Summary Tables
This data tool allows you to create a wide-range of pre-formatted reports related to a variety of commonly referenced IPEDS data.
Step 1: Getting started
For all first time tasks within the Data Center, except Customize DFR, you will be asked to indicate the type of data you wish to access: Preliminary/Provisional Release Data or Final Release Data.
1.1 Use Preliminary/Provisional Release Data
This option allows you to access either Provisional Release Data or Preliminary Release Data (only available for most current collection year).
1.1.1 Preliminary Release Data
Preliminary Release Data are data that have completed an initial review and validation process. However, imputed data for non-responding institutions are not included. If Preliminary Release Data are available, it will be marked with a tilde (~) and automatically selected. Preliminary Release Data are only available for the most recent data year, and remain available until the Provisional Data are released. Due to the nature of the data release cycle, Preliminary Release Data are not always available. For reference, a list of the IPEDS data components with Preliminary Release Data available is displayed along with the relevant data year, as shown below:
1.1.2 Provisional Release Data
Provisional Release Data have undergone full NCES quality control procedures. These data have been imputed for nonresponding institutions but are still subject to additional revisions that may be submitted by institutions during the subsequent data collection year through the IPEDS Prior Year Revision (PYR) System. For reference, a list of the IPEDS survey components with Provisional Release Data available is displayed along with the relevant data year, as shown below:
1.2 Use final release data
This option allows you to access Final Release Data.
1.2.1 Final Release Data
Final (Revised) Release Data are data released the year following the initial collection, after institutions have been given an opportunity to revise their data if they believe it was inaccurately reported in the prior year through the IPEDS PYR System. Final release data can be used when the most up to date data are required; however, these data may not match the tables from the NCES First Look publication.
Once you have finished making selections, click Continue at the bottom of the screen, as shown below:

Step 2: Select Institution
After clicking Continue, you will be shown a screen to select an institution. The methods you use to choose will depend on your data needs and which report you are creating. It is a good idea to familiarize yourself with each available method:
- By Names or UnitIDs
- Selecting a Comparison Institution
- By Groups
- By Variables
- By Uploading a File
To view complete instructions on Create, Save, or Upload institutions, please click here.
Step 3: Select Templates
Browse the list of available pre-defined Report Templates, clicking on the icon
to expand a section of the tree, and the icon
to collapse it. When ready to make a selection, click on the corresponding link to select the desired template, as shown below.
Step 4: Customize the Report Settings
Depending on which template has been selected, you will be given the opportunity to customize the report in various ways. For example, you may specify data years of interest and select other data elements and formatting options where applicable:
- A Report Templates ) link is available at the top right corner. This link allows you to return to the Report Templates menu and select a different report to create.
- When satisfied with the selections, click Display to view the results on-screen in HTML format, or Download to download the report in zipped, comma separated values (CSV) format viewable in Microsoft Excel and most other spreadsheet applications.
Step 5: View the Results
If Display has been selected, the report will be displayed in HTML format. Browse the list of results by clicking on the
icon to expand a row to see all variables, and the
icon to collapse it (if applicable).
- You may click on the link to Modify Options at any time to return to the previous screen and modify the report settings; or, click on Report Templates to return to the Report Templates menu and generate additional reports for the selected institution(s).
- When finished with this task, use the Main Menu to navigate to a different task in the Use the Data ) portal; or, click on Start Over ) from the navigation menu at the top of the screen to end the current session.