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Title: Pacific Evaluation of Principles-Based Professional Development to Improve Reading Comprehension for English Language Learners
Description: For report NCEE 2012-4003 Effects of the Pacific CHILD Professional Development Program

This data file contains data from a study that examines the Pacific Communities with High Performance in Literacy Development (Pacific CHILD) program. The study found that the program had positive impacts on student reading comprehension, teacher instructional practices, and teacher knowledge of theories and strategies related to effective reading instruction. Pacific CHILD is a two-year professional development program that trains fourth and fifth grade teachers in research-based reading comprehension strategies and instructional practices for enhancing student reading comprehension. The program offers an annual 10-day summer institute, quarterly three-day institutes, monthly lesson demonstrations, twice-monthly classroom observations, and weekly structured learning team meetings.

The study used a randomized design and involved 45 elementary schools across three entities in the Pacific region. The analysis sample for measuring impacts on achievement in reading comprehension consisted of 3,052 students, with 1,566 in the treatment group and 1,486 in the control group.
Online Availability:
Cover Date: December 2012
Web Release: December 20, 2012
Publication #: NCEE 20124039
Center/Program: NCEE
Associated Centers: REL
Type of Product: Data File
Questions: For questions about the content of this Data File, please contact:
Erin Pollard.