Good Behavior Game Intervention Report
This What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) intervention report summarizes the research on the effectiveness of Good Behavior Game and provides detailed information about program implementation and cost. Good Behavior Game is a classroom management strategy that aims to help teachers improve student social skills, minimize disruptive behaviors, and create a positive learning environment. Teachers place students into teams and reward them for demonstrating appropriate behaviors and following classroom rules. Based on 16 studies that meet standards, the WWC found strong evidence that Good Behavior Game positively impacted student behavior and promising evidence that Good Behavior Game positively impacted teacher practice, student writing conventions, and student writing productivity. The WWC found uncertain effects on literacy and math achievement, student intrapersonal competencies, and school climate. |
5/9/2023 |
WWC 2023003 | Reading Apprenticeship® Intervention Report
This What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) intervention report summarizes the research on the effectiveness of Reading Apprenticeship®, a professional development program that aims to help teachers improve student literacy skills in core academic subjects, including English, mathematics, science, and social studies. Reading Apprenticeship® trains teachers to model reading comprehension strategies and help students practice these strategies. Based on five studies that meet WWC standards, the WWC found moderate evidence that Reading Apprenticeship® positively impacted student science achievement and overall grade point average, compared with students whose teachers did not receive Reading Apprenticeship® professional development. The WWC found uncertain effects on student achievement in life sciences, social studies, literacy, reading comprehension, vocabulary, and mathematics. |
1/26/2023 |
WWC 2023001 | Dual Language Programs Intervention Report
This What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) intervention report summarizes the research on dual language programs. Dual language programs can help native English speakers develop proficiency in a second language and English learners develop proficiency in both their native language and English. Typically, in dual language programs, classroom teachers instruct students from an early age and over multiple years in both English and a second language called the partner language. These programs vary widely by partner language, primary language of the student population, and duration. Most of the studies examined do not meet WWC standards. Based on the two studies that meet WWC standards, the WWC found moderate evidence that dual language programs positively impacted student literacy achievement in English compared with instructional programs in English only. The WWC found uncertain effects on science and mathematics achievement. More high-quality research is needed to understand the effects of dual language programs in varied contexts. |
12/29/2022 |
WWC 2022005 | Social Belonging Intervention Report
This What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) intervention report summarizes the research on Social Belonging interventions that support postsecondary success. Social Belonging interventions for college students aim to reduce the impacts of negative stereotypes that may burden students in underrepresented groups and affect their persistence in college. Examples of such groups are racial or ethnic minority groups, women in engineering, and first-generation college students. There are different variations of Social Belonging interventions, but they all have in common a goal of influencing students' sense that they could be successful within a college setting. Based on the research, the WWC found that Social Belonging interventions have mixed effects on academic achievement and progressing in college, and have no discernible effects on college enrollment. |
1/19/2022 |
WWC 2022006 | Growth Mindset Intervention Report
This What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) intervention report summarizes the research on Growth Mindset interventions that support postsecondary success. Growth Mindset interventions aim to improve college persistence and academic achievement by encouraging students to view intelligence as a "malleable" characteristic that grows with effort, and to view academic challenges as temporary setbacks that they can overcome. Based on the research, the WWC found that Growth Mindset interventions have potentially positive effects on academic achievement and have no discernible effects on college enrollment and progressing in college. |
1/19/2022 |
WWC 2022004 | Pathway to Academic Success Project Intervention Report
This What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) intervention report summarizes the research on the Pathway to Academic Success Project. The Pathway to Academic Success Project trains teachers to improve the reading and writing abilities of English learners who have an intermediate level of English proficiency by incorporating cognitive strategies into reading and writing instruction. The cognitive strategies include setting goals, tapping prior knowledge, asking questions, making predictions, articulating and revising understanding of text, and evaluating writing. Based on the research, the WWC found that implementing the Pathway to Academic Success Project has potentially positive effects on writing quality, writing conventions, and literacy achievement, compared with business-as-usual professional development and English language arts instruction. |
11/30/2021 |
WWC 2022001 | Project QUEST Intervention Report
Project QUEST provides comprehensive support services to help students complete occupational training programs at local community colleges and professional training institutes, pass certification exams, and obtain well-paying jobs in targeted sectors of the local economy. Based on the research, the WWC found that Project QUEST has positive effects on industry-recognized credential, certificate, or license completion; potentially positive effects on credit accumulation; no discernable effects on short-term employment, short-term earnings, medium-term employment, medium-term earnings, and long-term earnings; and potentially negative effects on postsecondary degree attainment. |
11/18/2021 |
WWC 2022002 | Year Up Intervention Report
Year Up is an intervention that provides six months of occupational and technical training in the information technology and financial service sectors followed by six-month internships, together with other supports that ensure students have strong connections to employment. Based on the research, the WWC found that Year Up has positive effects on short-term earnings and no discernable effects on short-term employment, medium-term earnings, industry-recognized credential, certificate, or license completion, or medium-term employment. |
11/18/2021 |
WWC 2021011 | University of Chicago School Mathematics Project (UCSMP)
This WWC intervention report summarizes the research on University of Chicago School Mathematics Project (UCSMP), which is a core mathematics curriculum for middle school that includes materials and a routinized instructional approach with an option for teacher training. The curriculum is designed to teach students mathematics concepts, applications, and skills using an inquiry-based approach with a focus on active learning. The report focuses on two UCSMP courses: Pre-Transition Mathematics and Transition Mathematics. Pre-Transition Mathematics teaches arithmetic, algebra, geometry, probability, and statistics. Transition Mathematics teaches more advanced arithmetic, algebra, and geometry, and connects these areas to measurement, probability, and statistics. Based on the research, the WWC found that implementing UCSMP has no discernible effects on general mathematics achievement and no discernible effects on algebra achievement for students in grades 6 to 9, relative to other math curricula used in study schools. |
5/11/2021 |
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