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Archived Changes

Changes to IPEDS Data Collections, 2004-05

Changes for 2004-05

Institutional Characteristics:
  • Part A, the collection of the institution's mission statement becomes mandatory in Fall 2004
  • Part B, item on formally organized programs that do not lead to a formal award has been deleted
  • Part C, the question on ACT and SAT scores is changed. NCES eliminated the qualification that test scores be reported only if 60 percent or more incoming students submit scores; scores should be reported for all students taking a particular test,regardless of how many submit scores.
  • Part D, NCES added a radio button to determine if part-time first-professional students are enrolled
  • Part D, for those institutions that report "by program," NCES eliminated the question on programs of at least 300 contact or clock hours
  • Part E, (completed by new institutions) no longer includes the question about providing postsecondary instruction for at least 2 consecutive years
  • The use of CIP:2000 is optional this year and will be mandatory next year. Institutions should be aware that the pre-loaded information (CIP codes and titles) will reflect CIP:2000 codes and titles.
  • This component is now mandatory for degree-granting institutions only beginning with the Winter 2004-05 collection. Institutions that offer only certificates above the baccalaureate level will no longer be required to respond.
  • Part B - the indicator that the institution offers fringe benefits for restricted housing and tuition plans is now collected separately for 9/10-month faculty and 11/12-month faculty.
Employees by Assigned Position
  • The screens that collect data for medical schools are restricted to institutions with M.D. programs. NCES will remove the screening question concerning the existence Page 1 of 3 of a medical school.
Fall Staff:
  • This is an optional year for reporting Fall Staff data
  • Prior year data were added to several screens that display summary information to aid editing and comparisons.
  • Part A - 4-year institutions will be required to report data for the 9 selected fields of study as required by the Office for Civil Rights; CIP:2000 will be used to define these programs
  • Part B - the collection of age is optional this year
  • Part C - the collection of residence data is mandatory this year
  • The collection of Part D (Total Entering Class) is required only of those institutions that calculate graduation rates based on a fall cohort; those using a full 12-month period are not required to respond to this item.
  • Part F - NCES has modified the collection of Instructional Activity to accommodate institutions that measure courses in terms of "units" by allowing them to restate their calculated full-time equivalent (FTE).
  • Part G - retention rate data are now mandatory; however, institutions that have only less than one-year programs will not be required to report retention data.
  • Caveats boxes have been added to Parts D, F, and G so that institutions may provide comments when reporting these data.
  • For public institutions: This is the final phase-in year for GASB 34/35; all GASB institutions must now use the new reporting standards.
  • The reporting endowment assets (market value at beginning and end of year) is now mandatory for public and not-for-profit institutions (Spring 2005 collection).
Graduation Rates:
  • 4-year institutions should report on a 1998 cohort; less than 4-year institutions should report on a 2001 cohort
  • Allowable exclusions are expanded to include students called to active duty
  • Less than 2-year institutions are no longer required to provide data by race/ethnicity and gender.

Clarifications to screens and instructions for 2004-05

Institutional Characteristics
  • Part B - NCES added the credit hour equivalents to the award level descriptions for certificates below the baccalaureate level
  • Part C - Instructions clarify that institutions should NOT convert test scores from one to another (SAT/ACT)
  • Part D - Questions on housing and board are modified to use "offer" rather than "provide"; "on-campus housing" will be changed to "institutionally-controlled housing both on and off campus" and "dormitory" will be changed to "housing" in Question D5
  • Also Part D - data on Price of attendance now provide for reporting a comprehensive fee (if institutions are unable to report data separately)
Winter Collection - Human Resources components:
  • Instructions will clarify that undergraduates are not to be included as employees
  • The screening question that relates to the contract length/teaching period of full-time instructional faculty has been restructured for clarity.
  • System offices that have 15 or more full-time employees are now required to report Fall Staff data.
  • Part D, NCES clarified the instructions for reporting total entering class.
  • Part F, Instructional Activity - NCES added the definition of contact hour activity to the survey screen; clarified that each program/student should be reported using only one method (credit hours or contact hours); clarified that activity should include all credit or contact hours attempted by students; and clarified that first-professional student activity is not included in this part.
  • Part G, Retention rates - NCES clarified the definition of who to include for program reporters (those who use a full 12-month cohort for calculating graduation rates), thus defining fall as a specific period (August 1 through October 31); clarified that students to be included in the numerator of the rate calculation include those who "reenrolled or are still enrolled "; and for 4-year institutions, clarified that the bachelor's -degree seeking cohort should include students whose intent was not known upon entry to the institution
Student Financial Aid:
  • Instructions were modified to clarify that Perkins Loans should be included when reporting loans to students