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This Week In IPEDS (TWII)

Previous date April 27,2004 Next date

There are two documents posted on the web at that you might be interested in reading and commenting on. Instructions for submitting comments are found at the end of each document.

Technical Review Panels #2, 3, and 5 – Recommend Changes in IPEDS Survey Collection Instruments

Proposal Summary: IPEDS should revise its survey collection instruments to better address current issues of importance to postsecondary institutions.

NCES is concerned about whether or not the changes suggested will have an impact on the postsecondary institutions that respond to IPEDS. We welcome your comments and suggestions on the issues and changes raised in this document. Please comment by May 20, 2004, to the email address included at the end of the document.

Technical Review Panel #7 – Recommends Changes in First-professional Degree Classification

Proposal Summary: IPEDS should revise the reporting requirement with regard to first-professional degree programs by institutions based on a revised definition and the acceptable inclusion of additional degree programs from the Classification of Instructional Programs.

NCES is concerned about how a change in data collection and reporting of the current first-professional degree classification will impact institutional data and its use in informing policy, as well as the ability to comply with these new requirements within the timeframe presented. We encourage interested parties to send any comments or concerns about this proposal to the email addresses included at the end of the document, by May 15, 2004.