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Student Financial Aid (SFA)
Student Financial Aid (SFA)

The Student Financial Aid survey collects the count of students awarded different types of financial aid or military education benefits and the total amounts of aid awarded. The average dollar amount of aid awarded is then calculated.

Data collected include:

  • Counts of the number of students in the following categories that were awarded aid
    • All undergraduate students,
    • all degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students,
    • all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students, and
    • all non-degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students.
  • The amount of aid awarded to the students in each category for different types of aid.
  • Counts of undergraduate and graduate students receiving military education benefits.

Data Presentation

Percentage of first-time, full-time undergraduate students awarded financial aid at Title IV degree-granting institutions in the United States, by type of financial aid and by level and control of institution: Academic year 2021-22

Survey Materials


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