This Week In IPEDS (TWII)
Executive Peer Tool (ExPT)
NCES is pleased to announce the release of the new Executive Peer Tool (ExPT), which is available from the IPEDS home page (
This tool was designed to complement the NPEC IPEDS Data Feedback Reports which have recently been distributed to IPEDS institutions (keyholders were emailed a link to the Data Feedback Reports on 10/14/04 and CEOs were mailed the reports within the past few days). See for more information on these reports. Email your questions to
The Executive Peer Tool allows users to easily create (or customize) peer groups and re-create the graphs and statistical summaries included in the Data Feedback Reports. Although this tool uses the same data tables utilized by the Peer Analysis System, it is more compact, intuitive, and easy to use.
Some quick hints about ExPT:
You can have no more than 100 institutions in your peer group. You may select up to 8 variables at a time to create charts and graphs. You can download the data into an Excel spreadsheet.