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Issue Brief: Distance Education in Higher Education Institutions: Incidence, Audiences, and Plans to Expand
NCES 98132
February 1998

How Many Students and What Audiences Are Served by Distance Education Courses?

Out of about 14.3 million students enrolled in higher education institutions in fall 1994, about 758,640 students1 formally enrolled in distance education courses in academic year 1994–95. Undergraduate and graduate students were seen as target audiences more than other types of students (Figure 2). Eightyone percent of institutions reported offering courses designed primarily for undergraduate students; 34 percent, for graduate students. Thirteen percent offered courses designed primarily for students in professional continuing education, and 6 percent or fewer offered courses designed primarily for each of the following: elementary/secondary students, adult basic education students, other continuing education students, and other types of students.

Among potential audiences for distance education courses, professionals seeking recertification and other workers seeking skill updating or retraining were targeted by more institutions than were other types of individuals. Thirty nine percent of institutions targeted professionals seeking recertification, and 49 percent targeted other workers seeking skill updating or retraining. Sixteen percent targeted individuals with disabilities, and 12 percent targeted military personnel. Non-English-speaking individuals and Native Americans/Alaskan Natives on tribal lands were targeted by 3 percent and 7 percent, respectively.