Data Tip Sheets and FAQs
Here you can find resources such as tip sheets and frequently asked questions that will assist you in reporting and using IPEDS data. In addition, links are provided to the IPEDS glossary and Data Center User Manual that are also helpful resources. Check back regularly for more materials.
- Mapping Old Post-baccalaureate Award Levels with New Award Levels
- Assistance Transitioning to the New IPEDS Data Center (387 KB)
- IPEDS Finance Data FASB and GASB - What's the Difference?
- Finance Reporting Solutions for Jointly Audited Institutions
- IPEDS Finance Survey Tips Scholarships, Grants, Discounts, and Allowances
- Reporting Students for Institutions in Consortia
- Reporting Study Abroad Students (225 KB)
- FASB – Crosswalk of ASU 2016-14 (327 KB)
- What Are the Steps in the IPEDS Data Collection Process?
- Race/Ethnicity FAQs
- Data Submission FAQs – Available in the Survey Materials area
- Go to the IPEDS Glossary
- Go to the IPEDS Data Center User Manual (2.37 MB)
- Go to the IPEDS Data Collection and Release Procedures Brochure (0.3 MB)
- Go to the IPEDS training materials