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20th Annual MIS Conference 2007

Concurrent Session XI Presentations

Thursday, March 1, 2007

XI–B Keys to a Successful Statewide IDEA Compliance Management and Reporting System
Malcolm Alexander and Valencia Davis, North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
Dennis Wallace and Dave Peeples, Enterprises Computing Services
    North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NC DPI) staff discussed the key elements necessary for a successful creation and launch of a statewide Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) compliance and reporting system. The NC DPI success story was achieved with the cooperation and success in the creation and implementation of the state's Comprehensive Exceptional Children Accountability System (CECAS) IDEA compliance software. Both the successes and pitfalls were covered.


XI–C LDS Roundtable Discussions
Facilitated by staff from IES grantee states
    This participant-directed, interactive session of simultaneous roundtable discussions touched on the topics that have been emerging in states' efforts to build and maintain longitudinal student data systems. Topics included Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), data warehouses, data quality, Request for Proposals (RFPs)/vendors, effective data use, and system sustainability.


XI–D Data Collection Challenge and Success at Wayne Finger Lakes RIC
Jeff Decker, Wayne Finger Lakes BOCES
Gay Sherman, and Aziz Elia, Computer Power Solutions of Illinois
    One of the challenges for a New York State regional information center (RIC) is the collection of data from districts to feed into the state-level data warehouse. This presentation showed how Wayne Finger Lakes RIC collects district data to be fed into an Extensible Markup Language (XML) data store built on the Schools Interoperability Framework specification. Challenges and successes surrounding this data collection and how it will improve the quality of data were discussed.



XI–E Add Once, Use Many: The Next Generation of Data Usage in the LEA–SEA Data System
Vicente Paredes, Schools Interoperability Framework Association
Richard Higley, South Carolina Department of Education
Scott Gausland, Rhode Island Department of Education
Alex Jackl, ESP Solutions Group
    This session explained how to build a longitudinal data system that serves the needs of the state education agency, local education agency, school, teacher, and student without building a whole new system. The focus for this conversation was on reusing the data structures that already exist and building an infrastructure that allows you to leverage all of the work that has gone on before. Participants discovered how this is possible utilizing the Schools Interoperability Framework infrastructure and enterprise architecture and design.

Download Zipped PowerPoint Presentation:
Add Once, Use Many: The Next Generation of Data Usage in the LEA–SEA Data System Zip File (1.3 MB)


XI–F Dissemination and Utilization of Student-Level Assessment Files in Georgia
Amanda Ferster, Georgia Department of Education
    This session reviewed the process Georgia follows for disseminating student level assessment data files to school districts. Focus was placed on the use of importation and formatting/pivot table macros as well as the Georgia Data Utilization Guide.


XI–G Mapping Your State Data to the EDFacts Data Collection Files
Barbara Timm and Rebecca Kaye, U.S. Department of Education
Levette Williams, Georgia Department of Education
Charlotte Bogner, Kansas State Department of Education
Doris Tonneson, North Dakota Department of Public Instruction
    A panel of State Education Agency data managers discussed how and where states find the data they need to submit to the EDFacts collections from the education data files in their states. Since the annual EDFacts collection became mandatory for the current 2006–07 school year data, these "lessons learned" proved very useful to those attending this session.
