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Archived Changes

Changes to IPEDS Data Collections, 2007-08

The following changes have been approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), to be effective with the 2007-08 IPEDS data collection. Most of these changes will be optional for 2007-08 IPEDS, and mandatory for 2008-09 IPEDS; see specific items for exceptions.

IPEDS will continue to collect race/ethnicity data using the current aggregate categories during the 2007-08 collections.

Institutional Identification (annual update in Fall collection)
  • Collect website addresses for admissions and financial aid offices, instead of phone numbers.
Institutional Characteristics (Fall collection)
  • Part C, Admissions Requirements and Services:
    • Add the following question: Does your institution have an online application? If yes, provide URL. This link will be added to College Navigator.
Completions (Fall collection)
  • No changes.
NEW Fall collection Component - 12-month Enrollment (E12)
  • From the Enrollment component: Part E, 12-month Unduplicated Count, and Part F, Instructional Activity:
    • Remove these sections from the Enrollment component collected in Winter and Spring, and create a new component to collect these data in the Fall. No changes will be made to the data collected, only to the collection in which they appear. (Please NOTE: This reporting change will be mandatory in 2007-08.)
Human Resources (Winter collection)
  • No changes.
Fall Enrollment (Winter and Spring collections)
  • Part E, 12-month Unduplicated Count, and Part F, Instructional Activity:
    • Remove these sections from the Fall Enrollment survey collected in Winter and Spring, and create a new component to collect these data in the Fall (12-Month Enrollment). No changes will be made to the data collected, only to the collection in which they appear. (Please NOTE: This reporting change will be mandatory in 2007-08)
  • Part G, Retention Rates (will become Part E):
    • Rather than collect only the rates for full-time and part-time students, collect the numerator and denominator and have the system calculate the rates.
Finance (Winter and Spring collections)
  • No changes.
Student Financial Aid (Spring collection)
  • No changes.
Graduation Rates (Spring collection)
  • Eliminate Sections V and VI that collect data on students receiving athletically-related student aid. Institutions will no longer be required to report these data to IPEDS, but WILL still be required to disclose these data, as specified in the Student Assistance General Provision Regulations (34 CFR 668) implementing the Student Right-to-Know Act. An item for institutions to report the URL used for disclosure has been added.