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Title: Trends in High School Dropout and Completion Rates in the United States: 2013
Description: This report draws on an array of nationally representative surveys and administrative datasets to present statistics on high school dropout and completion rates. The report includes estimates of the percentage of students who drop out in a given 12-month period (event dropout rates), the percentage of young people in a specified age range who are high school dropouts (status dropout rates), and the percentage of young people in a specified age range who hold high school credentials (status completion rates). In addition, the report includes data on the percentage of students who graduate within four years of starting ninth grade (adjusted cohort graduation rates), an estimated on-time graduation rate used to examine long-term trends (averaged freshman graduation rate), and data on GED test takers. This edition’s spotlight indicator explores data on high school students who drop out but later reenter high school (stopouts) and the reasons that students cite for dropping out of school. This report updates a series of NCES reports on high school dropout and completion rates that began in 1988.
Online Availability:
Cover Date: October 2016
Web Release: October 25, 2016
Publication #: NCES 2016117REV
Center/Program: NCES
Type of Product: Compendium
Survey/Program Areas: Annual Reports and Information Staff (Annual Reports)
Common Core of Data (CCD)
Current Population Survey, October (CPS)
High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS:09)
Questions: For questions about the content of this Compendium, please contact:
Xiaolei Wang.