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This Week In IPEDS (TWII)

Previous date February 9,2009 Next date

The new survey component is called "Spring Supplemental 2009" and the blank form and instructions are now available from within the collection system (look for Survey Materials in the Help menu).

This short survey component includes 2 unrelated questions, the first concerning student with disabilities, and the second concerning 100% and 200% graduation rates from your 2000 GRS cohort (for a 4-yr institution) or your 2004 GRS cohort (for a 2-yr institution). The Spring 2009 IPEDS data collection opens on March 4, 2009. Please feel free to contact the Help Desk if you have any questions about this new survey component.

A complete description of the changes to 2008-09 IPEDS due to the HEOA, including the new short survey (item G in this list), is located at:

IPEDS Help Desk
Toll Free 1-877-225-2568