This Week In IPEDS (TWII)
NCES Launches New IPEDS Data Center
NCES announces the release of the new IPEDS Data Center, a "one-stop-shop" for retrieving IPEDS data. It replaces the Peer Analysis System (PAS) and Dataset Cutting Tool (DCT), but maintains all of the functionality of those tools. It also has new features to improve users’ experiences and serves as an entry point to the Executive Peer Tool (ExPT) and IPEDS Data Analysis System (DAS). For a detailed announcement about the Data Center, go to To start using the new Data Center, go to There are three levels of access, but only two are available through the IPEDS Data Center; the "Collection level" is accessible only through the Data Collection System—under the Tools menu, select "Go to Collection Level Data Center."
IPEDS Website Has a New Look
NCES also announces a new look for the IPEDS website. Check it out at The site was redesigned in conjunction with the launch of the Data Center. Keyholders and coordinators should check out the "Data Provider Center" at Here you can access the Data Collection System, Prior Year Revision System, and materials focused specifically on reporting data to IPEDS.
Experienced Keyholders and Data Users Needed to Become IPEDS Instructors
Due to spring break holidays, the application deadline for the 2009 Call for IPEDS Instructors has been extended to April 27, 2009. The Association for Institutional Research (AIR) is looking for experienced keyholders and data users to become instructors to provide IPEDS training. Please go to to read about this opportunity. There’s a link at the bottom of the page to an application. Send your completed application as an attachment in Word or PDF to Gail Fishman ( by April 27, 2009. All applications will be reviewed and notifications of acceptance into the IPEDS instructor program will be sent by May 5. Feel free to share this information with your colleagues.
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