This Week In IPEDS (TWII)

Previous date December 5,2024 Next date

1. Winter 2023-24 Data Released

NCES has released provisional data from the Winter 2023-24 collection. The Winter 2023-24 collection includes the following survey data: Graduation Rates for selected cohorts; Outcome Measures for cohort year 2015-16; Student Financial Aid, academic year 2022-23; and Admissions, Fall 2023. The data are currently available through the IPEDS Use the Data Page:

2. Update on Statistical Policy Directive No. 15 Regarding Race/Ethnicity Collection and Reporting

As previously noted, all Departments within the Federal Government are in the process of implementing Statistical Policy Directive No. 15 (SPD 15): Standards for Maintaining, Collecting, and Presenting Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity. At this time, IPEDS has not yet announced any specific plans regarding changes to race/ethnicity reporting. However, Title IV-participating institutions should prepare for upcoming changes, which may as require updates to information systems.

An IPEDS Technical Review Panel meeting was recently held to discuss SPD 15, and the summary of that meeting will be available in the near future. Additionally, the Chief Statistician of the United States has shared more information about SPD 15 on this blog. Institutions are urged to begin or continue internal discussions to prepare for the forthcoming changes related to race/ethnicity data collection and reporting. These changes include the addition of a Middle Eastern or North African (MENA) race category and the introduction of a combined race/ethnicity question, which will replace the existing two-part question.

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