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 Pub Number  Title  Date
NCES 2003603 NCES Handbook of Survey Methods
This publication presents explanations of how each survey program in NCES obtains and prepares the data it publishes. The Handbook aims to provide users of NCES data with the information necessary to evaluate the suitability of the statistics for their needs, with a focus on the methodologies for survey design, data collection, and data processing.
NCES 2003381 Weaving a Secure Web Around Education: A Guide to Technology Standards and Security
Weaving a Secure Web Around Education: A Guide to Technology Standards and Security is a publication of the National Center For Education Statistics' National Forum on Education Statistics. This publication provides recommendations for development, maintenance, and standardization for effective web sites.
NCES 2003601 NCES Statistical Standards
This publication contains the 2002 revised statistical standards and guidelines for the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). These standards and guidelines are intended for use by NCES staff and contractors to guide them in their data collection, analysis, and dissemination activities. They are also intended to present a clear statement for data users regarding how data should be collected in NCES surveys, and the limits of acceptable applications and use. Users should be cognizant that the contents of this publication are continually being reviewed for technological and statistical advances.
NCES 2002312 Safety in Numbers: Collecting and Using Crime, Violence, and Discipline Incident Data to Make a Difference in Schools
This handbook is designed to be used by school, district, and state staff to improve the effectiveness of their efforts to collect and use disciplinary incident data. It provides recommendations on what types of data to collect, why it is critical to collect such data, and how the data can be used effectively to improve school safety and answer policy questions relating to school improvement and the safety of our students. This is a National Forum on Education Statistics publication and contains no data.
NCES 2002165 Classification of Instructional Programs: 2000 Edition
The CIP is a taxonomic coding scheme that contains titles and descriptions of primarily postsecondary instructional programs. It was developed to facilitate NCES’ collection and reporting of postsecondary degree completions by major field of study using standard classifications that capture the majority of reportable program activity. The CIP: 2000 edition is the third revision of the CIP. It was originally published in 1980 and was revised in 1985 and 1990. The CIP is the accepted federal government statistical standard on instructional program classifications and the 2000 edition has been adopted as the standard field of study taxonomy by Statistics Canada.
NCES 2000343REV Student Data Handbook for Elementary, Secondary, and Early Childhood Education: 2001 Update
The Student Data Handbook was developed to provide guidance concerning the consistent maintenance of student information. This handbook defines data elements and definitions describing personal information, enrollment, school participation and activities, out of school experience, assessment, transportation, health, special program participation and discipline for pupils in early childhood, elementary, and secondary education. This handbook contains no data. This includes the orginal 2000 Handbook and the 2001 Update.
NCES 2001305 Staff Data Handbook for Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education: 2001 Edition
The Staff Data Handbook was developed to provide guidance concerning the consistent maintenance of staff information. This handbook defines data elements and definitions describing personal information, educational experiences, qualification information, current employment, assignment, evaluation and career development, and separation from employment. This handbook contains no data.
NCES 98293REV Technology @ Your Fingertips: A Guide to Implementing Technology Solutions for Education Agencies and Institutions
These guidelines describe a process for getting the best possible technology solution for your organization. It also describes the steps necessary to identify technology needs, acquire the technology, and implement a technology solution that provides a foundation for an organization's future technology well being. This handbook, originally published in January 1998, has been updated for January 2001 with new content.
NCES 2000363 Privacy Issues in Education Staff Records
This short report discusses key concepts in protecting and managing information in staff records. This handbook does not provide legal guidelines, but does address the federal Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts and offers principles of best practice.
NCES 98297 Safeguarding Your Technology
These guidelines are written to help educational administrators and staff at the buildings, campus, district, and state levels. This handbook presents why and how to effectively secure an organization's sensitive information, critical systems, computer equipment, and network access.
NCES 98302 Handbook on Human Resources: Recordkeeping and Analysis
This handbook is intended as a basic guide that can assist postsecondary institutions in developing an analytically useful database on their faculty and staff. It reflects the perspectives and judgment of a broad-based group of professionals with expertise in postsecondary institutional analysis and a deep understanding of the issues concerning postsecondary education faculty and staff.
NCES 97096REV Financial Accounting for Local and State School Systems, 1990
This NCES Handbook has been designed as a national standard for State Departments of Education to use in reporting financial data and for school districts to use in preparing their comprehensive annual financial reports (CAFRs) that are submitted to their respective State Departments of Education. The purpose of the handbook is to ensure that education fiscal data can be reported in a comprehensive and uniform manner.
NCES 97531 Basic Data Elements For Elementary and Secondary Education Information Systems
This document contains a set of basic student and staff data elements recommended by the Core Data Task Force of the National Forum on Education Statistics. The purpose of these basic data elements is to act as a handbook and provide a common language to promote the collection and reporting of comparable education data to guide policy and assist in the administration of state and local education systems. The report also contains a recommended process for identifying and periodically updating the set of data elements to be maintained by a school, school district, state education agency, or other education unit with a need for student and staff information.
NCES 97947 The Core Data Task Force Report to The National Education Statistics Agenda Committee of the National Forum on Education Statistics
This document is a Core Data Task Force's report to the National Education Statistics Agenda Committee of the National Forum on Education Statistics. It contains the actual process undertaken by the Task Force in identifying the basic data elements. The report addresses issues not found in the larger report titled, "Basic Data Elements for Elementary and Secondary Education Information Systems." It also contains Task Force's recommendations for future actions.
NCES 97581 Recommendations of the Crime, Violence, and Discipline Reporting Task Force
The purpose of this paper is to be utilized by the public as a model for the voluntary use by state and local education agencies interested in developing or improving their system for collecting data on crime, violence, and discipline.
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